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2012 Advisory Panel Power Electronics Mark Flynn Center for Electromechanics The University of Texas at Austin 12/4/2012.

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Presentation on theme: "2012 Advisory Panel Power Electronics Mark Flynn Center for Electromechanics The University of Texas at Austin 12/4/2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012 Advisory Panel Power Electronics Mark Flynn Center for Electromechanics The University of Texas at Austin 12/4/2012

2 Outline Introduction Recent/current work Capabilities Vision for future Summary

3 Introduction multi-disciplinary Power electronics is multi-disciplinary – Semiconductors, circuit theory, electromagnetics, control theory, software, machines, simulation, signal processing, power systems, thermal, structural rapidly developing Power electronics is rapidly developing Success requires – Wide breadth of personnel capabilities – Equally wide support infrastructure – Vision/leadership to invest in strategic development of personnel and infrastructure capabilities

4 Introduction Innovationcustomization Innovation and customization are what separate power electronics R&D from commercially available solutions – Electrical (e.g. power, voltage, topology) – Controls (very end user specific) – Packaging (e.g. size, cooling, application) – Cost

5 Challenge – Maturing an Emergent CEM Core Technology CEM excels in power electronics innovation and customization Traditionally power electronics at CEM – Ad hoc, supporting role rather than core technology – Exception: controllers Recent growth in power-electronics-support of sponsors – Smart technologies – Higher efficiencies Targeted, concurrent growth of CEM facilities capabilities in P.E. Prompted natural transition of P.E. to Center-wide focus Proper development of P.E. into core technology is key challenge

6 Outline Introduction Recent/current work Capabilities Vision for future Summary

7 What we have done and are doing in the area Sampling of recent power electronics projects Highlighted active projects – Silicon Carbide Switch Development – 2 MW ARCP Soft Switching Converter – 60 kW Bidirectional DC-DC Converter

8 Sampling of Recent Power Electronics Projects Multiphase, Bidirectional DC-DC Converter Algal Cell Lyser Pressure Tolerant Subsea Inverter

9 Sampling of Recent Power Electronics Projects ARCP Soft-Switching Converter Bidirectional, Solid State Marx Generator DC Inline Fault Generator

10 5.6 kV, 3-Level Inverter Sampling of Recent Power Electronics Projects Silicon Carbide Switch Development Motor Controllers

11 SiC SGTO Switch Development and Failure Investigation 11 ARL SGTO Pulse Test Results ANSYS Conduction Current Coupled Simulations EMAP3D Semiconductor Physics Simulations Thermal Imaging Experiments SiC Device Design Improvements Polyimide Damage

12 2MW “ARCP” converter (Auxiliary Resonant Commutated Pole) 10 kW tabletop test-bed converter with advanced ARCP topology 2 MW ARCP Soft-Switching Converter

13 Soft-Switching Research at CEM Largest (2MW) ARCP converter in the world, to the best of our knowledge A new, modified technology is under investigation via a 10 kW test prototype The 2MW converter to be upgraded to new technology Full characterization of prototype is expected by Spring 2013 Upgrade of 2 MW unit to start in Summer 2013

14 60 kW 3-Phase Bidirectional DC-DC Converter

15 High-Performance Controller

16 Outline Introduction Recent/current work Capabilities Vision for future Summary

17 Define the CEM Niche Analysis and Design: Electrical, Thermal, Magnetic, Structural Solid modeling Controllers Fabrication

18 Detailed Electrical Simulations IGBT Model Diode Model

19 Thermal Analysis of Complete Systems

20 Magnetic Analysis Compute stray inductances

21 Stress Analysis of Bus Bar Stress concentrations result in 26 ksi VM stressDeflection due to load

22 Solid Modeling Capabilities Optimize electrical performance Optimize thermal management Optimize ergonomics Solid Model AssemblyReal World Hardware

23 Embedded Controllers Controller Customized to demand Circuit design, capture PCB layout, assembly SMT, TH soldering Software, controls Numerous licenses to partners

24 Verified Pressure Tolerant Controller Monitors 2 IGBT junction temperatures in real-time Tested to 4200 psi hydrostatic pressure 16-bit processor

25 Outline Introduction Recent/current work Capabilities Vision for future Summary

26 How we Plan to Develop this Field Vision for CEM and power electronics Who might our partners be Near term steps to achieve the vision Key challenges Longer term considerations

27 Vision for CEM and Power Electronics To achieve and maintain a high level of expertise in the design, construction, and operation of all aspects of power electronic assemblies Offer development, integration, and testing of power-electronic/electromechanical systems with world-class competency

28 Who Might our Partners be ARL Coda Energy, Inc. Cree EE/ME departments General Electric Giant Magellan Telescope Horstman U.S. Air Force U.S. Navy Vycon, Inc.

29 Near term Steps to Achieve the Vision – Market vs. Competencies Examine and respond to market demand – Understand present market requirements – Identify upcoming technologies – Maintain forward looking business model Identify desired CEM competencies – Basic power electronic topologies: ac/dc, dc/dc, single pulse, dc/ac, etc. – Enabling agents: controllers, software, analysis, assembly, etc. – Capacity range: power levels: W to MW, voltage range: V to kV, etc. – Etc.

30 Near term Steps to Achieve the Vision – Personnel and Facilities Match desired competencies to personnel – Identify where resources are lacking – Develop master plan to invest in training of personnel – Establish metrics for on-going personnel development – Hire personnel in needed areas as required/have funding Match desired competencies to facility – Identify where resources are lacking/aging – Develop plan to invest acquiring/maintaining equipment – Establish metrics for training personnel on equipment – Purchase/upgrade equipment in areas as needed

31 Near term Steps to Achieve the Vision – Methodology 1 of 2 Capture and employ CEM’s intellectual property – Designs produced should be recorded and taught to targeted personnel as part of continuing education – Develop CEM-standard designs/methods where possible CEM-standard controller is in development No need to re-invent converters for each project Eliminate unnecessary diversity in techniques – Wasteful of time and sponsor funds – Reduces benefit of Center-wide expertise Eliminate fiefdoms – Leverage Center experts – Adhere to strategic plan for developing personnel

32 Near term Steps to Achieve the Vision – Methodology 2 of 2 Prepare timeline for execution of vision – Compare employee/facility development to plan – Commit to investing in personnel and facilities Leverage growth opportunities via projects – Match potential employee development opportunities afforded by a given project to the master plan – Require projects to grow Center capabilities along the direction of the master plan to the extent possible

33 Key Challenges Internal – Tangible and implementable vision required – Time/funds for personnel development – Eliminate waste/increase Center collaboration – Facilities improvements – Power electronics not a traditional Center focus External/Marketing – Reputation as world class player must be grown

34 Key Challenges – Attracting and Maintaining Sponsors ExpertiseReputationPresentation Client Entry

35 Longer term Considerations Update and maintain vision according to market demands Commit to personnel and facilities investments Establish and verify metrics regularly Take on projects with a Center-wide focus – Center leaders should pursue projects in cooperation to meet the demands of the master plan to achieve the vision desired – Each project should permit extraction of some means of advancing the master plan Establish leadership positions to maintain accountability

36 Outline Introduction Recent/current work Capabilities Vision for future Summary

37 Importance of power electronics – Sponsors demand ever-capable and efficient solutions – CEM seeks to leverage power electronics capabilities Strengths – Technical skills: design, analysis, fabrication – Intellectual property: internal libraries/designs – Facilities: service power, supplies, tools Challenges – Managing growth and direction of new department

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