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Aristotle “The Ancient Scientist”. Essential ideas  What is outside all possibility of experience for us can be nothing to us.  The human body changes,

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Presentation on theme: "Aristotle “The Ancient Scientist”. Essential ideas  What is outside all possibility of experience for us can be nothing to us.  The human body changes,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aristotle “The Ancient Scientist”

2 Essential ideas  What is outside all possibility of experience for us can be nothing to us.  The human body changes, yet the person is still the person; so the essence of anything is identified through form.  Natural things should be organized according to organization and structure.  Morally, man should strive for a “golden mean.”

3 THE QUESTIONS TO CONSIDER FOR “The Four Becauses” of the Classification of Forms  What is it made of?  What makes it?  What gives it shape?  What is the reason it exists?

4 THE GOLDEN MEAN  Having desires will create conflict between men.  There is a “virtue” that is the “midway point” between two the extremes of the conflict.  Man must strive to attain the “midway point” that is “the golden mean.”

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