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Friday, August 13th / Monday, August 16th

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1 Friday, August 13th / Monday, August 16th
Lesson EQ: How does the use of Puritan plain style reflect the way of life for the author and time period? Vocabulary review Listen to “To My Dear and Loving Husband” Collaborative annotations Group discussion Critical reading questions Answer LEQ Use your four vocabulary words and three characteristics of the Puritan way of life. Follow me on Standards: RL1.1a- identifies elements of fiction RL1.1d- analyzes author’s use of techniques RL1.3a, b- identifies and analyzes syntax, inversion, diction, and plain style

2 Collaborative Annotations
Invert lines 1- 6. Invert lines 7-12. Be able to explain the syntax. Diction - Define new words and explain how she uses the vocabulary words. Paraphrase lines 1-6. Paraphrase lines 7-12. Point out elements of Puritan plain style. Question, question, question.

3 Critical Reading Questions
What is your image of Anne Bradstreet? How does she fit the concept of a Puritan? How does her use of repetition suggest a growing emotional intensity? Do you think Bradstreet’s devotion is esteemed today?

4 Tuesday, August 17th / Wednesday, August 18th
Lesson EQ: How does the use of Puritan plain style reflect the way of life for the author and time period? Finish discussing poem in 3 and 5. Use 3 of the 4 vocabulary words and answer the unit LEQ about Anne Bradstreet. Daily Grammar Practice (DGP) Vocabulary for “Huswifery” Literary analysis- Conceit Reading strategy Adjust your reading rate TOTD: I am smarter today because… Follow me on Standards: RL1.1a- identifies elements of fiction RL1.1d- analyzes author’s use of techniques RL1.3a, b- identifies and analyzes syntax, inversion, diction, and plain style

5 affections apparel judgment ordinances
Definition Selection Word Sentence Reminds you of?

6 Thursday, August 19th / Friday, August 20th
Lesson EQ: How does the use of Puritan plain style reflect the way of life for the author and time period? DGP Vocabulary builder “Huswifery” annotations Puritan video clip TOTD: How does Taylor both fit and defy the elements of Puritan writing and lifestyle? Follow me on Standards: RL1.1a- identifies elements of fiction RL1.1d- analyzes author’s use of techniques RL1.3a, b- identifies and analyzes syntax, inversion, diction, and plain style

7 Annotations Invert all the lines that are in verb-subject order.
Explain the syntax. Diction - Define new words and explain how he uses the vocabulary words. Paraphrase the poem. Point out elements of Puritan plain style. Question, question, question.

8 “Sinners” Similes Metaphors Conceit Rhetorical devices

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