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PrepositionsPrepositions 9/20/11. Common Prepositions A word that shows relationship between a noun/pronoun and another word in the sentence.

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Presentation on theme: "PrepositionsPrepositions 9/20/11. Common Prepositions A word that shows relationship between a noun/pronoun and another word in the sentence."— Presentation transcript:

1 PrepositionsPrepositions 9/20/11

2 Common Prepositions A word that shows relationship between a noun/pronoun and another word in the sentence

3 Common Prepositions Ex: The man swam under the bridge. (under connects swam & bridge) Ex: She walked down the aisle. (down connects walked & aisle) Ex: Julie walked around the campus and toward town. (around connects walked & campus; toward connects walked & town)

4 Common Prepositions Remember this sentence: –The plane, Prepi, flew ________ the clouds. –Any word that can logically be placed into this space is a preposition!

5 Compound Prepositions Same as common preposition but contains two or more words

6 Adverb or Preposition? Difference between a preposition & an adverb: –An adverb answers the questions, Where? When? How? To what extent? by itself. –A preposition needs more than just themselves to answer the same questions.

7 Adv or Prep? Ex: He fell down. –Down is an adverb b/c it only takes one word to tell where he fell Ex: He fell down the stairs. –Down is a preposition b/c it takes more than one word to tell where he fell –The underlined portion is referred to as a **prepositional phrase**

8 Adv or Prep? Ex: Trey walked aboard. Ex: Trey walked aboard the ship. Ex: The plane flew past. Ex: The plane flew past the clouds.

9 Find the prepositions Ex: The bird sat under the trees and searched for food.


11 Find the prepositions One of the girls in the new blue car is my sister.


13 Find the prepositions In case of fire, use the nearest exit.


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