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 Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times.

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Presentation on theme: " Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times."— Presentation transcript:

1  Citizens comments are included on each regular monthly meeting agenda. No prior appointment is necessary to speak during the citizen comments times.  To speak on a particular agenda item, advise the attendant at the door.  To place an item on the Board's agenda, please notify the County Administrator's Office at least ten days prior to the Board meeting.  Any citizen concern can be communicated to the County Administrator by calling 980-7705 from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays. All citizen complaints are recorded and responded to as soon as possible. WHEN SPEAKING BEFORE THE BOARD, PLEASE COME TO THE PODIUM AND GIVE YOUR NAME.

2 BOARD AGENDA Regular Meeting PULASKI COUNTY Mon., August 23, 2004 BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7:00 p.m. APPROXIMATE PRESENTED BY TIME & ITEM 7:00 p.m. 1.InvocationRev. David Hoover, Pulaski Christian Church

3 2.Additions to Agenda

4 7:05 p.m. 2.Employee Recognitions Circuit Court Clerk Employee – Sandy Dowdy Commonwealth Attorney Employee – Deloris Gibson

5 7:10 p.m. 4. Public Hearings: a.A rezoning request by Cedar Point LTD from Agricultural (A1) to Commercial (CM1) on property identified as tax map no. 057-001- 0000-013D, (23.3690 acres), located east of the Sleep Inn on State Park Rd. (Rt. 660), Ingles District - A public hearing has been scheduled regarding this matter. The Planning Commission recommends approval.






11 b.A request by David Phillippi for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow a camper per Article 5C- 3, on property identified as tax map no. 075- 003-0000-0183, indeterminate acreage, zoned Residential (R2), located on Waterview Lane approximately 400 feet south of the intersection of Hiwassee Rd., Ingles District - A public hearing has been scheduled regarding this matter. The Planning Commission recommends approval.




15 c.A request by Robert W. & Kathryn M. Rutherford for a Special Use Permit (SUP) to allow camper Per Article 5B-3, on property identified as tax map no. 038-001-0000-177A, (0.7570 acres), zoned Residential (R1), located at 7204 Harry L. Brown Rd. (Rt. 725), Cloyd District - A public hearing has been scheduled regarding this matter. The Planning Commission recommends approval.






21 d.A request by Pulaski County to amend Article 18 of the Pulaski County Zoning Ordinance regarding Minor Site Plans- A public hearing has been scheduled regarding this matter. The Planning Commission recommends approval.

22 e.Transportation Enhancement Act (TEA) 21 Grant Application – Potential uses include the construction of a walking trail from the Visitor Center to the Wilderness Road Museum, the acquisition of additional parking and the old jail for the Wilderness Road Museum, development of an exhibit describing the Wilderness Road, and construction of sidewalks in Newbern - A public hearing has been scheduled to consider this grant application. The Board has been presented with a memo from Patrick Burton and a draft budget regarding enhancements to the Wilderness Road Museum, improvements to the Newbern community and a connector trail between the Visitor Center and the Museum.

23 f.County Budget Amendment – A public hearing has been scheduled to consider this budget amendment. Transactions taking place include the transfer of $16,047 in unbudgeted income from fines to the Sheriff’s Department, the transfer of $12,013 from the Winfield Smith bequest to be used by the library to republish “The Land that is Pulaski County”, the transfer of $27,707.76 of 911 funds to the capital budget for the dispatch system, and $1,261,042 in combined school budget grant and general fund carryover.

24 g.Community Development Block Grant Program – A public hearing has been scheduled to solicit input on the proposed Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) proposal to be submitted to the Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development for the Pulaski Hammer Program.

25 8:00 p.m. 5. Highway Matters: a. Follow-up from Previous Board meeting: VDOT has been requested to provide an update regarding the following matters from the July 26 Board meeting: 1.Update on Allisonia Bridge Repairs/Replacement 2.Request to Cut Brush back on Old Rt. 11 at the Bagging Plant Intersection 3.Delton Road Culvert Status 4.Whitt Southern Road Striping Status 5.Hatcher Road Tar and Gravel Status 6.Mines Road Paving Update 7.Dunkard’s Bottom Drainage Update

26 8.Wilderness Road Shoulder Repairs 9.State Park Road Repairs 10.Little Creek Bridge Repair 11.Rt. 634 Scraping Update 12.Robinson Tract Road at Bridge 13.Manns Drive Brush Cutting 14.Rt. 114 Bridge Marker Removal 15.Hazelwood Drive Paving Requirements – Clarification is requested regarding surface requirements for this road. The portion of road in question was accepted into the system prior to the current county requirement for use of plant mix.

27 b.Locust Drive – Request for Signage, Etc. - We received a complaint from Ms. Donna Taylor of 5601 Locust Drive, Dublin, that speed limit signs for the 25 mph posting are missing. Ms. Taylor has requested a 15 mph posting, speed bumps, children at play signage and school bus stop signs along this road.

28 c.Rural Addition Status Report – The Board has been provided with an update from Ms. Taylor.

29 d.Citizen Concerns

30 e.Board of Supervisors Concerns

31 8:30 p.m. 6.Treasurer’s Report The Honorable Rose Marie Tickle, Treasurer

32 8:35 p.m. 7.Citizens’ Comments

33 9:45 p.m. 8.Reports from the County Administrator and Staff

34 a.Key Activity Timetable – Copies of the timetable are available on the table at the entrance to the Board Room.





39 b.Regional Jail Finances – The state has capped overall expenditure for jail reimbursements at approximately $66 million statewide, or $952,774 for the New River Valley Regional Jail. This is a reduction of $511,724 from the $1,464,498 received by the Jail Authority last year. As a result, the Authority anticipates a budget shortfall of approximately $316,000 will occur in the fourth quarter of this year, despite cuts in the operational budget. To offset this shortfall the Authority is discussing a $1.67 increase in per diem payments which would cost Pulaski County an additional $7,930 per month, or approximately $95,160 this fiscal year based on the current inmate population.

40 The Board has been presented with a letter dated March 20, 2002 from the Department of Corrections regarding the status of the Regional Jail construction. In addition, the meeting with legislators planned for September 29 has been cancelled at this time due to prior commitments from legislators.

41 As county representatives on the Regional Jail Authority, Frank Conner and I would like to discuss the matter with the Board prior to agreeing to this increase. I recommend consideration by the Board to making up any shortfall through a lump sum payment at the time it is actually needed in the event that the Regional Jail Authority is able to reduce costs or that state funding increases. In a somewhat related matter, on Wednesday, September 29, the Authority plans to discuss with local elected officials approximately $900,000 in state construction money still owed to the Authority.

42 c.Personal Property Tax Payment Late Payments – Staff has evaluated possibilities for establishing a grace period for payment of 2005 personal property taxes due to having to move the deadline forward from the February 15, 2006 date. Unfortunately, we have not found a workable alternative to full payment on the October 15, 2005 deadline. Use of an across the board grace period would amount to changing the deadline. Thus, we evaluated the use of the real estate tax exemptions as a way to identify those who are likely to have a difficult time paying their personal property taxes by the revised deadline.

43 Unfortunately, a large number of personal property tax payers do not pay real estate taxes. We also considered instituting a loan program through which the County could pay the taxes for payers not otherwise able to pay but do not have a way to ensure collection. Finally, the state code only allows for deferral of real estate taxes with no provision for deferral of personal property taxes. I recommend development of a major publicity campaign to make the public aware of the situation with the goal of encouraging full payment by the 2005 deadline as a way of obtaining maximum reimbursement from the Commonwealth for the foreseeable future.

44 d.Appointments - The following information is provided regarding appointments: 1.NRRA Recycling Committee – The Clean Community Council recommends the appointment of Marion Lutz to the NRRA Recycling Committee.

45 2.New River/Mount Rogers Private Industry Council – Youth - Mr. Akers has contacted Social Services who advise they do not have anyone to commit to this nomination. I have confirmed with Ronnie Martin that a nomination is no longer needed

46 3. New River Valley Airport Commission- Joe Wilson has declined serving as an alternate. I would like to confirm the interest of the Board in inviting Jeff Arnold prior to contacting him.

47 4.New River Valley Senior Services, Inc. - Sybil Atkinson has declined the Board’s invitation to serve on the advisory council in planning the establishment of a public transit system for the Town of Pulaski due to prior commitments. Elaine Powell has accepted the Board’s invitation to serve; however we have not heard from Audrey Guild.

48 5.Clean Community Council - The Clean Community Council recommends the appointment of Eric Montgomery of the Pulaski Police Department.

49 6.Extension Agent Interview Committee – Sarah Burkett is requesting nomination of an individual to serve on an interview team for the selection of one of four nominations previously screened by Virginia Tech. Interviews will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Monday, October 11 in the County Administration Building.

50 9:20 p.m. 9. Items of Consent: a.Approval of Minutes of August 23 & 30, 2004 b.Accounts Payable c.Appropriations & Interoffice Transfers d.Ratification e.Contracts, Change Orders & Agreements Contract for InterAct Public Safety Systems f.Personnel Changes g.Two for Life Payment for EMS h.Recognition Policy for Retirees of Pulaski County i.VACO 2004 Voting Credentials j.State Increase in Recordation Taxes k.Fairview Home Roof

51 9.Items of Consent: a.Approval of Minutes of August 23 & 30, 2004 - Approval of the minutes is requested.

52 b.Accounts Payable Approval of the accounts payable, as presented, is requested.

53 c.Appropriations & Interoffice Transfers – Approval is requested of interoffice transfer #3 in the amount of $46,739.02 and transfers listed as follows: Transfers from General Fund to Capital Improvement Fund #1 -0-

54 d.Ratification- There are no items submitted at this time.

55 e.Contracts, Change Orders & Agreements - – Contract for InterAct Public Safety Systems – Approval of the documents is requested pending review by Mr. McCarthy. This contract will complete the purchase of equipment renovating the dispatch center. All equipment purchased is movable in the event that the dispatch center is relocated.

56 f.Personnel Changes – The Board has been provided with a listing of recent personnel changes as prepared by Ms. Burchett.

57 g.Two-For-Life Payment for EMS- We have received notification that Pulaski County will be receiving the Fiscal Year 2004 Two-for-Life payment for EMS in the amount of $15,531.50. This program allocates a two dollar charge added to state motor vehicle registrations be used only for emergency medical services.

58 h. Recognition Policy for Retirees of Pulaski County- Staff recommends the adoption of the policy previously provided to the Board.

59 i.VACO 2004 Voting Credentials – Mr. Akers and Mr. Pratt plan to attend through Monday and their designation as voting delegates is recommended.

60 j.State Increase in Recordation Taxes - We received notification of a state increase in recordation taxes. Since state law allows localities to collect one-third of the state amount, the local fees would be allowed to increase as well. Adoption of an ordinance on an emergency basis setting local fees at one-third of the state tax is recommended, as is the scheduling of a public hearing at the October meeting prior to consideration of permanently confirming the local tax.

61 k.Fairview Home Roof - A $90,000 loan from the Board of Supervisors to Fairview Home is proposed to expedite the repair of the roof. This loan would be secured by a first deed of trust on the property with proportionate repayment coming from other localities within the next 12 months. County staff would also be involved in bidding and managing the repairs. This request follows an incident last week in which licensure of the home was threatened due to water leakage. Temporary repairs were made by the county staff on an emergency basis. Approval of this loan would also need to include an appropriation from General Fund reserves.

62 9:15 p.m. 10.Citizen Comments

63 9:30 p.m. 11.Other Matters from Supervisors

64 9:45 p.m. 12.Closed Meeting – 2.1-344.A.

65 13. Adjournment

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