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Corners Activity Directions: After each statement decide whether or not you agree or disagree with the statement. Once everyone has settled into their.

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Presentation on theme: "Corners Activity Directions: After each statement decide whether or not you agree or disagree with the statement. Once everyone has settled into their."— Presentation transcript:

1 Corners Activity Directions: After each statement decide whether or not you agree or disagree with the statement. Once everyone has settled into their corner find a partner to discuss why you chose that corner.

2 Language is political.

3 What has happened in the past affects my life and the lives of others.

4 Language oppresses people.

5 Language can liberate people.

6 My history is important to the history of the world.

7 Language brings communities together.

8 Language can help in the domination of others.

9 Language affects the development of commnities.

10 Social movements are important to our society and to history.

11 Language can divide communities.

12 Essential Questions Spanish II Natives and Non-Natives

13 What purpose does sharing our stories serve? Questions to consider: Why have people shared stories throughout history? What are they intended to do?

14 What is colonialism? Other questions to consider: What lasting effects has colonialism had on our society and our environment? What does it look like today?

15 Why do people immigrate? Other questions to consider: In which ways has the United States facilitated the process of immigration and in which ways has it discouraged it? What kinds of foreign policies does the United States engage in that have affected and continue to affect immigration?

16 How have social movements affected and continue to affect society? Other questions to consider: What makes a social movement effective? How do social movements in the United States compare to those in the Spanish speaking world? What impacts have social movements had on our present day realities?

17 What function can our own stories serve in the fight for justice? Questions to consider: Why is this form of history important to oppressed and marginalized communities? How can oral histories work towards the preservation and transformation of our communities?

18 What makes gentrification a social and environmental justice issue? Questions to consider: Why is gentrification happening all over the world? Why should we consider it an environmental issue? What has been done about gentrification in other parts of the world and what can we do about it?

19 Qué es la identidad? Qué es la cultura?

20 Identidad Who you are. What makes you unique. What shapes the way you view the world. Socially constructed.

21 Cultura Is culture an action that you do or a thing that you have? Or is it both/and?

22 Viñetas (Vignettes) A short written description Una descripción breve, escrita A short scene Una escena corta Think of it as a snapshot in someone’s life Piensa en una foto de la vida de una persona

23 Para cada viñeta contesta las siguientes preguntas: Cuantas identidades existen en esta viñeta? How many identities exist in this vignette? Cuales imágenes evocan su cultura? Qué precisas son estas imágenes? What images evoke Esperanza’s culture? Are these images accurate? Qué son ejemplos de Esperanza usando su propia voz? What are some examples of Esperanza using her own voice?

24 Para cada viñeta contesta las siguientes preguntas: Con cuales experiencias puedes relacionarte? What experiences could you relate to? Con cuales experencias no te puedes relacionar? What experiences could you not relate to? De cuales experiencias pudieras escribir sobre tu propia vida? What experiences of your own could you write about?

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