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TRIUMPH Book 3, chapter 6 Hailey Brown. CHARACTERS  Darnay  Defarge  Madame Defarge  Theophile Gabelle  Doctor Manette  Mr. Lorry  Lucie Manette.

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Presentation on theme: "TRIUMPH Book 3, chapter 6 Hailey Brown. CHARACTERS  Darnay  Defarge  Madame Defarge  Theophile Gabelle  Doctor Manette  Mr. Lorry  Lucie Manette."— Presentation transcript:

1 TRIUMPH Book 3, chapter 6 Hailey Brown

2 CHARACTERS  Darnay  Defarge  Madame Defarge  Theophile Gabelle  Doctor Manette  Mr. Lorry  Lucie Manette

3 SUMMARY  Darnay’s name is being called by the gaoler along with twenty three other prisoners on death row.  Darnay is at his trial and he sees Defarge and Madame Defarge in the front row, only looking at the jury.  He is accused of being an aristocrat and an emigrant.  He defends himself by saying he married a French woman(Lucie).  Also, by saying he had no purpose in being in France and that the only reson he came back, after leaving was to bear testimony to a citizen(Theophile Gabelle).  Doctor Manette speaks for Darnay, causing the public to go onto Darnays side.  The jury is ready to vote.  Darnay is declared free.  As Darnay leaves, five of the other prisoners being tried say to Darnay, “ Long live the Republic.”  The crowd carried Darnay to Lucie.  Lucie, Darnay, and Mr. Lorry are all reunited..

4 ESSENTIAL QUOTE  “ He was happy in the return he had made her, he was recompensed for his suffering, he was proud of his strength. ‘You must not be weak, my darling,’ he remonstrated; ‘don’t tremble so. I have saved him.’” pg 297

5 IMPORTANCE OF TITLE  The title Triumph, is a one word explanation of how Darnay triumphantly “defeated” the guillotine, with the help of others.

6 LITERARY DEVICES  “…with a confused sea of red caps heaving about him, and casting up to sight from the stormy deep such wrecks of faces…” pg 296 Simile.  “…but a wild infection of the wildly shaken public mind.” pg 292 Simile.

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