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Act 2 scene 3.  How did your panel meeting go? How is your senior project? How many hours do you have and how close to finished are you? Summer, don’t.

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Presentation on theme: "Act 2 scene 3.  How did your panel meeting go? How is your senior project? How many hours do you have and how close to finished are you? Summer, don’t."— Presentation transcript:

1 Act 2 scene 3

2  How did your panel meeting go? How is your senior project? How many hours do you have and how close to finished are you? Summer, don’t point and laugh at others because you are done with Senior Project. Write whatever you want.

3  Your next log is due 3/23  Your portfolio is due 4/20  You will need a mentor letter-Now is a good time to start talking to your mentor about that.  An explanation of the expertise of the evaluator (training, experience, present employment title, etc.)  A detailed summary of his/her knowledge about and involvement in your project  Her/his evaluation of the quality your final product or work overall  Your next panel meeting is …. I don’t know. I’ll let you know when I find out.

4  Act 2 scene 3 in video  Iago’s Speeches  The Paraphrase Game Journals due Friday for Act 2 entries  Read Closely to analyze Character in Othello

5 Act 2 Scene 3 “So will I turn her virtue into pitch”  Iago advises Cassio to ask Desdemona to plead his case with Othello  Iago tells of his plan to bring down Cassio by suggesting to Othello that Desdemona is pleading for Cassio because he is her lover. He persuades Roderigo to remain in Cyprus and encourages him to be patient.

6 In your journals 1. As we watch: Take notes on the differences that you see. (who wants to follow to see lines cut (2-3 volunteers)

7  How did the different Cassios act drunk? Repentant?  Which Iago seemed more diabolical?  What choice of blocking and gesture contributed to the overall scene?  How did the choice of setting affect the performances?

8  2.3.338-364 (And what’s he then that says”)  2.3.372-391 (How poor are they that have not”)

9  After I say a line, I will ask you to paraphrase as quickly as you can.

10  Why is Iago so successful at manipulating these characters. Do you want him to win or lose at his game?

11 QuotationWhat says in your own wordsComments Cassio: I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial 2.3.270-271 Cassio: O God, that men should put an enemy in their mouths to steal away their brains! 2.3.294-296 Iago: She holds it a vice in her goodness not to do more than she is requested. 2.3.324-325 Iago: when devils will the blackest sins put on / They do suggest at first with heavenly shows 2.3.352-354 Iago: Thow know’st we work by wit and not by witchcraft 2.3.374 Line of your choice Paraphrase the following passages from 2.3 and comment on them

12 1. Choose a character that you are most interested in following through the rest of the play. Choose from Othello, Desdemona, Iago, or Cassio 2. Find 2 quotes from Act 1 and 2 quotes from act 2 that describe your character/reveal who he or she is 3. Describe your Character in 1 paragraph 4. Choose any scene we have read thus far and imagine you are playing one of the roles.  Review the lines in the scene  Figure out your character’s objective in the scene  Figure out your character’s Superobjective for the play as a whole  Explain which lines (and cite line numbers) that tips off the objective

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