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Spanish Alphabet Pronunciation. Differences between English and Spanish More letters in Spanish alphabet (30) (29) Different pronunciations Letter sounds.

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Presentation on theme: "Spanish Alphabet Pronunciation. Differences between English and Spanish More letters in Spanish alphabet (30) (29) Different pronunciations Letter sounds."— Presentation transcript:

1 Spanish Alphabet Pronunciation

2 Differences between English and Spanish More letters in Spanish alphabet (30) (29) Different pronunciations Letter sounds don’t change!!

3 Vowels A=ah (father) E=eh (day) I=ee (feet) O=oh (go) U=oo (fool)

4 REPITE, POR FAVOR A,E,I,O,U (Ah, eh, ee, oh, oo)

5 REMEMBER These sounds never change!!

6 A: a B: be C: ce CH: che D: de E: e F: efe G: ge H: hache I: i

7 J: jota K: ka L: ele LL: elle M: eme N: ene Ñ: eñe O: o P: pe Q: cu

8 R: ere RR: Doble ere S: ese T: te U: u V: ve W: doble u / doble v X: equis Y: i griega Z: zeta

9 Vowel Practice Pronounce the following nonsense words, remembering that vowel sounds don’t change! abatanama nebebe itipidi otopo umugumu

10 More vowel practice... Pronounce the words, remembering the sounds of the vowels! tulemendu sanebini adotute ducatebilo

11 Consonants Most sound similar to English Some are different...

12 La letra H (Hache) H is always silent ! Pronounce: Hamaca (hammock) Helado (ice cream) Hilo (thread) Hormiga (ant) Humanidad (humanity)

13 La Letra J (Jota) J sounds like a hard English H. Pronounce: Jalea (jelly) Jefe (chief, leader) Jirafa (giraffe) Joven (young person) Jugo (juice)

14 La letra LL (elle) In most countries, the ll makes a “y” sound. Pronounce: calle (street) bella (beautiful) silla (chair) olla (pan)

15 La letra ñ (eñe) Makes a “ny” sound Pronounce: pestañas (eyelashes) montaña (mountain) baño (bathroom) años (years)

16 La letra R (ere) Makes a soft “d” sound (If the letter “r” starts a word, roll it!) Pronounce: sendero (path) jarabe (syrup) barato (cheap)

17 La Letra RR (erre) Always roll the “rr” Pronounce: carro (car) perro (dog) ferrocarril (railroad)

18 La Letra Z (Zeta) In most countries, the “Z” sounds like the English “S” In Spain, the “Z” makes a “th” sound Pronounce: Zapato (shoe) Bostezo (yawn) Pizarra (chalkboard) Zanahoria (carrot)

19 Special Letter: C (ce) Sounds like “s” if followed by e or I (th sound in Spain) Sounds like “k” if followed by any other letter Casa (house) Caracol (seashell) Celoso (jealous) Ciencias (science) Cicatriz (scar)

20 Special Letter: G (ge) Sounds like “h” if followed by e or i Sounds like “g in girl” if followed by any other letter Gaviota (seagull) Gallo (rooster) General (general) Gimnasio (gymnasium) Gigante (giant)

21 Tough Word #1 Bacatepocupipo

22 Tough Word #2 enchadubanono

23 Tough Word #3 Nillopoturola

24 Last Tough Word Zadepacucecalliñocherra

25 La Tarea Find a written Spanish sentence and be ready to read it to the class tomorrow with perfect pronunciation. You can now pronounce any Spanish word!

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