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The Roman Triumph, Into Adulthood By: June Farley.

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Presentation on theme: "The Roman Triumph, Into Adulthood By: June Farley."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Roman Triumph, Into Adulthood By: June Farley

2 The Festival of Liber and Libera When a boy entered adulthood, a festival would take place Sixteenth year Took Place on 17 th of March The youth laid his boy’s tunic (tunica praetexta) before the gods and would receive the white tunic of adulthood (toga virilis or toga pura).

3 Toga Praetexta

4 Toga Praetexta A Purple sash that was about 6 feet in length was wrapped around the body to indicate that a boy was still of youth. He gave up this purple sash during the festival of Liber and Libera

5 The Toga Praetexta was worn by: Freedom boys who were not of age Magistrates and Dictators At Festivals According to tradition, the kings of Rome

6 Toga Pura or Toga Virilis

7 Toga Pura or Toga Virilis This is the toga in which male citizens wore for formal occasions An off-white color of the un-dyed wool

8 How the Toga was Put On Needed assistance from servants Draped over the left shoulder, under the right arm, and back over the left shoulder. Pinned, sewn, or draped into place.

9 Tabularium

10 Tabularium The boy’s family and friends would escort him to the Public Records Office (Tabularium). Here, he would be registered as a full citizen and enrolled in his tribe, one of the voting groups of ancient Rome.

11 The Rhetor The art of speaking and learning how to argue in a elegant manner Well-to-do boys would proceed into philosophy from grammaticism. This was offered to rarely no one and was considered a gift Their weapon was argument and opinion

12 The Rhetor 1/0/A/N/DelphiTemple03-l.jpg

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