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https://www.ihq.uni-karlsruhe. de/ research/ projects/ TRIUMPH Transparent Ring Interconnection Using Multi-wavelength Photonic switches Consortium Members.

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2 https://www.ihq.uni-karlsruhe. de/ research/ projects/ TRIUMPH Transparent Ring Interconnection Using Multi-wavelength Photonic switches Consortium Members University of Karlsruhe (UKA) NOKIA SIEMENS Networks Kailight Photonics (Kailight) Optoelectronics Research Centre, University of Southampton (ORC) RESIT-Athens Information Technology (AIT) Technical University of Berlin (TUB) University College Cork (UCC) University of Essex (UoE)

3 Scope of TRIUMPH Provide Transparent Ring Interconnection Using Multi-wavelength Photonic switches in order to significantly increase the network functionality and capacity Core / Regional Metro Ring (up to 160 Gbit/s) TRIUMPH optical switch Metro-Access Rings (up to 40 Gbit/s) Scenario: High capacity network with transparent connectivity between core/regional-metro rings (up to 160 Gbit/s) and metro-access rings (up to 40 Gbit/s) Transparent Ring Interconnection Using Multi-wavelength Photonic switches

4 TRIUMPH Optical Switch Transparent Ring Interconnection Using Multi-wavelength Photonic switches TRIUMPH Optical Switch will integrate the functionalities: - Optical Switching - Transparent traffic aggregation/grooming - Optical 2R regeneration - Support a variety of data rates from 10 to 160Gbit/s Proposed Solution Advantages Very high network capacity Transparency to data-rates and protocols End-to-end intelligent optical networking Flexibility in bandwidth provisioning Convergence/Interface with other existing and emerging technologies Core / Regional Metro Ring (up to 160 Gbit/s) TRIUMPH optical switch Metro-Access Rings (up to 40 Gbit/s) Multi- wavelength regeneration Optical Switching Optical Grooming and Synchronization (WDM↔OTDM conversion) Optical Grooming and Synchronization (WDM↔OTDM conversion) TRIUMPH Optical Switch

5 Core / Regional Metro Ring (up to 160 Gbit/s) TRIUMPH optical switch Metro-Access Rings (up to 40 Gbit/s) Transparent Ring Interconnection Using Multi-wavelength Photonic switches TRIUMPH Optical Switch 1 2 3 4 1234 A C B D A B C D

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