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DEEDS OF ASSOCIATION, SEADOM Mahidol University 28 th March 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "DEEDS OF ASSOCIATION, SEADOM Mahidol University 28 th March 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 DEEDS OF ASSOCIATION, SEADOM Mahidol University 28 th March 2014

2 Objectives of Association – To facilitate cooperation at regional level and represent the interests of the professional music teaching sector in Southeast Asia – Celebrate the richness and diversity of music in the region – Promote the role and importance of professional music training in Southeast Asia societies – Provide a platform for sharing of expertise, developments and best practices at institutional, national and regional levels – Encourage exchange and collaborations between institutions and nations – Organize an annual conference for its members, encompassing areas of research, music education, composition, ensemble playing, and Southeast Asian traditional performance

3 Categories of Members Active membership: Designated representatives [one per institution] from music schools (conservatoires, colleges, academies or universities departments/ faculties etc.) in ASEAN countries in, and other equivalent institutions in Southeast Asia, in which full-time opportunities exist for students to engage in education and training for the music profession ($150 US per year per represented institution) Associate membership Representatives from institutions, organizations and individuals who have a keen interest in the evolution of an international network for representing the education and training of music professionals in the Southeast Asian region ($75US per year per represented institution) Honorary membership Persons or experts or sponsors who are invited by the executive council.

4 Executive Council President: is the leader of management team and is the representative of association for contact with external people. In addition, president is the chairman of the meeting. Vice president: is the assistance of president in management. Performs assigned jobs from the president. If the president is not available, the vice president has to perform any jobs concerned instead of president. Secretary: is the chief in term of administrative work. Performs assigned jobs from the president. In addition, performs as a secretary of any meeting of association. Treasurer: is the one who supervises all finance and accounting, including keeping all essential documents concerned for verification. Council Members: Those council members who are not appointed in any position, would be members of the executive council.

5 Rights and Responsibilities of ExCo To design and launch the regulations for the association To appoint and discharge any officer of the association. To appoint an advisory board or subcommittee. To call for annual ordinary meeting and extraordinary meetings. To appoint committees in another position which are not assigned in this regulation documents. To manage all associational businesses to reach the objectives of organization. To oversee all activities and businesses, including the finances and all assets of association. To arrange extraordinary meetings base on the petition of ordinary members (at least one-fifth of all ordinary members) that share names to request an extraordinary meeting. To arrange any documents which are about finance, accounting, assets and management of organization. To prepare minutes of any meeting of the organization and for delivering these to all members. To cover any other duties base on the assigned regulation of association.

6 SEADOM ExCo President: Prof. Bernard Lanskey Vice-President: Dr. Sugree Charoensook Secretary: Dr. Ramona Mohd. Tahir Treasurer: Prof. Damrih Bananwitayakit Members: Dr. Van Thi Minh Huong Prof. Jose Buenconsejo ? ? Chief Executive Officer:Dr. Joseph Bowman Assistant to President: Ms Jenny Ang Assistant to Secretary:Dr. Shahanum Mohd. Shah

7 Subcommittee proposals National representative sub-committee: one representative per ASEAN country Thematic sub-committees: Leadership, communication & advocacy Student & staff opportunities Quality in learning & teaching Research & critical reflection Southeast Asian musical traditions Celebrating the new Professional development & community engagement

8 Financial Limits The president of association has the power to spend organisational funds of not more than 30,000 Baht. (One Thousand US Dollars). Higher amounts must be approved by the committee which can approve not more than 150,000 Baht. (Five Thousand US Dollars). Any amount in excess must be approved by the general meeting of association. The treasurer has a power to maintain cash of association of not more than 20,000 Baht. (Six hundred Fifty US Dollars) The accounting auditor must not be one of the committee and he/she has to receive approval from government service office concerned. The accounting auditor has a power to ask for all documents, which are about finance and assets of association from the committee. In addition, he/she can invite the committee or the officers to inquire more detail of finances and assets of association.

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