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SIX ELEMENTS OF DRAMA According to Aristotle. ‘Drama’ is a Greek word with two meanings The First - “ACTION” The First - “ACTION” The Second – “TO DO”

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Presentation on theme: "SIX ELEMENTS OF DRAMA According to Aristotle. ‘Drama’ is a Greek word with two meanings The First - “ACTION” The First - “ACTION” The Second – “TO DO”"— Presentation transcript:

1 SIX ELEMENTS OF DRAMA According to Aristotle

2 ‘Drama’ is a Greek word with two meanings The First - “ACTION” The First - “ACTION” The Second – “TO DO” The Second – “TO DO” Tragedy was considered the highest form of drama Tragedy was considered the highest form of drama

3 1 st Element of Drama PLOT PLOT What happens in the play??? What happens in the play???

4 So what kind of things happen in the play?  Exposition (the set up)  Inciting Incident (what begins the conflict)  Conflict and Complications  Crisis  Resolutions  Catharsis

5 2 nd Element The Characters The Characters The people in the play The people in the play Don’t forget Rosalyn. Don’t forget Rosalyn. This also includes people you only hear about. This also includes people you only hear about.

6 3 rd Element Theme Theme The message the author is trying to convey to the audience. The message the author is trying to convey to the audience. Here’s a secret, whenever you read something, you also become the ‘author’ of the work’s meaning.

7 4 th Element Music Music Instruments Instruments Singing Singing Use of language Use of language Iambic pentameter Iambic pentameter The “buBumbumBums” The “buBumbumBums” daDUMdaDUMdaDUMdaDUMdaDUM “Thou knowest the mask of night is on my face,” (R&J Act 2 sc. 2 line 90)

8 5 th Element  Lighting  Costumes  Combat  Special effects and more. Spectacle  Sounds

9 6 th Element LANGUAGE LANGUAGE Metaphor Simile Alliteration Onomatopoeia Personification Symbol Foreshadowing Allusion Humor

10 In Conclusion Read this… Read this… I am going to give you a hand out. I am going to give you a hand out. Take time tonight to compare your cornel notes with the handout, make sure you have all the information. Also read the reverse side. Take time tonight to compare your cornel notes with the handout, make sure you have all the information. Also read the reverse side. There is going to be a quiz on this tomorrow…prepare for it, if you are prepared it will be good for you. (keep reading) There is going to be a quiz on this tomorrow…prepare for it, if you are prepared it will be good for you. (keep reading)

11 Does anyone have any questions for me? ????? ????? ??? ??? ? Ok. Ok.

12 Does anyone remember what the secret I mentioned earlier was? Please raise your hand. Please raise your hand. Thankyou. Thankyou.

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