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  Why was Charles I death significant?  Who took over after Charles I? What did he do during his rule?  What did William and Mary Sign? Bell Ringer.

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Presentation on theme: "  Why was Charles I death significant?  Who took over after Charles I? What did he do during his rule?  What did William and Mary Sign? Bell Ringer."— Presentation transcript:

1   Why was Charles I death significant?  Who took over after Charles I? What did he do during his rule?  What did William and Mary Sign? Bell Ringer

2   Begin on the Scientific Revolution  - Flash back of Ancient ideas  - Clash with new ideas  How did the Age of Explorations influence the Scientific Revolution?  Names and theories  New Ideas conflict with Church Ideas  Scientific Method and scientist Agenda/Objectives

3 1550 - 1789


5   How do you think people thought of science?  What do you think was being taught?  Who was doing the teaching?  Who was doing the research? Thinking of the Middle Ages

6   Middle Ages:  - Earth was an unmoving object.  - Sun, moon, and stars moved around the earth.  - Heaven was beyond the stars. Roots of Modern Science

7   Geocentric Theory – Earth was the center of the universe.  - Idea came from Aristotle (Greek philosopher 4 th century B.C.E.)  Christianity taught that God deliberately placed earth at the center of the universe.  True or False based on the Bible. Roots of Modern Science

8   A new way of thinking about the natural world; based upon careful observation and a willingness to question accepted beliefs.  - Mid 1500s, a few scholars published works challenging the church and ancient thinkers. Scientific Revolution:

9   8 8 Quick Video

10   What helped the spread:  - Muslim Scholars work translated by European Scholars.  - Studied ancient views and current views  Found that ancient authorities often did not agree with each other.  - Discovery of new people, plants, and animals in Africa, Asia, and the Americas.  Opened ideas to possible new truths. Scientific Revolution

11   The Printing Press  Who invented the Printing Press?  Johannes Gutenberg  Who gave him the idea of the invention?  The Chinese What helped spread the ideas of the Scientific Revolution?

12   Why do you think???  Expanded Astronomy and Mathematics.  Needed better navigation.  Reached Ancient limits and needed to know more. Explorations fuels Revolution

13   What major theory came from the Scientific Revolution that changed the world?  Who came up with that theory? Quick thinking

14   Nicolaus Copernicus came up with theory.  Sun is the center of the universe.  - Earth, planets, and stars revolved around sun.  What is wrong about this theory?  Stars do not revolve around sun. Heliocentric Theory

15  Nicolaus Copernicus

16  Heliocentric Theory

17   Feared persecution and rejection did not publish ideas until 1543.  Book: On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Bodies  - Stirred little controversies at first. Copernicus

18   Built an observatory and recorded his observations.  Collected data about planets and their movements, but didn't make any mathematical sense of it  His findings sided with Copernicus. Tycho Brahe

19   Continued the work of Tycho Brahe.  Concluded mathematical laws govern planetary motion.  Kepler’s laws proved Copernicus to be true. Johannes Kepler

20  Galileo Galilei

21   Challenged old ideas:  - Aristotle's idea that heavier objects fall faster than lighter objects.---- proved it wrong  Made improvements to the telescope and used it in 1609. Galileo Galilei

22   1610 Published newsletter Starry Messenger.  Announced:  - Jupiter had 4 moons  - Sun had dark spots  - Earth’s moon had a rough and uneven surface  Shattered Aristotle's theory that moons and stars were made of pure and perfect substance.  Laws of Motion and other theories supported Copernicus. Galileo

23   Galileo’s ideas were most accepted because he was able to prove his findings through the telescope.  - He was able to have Copernicus’s ideas accepted through his findings as well. Copernicus and Galileo

24   Why would the church have issues with these new ideas? Conflict with the Church

25   Both Catholics and Protestants frightened by these ideas.  People may question the teachings and authority of the church.  1633 – Galileo stood trial and under threat of torture read aloud a confession agreeing his ideas and Copernicus ideas were false.  Died in 1642 under house arrest. Conflict with the Church

26   AJ&pg=PT381&lpg=PT381&dq=tycho+brahe+AP+w orld+history+question&source=bl&ots=ScwVCDuub 4&sig=0dGDwJGICzzWNzW- l4A7uQcEPIc&hl=en&sa=X&ei=SC7JVM31GYPasAS Ko4Eo&ved=0CDQQ6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=tych o%20brahe%20AP%20world%20history%20question &f=false Use for test

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