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ALTERNATE K-PREP Grades 3-12 Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies & Writing KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "ALTERNATE K-PREP Grades 3-12 Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies & Writing KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 ALTERNATE K-PREP Grades 3-12 Reading, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies & Writing KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 1

2 Topics for Discussion What’s New – Alternate K-PREP Systems Page (Online Training System and Student Registration Database location) – Student Registration Database Clean-Up (Window 2) – Alternate K-PREP Aligned Content Standards – Alternate K-PREP Science Content Standards – AAAF Scoring Rubric (See in AAAF Section) Online Training System (review teacher status) Testing Windows Materials Received Attainment Tasks Student Registration Database (SRD) AAAF/ Monitoring Process for Alternate K-PREP KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 2

3 Alternate K-PREP Systems Home Page There is now an Alternate K-PREP Systems homepage which links to both the Online Training System (OTS) and the Student Registration Database (SRD). KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 3

4 SRD Clean-Up Phase To Eliminate Incomplete Student Accounts: Clean-Up Phase will occur during test window 2 (April 20-June 5, 2015). Steps to clean-up database will be provided sometime in early April. KDE will assist with the clean-up in areas needed. KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 4

5 SRD Clean-Up Phase Student is no longer in district, moved to another KY district (ask KDE to move them). Student moved out of state before testing window begins (KDE will need to remove student if scores already exist). Student withdraws to homeschool (KDE will need to remove student if scores already exist). Student tests first window as Alternate Assessment, then is placed back on general assessment path (KDE will need to remove student if scores already exist). Students are required to complete the spring general assessment. KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 5

6 SRD Clean-Up Phase Student will have a medical or extraordinary circumstance non-participation filed for window 2 (if they are able to test window 2 then a make-up should be completed for window 1). (KDE will need to remove student if scores already exist). Any student missing scores for window 1 must complete a make-up test unless they are also unable to complete window 2 for reasons mentioned in bullet above. If circumstances occur that have not been shared please communicate reasons to KDE. KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 6

7 Alternate K-PREP Aligned Content Standards Content standards are no longer referred to as Alternate K-PREP Standards but Alternate K-PREP Aligned to Kentucky Core Academic Standards (KCAS). These standards are specific to students participating in Kentucky’s Alternate Assessment. KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 7

8 Alternate K-PREP Aligned Science Standards (aligned to KCAS) Selected by Kentucky teachers in the spring of 2014; statements were “vetted” in July and were made available to Alternate Assessment teachers in late August. Standards were released as progressions to link content from one grade span to the next. KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 8

9 Alternate K-PREP Science Assessment Science will be tested for participation only during window 2 (this spring) on new standards at grades 4, 7 and 11. Alternate standards at high school are not aligned to the current End of Course standards for Biology. Assessment will look like all other Attainment Tasks in design; however will only contain 12 questions overall. KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 9

10 Online Training System KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 Create Username (e-mail address) and password Select under DAC Tools; Monitor Teacher Progress 10


12 Missed Testing Windows Make-Up Tests Any student who should take a make-up test and does not have full scores will receive 0’s for the missing data after June 5 unless a medical or extraordinary circumstances non-participation is approved. If a student has missed test window 1, a make-up test must be given. Please contact Kevin O’Hair and provide the following information: – Reason window was missed (may include new to district, late placement in Alternate Assessment or medical conditions). – When the school/district plans to administer the make-up test – Confirmation that student has not tested in another district (KDE can assist with this information). KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 12

13 Non-Participations Non-Participations should be filed during the spring K-PREP window. – File during same time frame as the K-PREP Non- Participations. – Non-Participations should be filed early during the filing window; if a non-participation is denied there still may be time to complete an assessment. KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 13

14 Assessment Training Dates Combined Overview/Attainment Tasks (AT) – Online Training available August 18 – October 17. If a teacher in your district has not completed the AT training please contact Kevin O’Hair – NOTE: No tasks may be administered until training has been completed. Transition Attainment Record (TAR) – Online Training available September 15 – May 29. KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 14 CLOSED

15 Attainment Tasks Materials Received In District KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 15 Test Window 1 October 20-24, 2014 Test Window 2 April 6-10, 2015

16 Seating Charts for Alternate Assessment KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 16

17 Attainment Tasks Schools receive 1 binder per school/1 binder for DAC; copies can be made of the original tasks so that adaptations to the materials can occur. District (DAC) copies should be kept until end of school year in case a make-up test is required. KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 17

18 KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 18 GRADECONTENT AREAS TESTED 3Reading and Mathematics 4Reading, Mathematics, Science, Writing (Editing/Mechanics) 5Reading, Mathematics, Social Studies, Writing (On-Demand) 6Reading, Mathematics, Writing (On-Demand and Editing/Mechanics) 7Reading, Mathematics, Science 8Reading, Mathematics, Social Studies, Writing (On-Demand),TAR 9Reading 10Mathematics and Writing (On-Demand), TAR 11Science and Writing (On-Demand), TAR 12Social Studies

19 Transition Attainment Record (TAR) Assessed at grades 8, 10 and 11 (Alternate for EXPLORE at grade 8, PLAN at grade 10, and ACT at grade 11. One member from the Admissions and Release Committee (ARC) or the Transition Team must be trained to complete. TAR can be downloaded or printed after the quiz has been completed. Teacher may print TAR and share with members. TAR scores are submitted online. KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 19

20 Grade 12 TAR Available for Grade 12 Students who did not meet benchmark in Reading or Mathematics – Reading - 19 – Mathematics – 16 No science assessment required at grade 12 Students completing the TAR at grade 12 should use the grade 11 TAR document for administration. KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 20 TAR meets CCR requirements for Alternate Assessment students.

21 Grade 14 TAR If a student plans to stay beyond the grade 12 assessment they should be coded as grade 14. Districts should NOT assign these students a Graduation Code until they age out at 21 or they officially exit the program. Grade 14 students who have not met the benchmark for the TAR may take the assessment again to assist them in meeting the required scores for CCR readiness. KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 21

22 Grade 14 TAR(continued) No science assessment required at grade 14 Students completing the TAR at grade 14 should use the grade 11 TAR document for administration. Since grade 14 students are not pulled through Infinite Campus, if you wish to provide the TAR at grade 14 the student(s)must first be registered in the Student Registration Database by the district. KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 22

23 Student Registration Database (SRD) DAC Access: View all teacher entries Change student information Add/Remove student accounts – Usernames and passwords were sent out to DACs or those with DAC level access the week of October 28. Anyone who did not receive that information needs to contact Darrell Mattingly at KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 23

24 Student Registration Database (SRD) KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 24

25 SRD District or School Level Entries Apply student scores for both test windows 1 and 2. Enter TAR results for students in grades 8, 10 and 11 (grades 12 and 14 upon request). Provide Learner Characteristics Inventory (LCI) information for students (3 questions regarding communication status.) REQUIRED KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 25

26 Destroy Materials Nothing ships back from district After all tasks are administered per window, materials should be returned to the DAC or BAC. District copies are kept until end of school year. DAC should (or may assign someone to) shred all Attainment Tasks that have been administered at the school level. This process should occur at the conclusion of test windows 1 and 2. ONLY AT SCHOOL LEVEL KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 26

27 AAAF Requirements Requirements for the Alternate Assessment and Accountability Folder (AAAF) are identical to last year. AAAF Information is provided in each Alternate Assessment E-mail. District Administrators may review the contents of the AAAF as part of the monitoring process if the district so chooses. KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 27

28 Alternate K-PREP Webpage KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 28

29 AAAF Audit Form (scoring rubric) This information was shared out with teachers in early November to assist in the development of their folders, along with a way for them to do mock scoring of the folders throughout the year. The AAAF Audit Form was developed by KDE staff and the regional Low Incidence Consultants (LIC). Please note that the score you determine at the district level may be different from the score provided by KDE if the folder were to be selected for an official review based on findings. KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 29

30 KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 30

31 District Monitoring Process Monitoring is not mandatory but definitely encouraged as KDE will review folders for 2014-15. Verify the following: Administration Code and Inclusion of Special Populations Training has occurred. Training completed for Combined Overview/Attainment Tasks. A signed Code of Ethics. Student assessment occurred one to one. Appropriate accommodations were provided. Instructional materials were provided (work samples for each standard). KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 31

32 Optional District Checklist KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 32

33 State Monitoring Process Random selections are made by the Office of Assessment and Accountability. May ask to view a select number or all of the AAAF folders from the school or district. Review of the AAAF Components will verify the materials that must be included. Insufficient evidence could result in the lowering of school/district scores. Reviews conducted in 2014 were shared with the districts via feedback provided by KDE. KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 33

34 Key Dates For 2014-15 Alternate K-PREP Testing Windows KDE:OAA:DSR 2/5/2015 34 DATEEVENT April 6-10 Materials for test window 2 ship to districts April 20 Test window 2 begins April 20 SRD for test window 2 opens May 29Test window 2 ends May 29TAR administration ends June 5SRD score entry ends for test window 2 and TAR


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