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Global Warming We have started our exciting and controversial topic on Global Warming. We measured the temperature in our classroom in the sun and in the.

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Presentation on theme: "Global Warming We have started our exciting and controversial topic on Global Warming. We measured the temperature in our classroom in the sun and in the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Global Warming We have started our exciting and controversial topic on Global Warming. We measured the temperature in our classroom in the sun and in the shade.

2 Theo’s posters tells the story of two polar bears trapped on an ice flow which melts, leaving them swimming for their lives in the open seas.

3 Investigations Our investigation linked climate to weather; our research discovered that the weather has been changing in recent years. We discovered, to our horror,that because of the climate change Polar ice caps are melting leaving polar bears stranded on melting ice flows.

4 We looked at some interesting posters about Climate Change from an Eco-Friendly website. We created our own posters to promote awareness of Climate Change. This poster is Adam’s idea. It clearly shows that Climate Change is damaging the world by having a chunk of The World missing.

5 Week 2 This week we had a visiting teacher who had the children investigating the science of flight. We investigated and predicted the results of different sizes of Giro-copters. In the photo you can see one flying and another in his hand!!! Meg, the visiting teacher, conducted four investigations with the class and the children who listened well, participated in all the fun of different science experiments. Later, in the classroom, the children designed and built their own Giro-copters resulting in a classroom Knock-Out competition to see which Giro- Copter flew the longest.Theo won, Katie second and Morgan third. Great fun!

6 The photograph below shows all the Giro-copters made by the class together with the results sheets and recorded timings of their flights. We also made and flew our Hoopsters. It was amazing how these constructions flew. Adam’s Hoopster flew very straight and for a long way. Theo’s flew up and and away, then went into reverse and flew back to him!!! Finally we all flew “Stomp Rockets”. The aim was to land them in a box about five Metres away. Many children were close but only Ruth succeeded in this very difficult task.Here some girls are making a start on their Hoopsters.

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