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Investigations in the Correctional Environment. 2 The Prison Environment A changing, more complex and difficult to manage offender population Increased.

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Presentation on theme: "Investigations in the Correctional Environment. 2 The Prison Environment A changing, more complex and difficult to manage offender population Increased."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investigations in the Correctional Environment

2 2 The Prison Environment A changing, more complex and difficult to manage offender population Increased operational requirements due to illicit drug use, trafficking, gang activity, and Antiquated infrastructure and security equipment

3 3 Who are the Inmates? Extensive histories of violence and violent crimes Previous youth and adult convictions, affiliations with gangs and organized crime, Higher rates of infection of Hepatitis C and Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV); Disproportionate representation of Aboriginal people Serious substance abuse histories Serious mental health disorders

4 4 Strategic Objective Improving CSC’s safety and security infrastructure, capacity and operations by: More stringent control of entry to institutions, perimeter controls, searching and offender visits Expansion of detector dog teams Stronger security intelligence capacity Improved correctional officer training, and Better equipment, electronics to support safety and security initiatives

5 5 The Investigative Process Aimed at operational improvement, not discipline based (a separate process applies) Competent senior managers investigators Dedicated capacity Consistent ant transparent reporting Clear timeframes, corrective measures and accountabilities Tracking of all commitments

6 6 Investigative Process (6 months *) Collect incident data 2 weeks * Convene investigation 3 weeks * Conduct investigation 11 weeks * Review, distribute, corrective measures 7 weeks * Review, acceptance by senior management 4-6 weeks Verify implementation of actions Closure of the investigative file

7 7 Investigations Fiscal Year 2007-2008: 89 national investigations 57 death or “serious bodily injury” * local investigations not counted here

8 8 Types of Incidents Investigated Institution Assault and multiple use of force against an inmate Assault, forcible confinement of a staff member Death, suicide, attempts, serious bodily injuries Hostage taking in the institution Alleged inappropriate injections of inmates Major disturbance and Inmate Injuries Escapes Overdoses

9 9 Types of Incidents Investigated Community Death: suicide, overdose, murder Hostage taking, forcible confinement, kidnapping Assault with a weapon Attempted murder, accessory to.. Indignity to a body, sexual assault Robbery, drug trafficking, weapons offences * 38 Deaths-Natural Cause grouped into three investigations

10 10 Infrastructure – Security Systems Perimeter intrusion systems Keeping inmates in Keeping drugs out Inmate control of movement Searching and detection Intelligence gathering (81 staff to169 by 2012)

11 11 Staff Safety Systems Training Post assignment Surveillance and cameras Personal portable alarms Protective equipment Specialized units Lethal force

12 12 Inmate Safety Classification and security levels Counts rounds and supervision Work and program assignment Compatibles and incompatibles Behavioural contracts Medication Security intelligence Defibrillators

13 13 Public Safety Supervision teams Electronic monitoring Urinalysis testing Police surveillance Circles of Support and Accountability Parole officer emergency response equipment

14 14 Technology, Deployment, Training and Threats Secure control - detection systems Perimeter (PIDS), infra-red/low light imaging goggles High volume ‘walk-through’ drug detectors (pilot) Ion scanners, CO2 detection devices, metal detectors Drug dogs (46 to 126 teams by 2012) Visitor database Advanced cell phone detection and interception systems, high resolution cameras, X-ray machines Safes for the storage of drugs, including methadone

15 15 Deployment New Deployment Standards: Additional multi-function support on the morning shift in maximum security to increase response capacity Increase gallery supervision in maximum security Support additional detector dog handlers at all levels Enhance perimeter security patrols and 22 towers - maximum and medium security institutions), and Relieve staff for delivery of additional training days Structured training related to safety and security and gang management, and mental health orientation

16 16 Threats-Challenges Interconnectivity among gangs in institutions and the community Security reclassification of gang members Active role of Security Intelligence Community intelligence results (institutional vs. community gangs) Employment and mobility of offenders with gang affiliations in the community. Vulnerable mental health population

17 17 Impact of Investigations Identification of gaps in policies, training and contingency plans Identification of emerging threats to infra-structure and safe and secure custody Identification of emerging patterns of behaviour Corporate mitigation strategies to address corporate risk profile Identification of risk factors that are unique, undetectable, not perceived or unusual

18 18 Security Systems – Inherent Risks Compromising of Security Systems by Inmates Ability to observe and analyse CSC systems and structures over time Predictability of staff presence Repositioning of opportunities to compromise systems (ie: scanners, visits, staff searches contractors, perimeter..)

19 19 Security Systems – The Imperative CSC must constantly assess and re-assess their operating environment and secure the necessary commitment (government, staff, public, stakeholders) to provide for the ongoing security structures that will ensure that risk is managed in a fashion prescribed and expected by Canadians.

20 20 Security, Systems, Staff and Safety Questions??? Comments !!!

21 21 Security, Systems, Staff and Safety Thank You Drury Allen Director General Incident Investigations Branch The Correctional Service of Canada

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