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1 NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY “MICRO & NANO” Established: July 2004 Founding members: 5 Institutions (Research Institutes,  5 Institutions (Research Institutes,

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1 1 NATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY “MICRO & NANO” Established: July 2004 Founding members: 5 Institutions (Research Institutes,  5 Institutions (Research Institutes, Research Laboratories) Research Laboratories) 65 Researchers  65 Researchers Initiative: Dr A. G. Nassiopoulou Co-ordinator of the National Network ΜΜΝ IMEL / NCSR Demokritos

2 2 Main objectives of “MICRO & NANO”  To promote research and applications in the above field  To gather together scientists from different disciplines and to promote their collaboration and concerted actions for an interdisciplinary approach of the above field  To promote collaboration between Academic Institutions, Research Centers and Industry in Micro and Nanotechnology  To create links between Greek Scientists and European or International organizations involved in Micro and Nanotechnology  To promote education and dissemination of knowledge in the above field IMEL / NCSR Demokritos  To promote the field of Micro and Nanotechnology in Greece (Materials, Technologies, Electronic Devices, Circuits and Systems)

3 3 Means to achieve the objectives of “MICRO & NANO” IMEL / NCSR Demokritos Creation of an organizational structure with an executive Board with the aim to :  Act as a catalyst for the development of Micro & Nanotechnologies in Greece  Elaborate a national programme in Micro & Nanotechnologies

4 4  Organization of the collaboration and exchange of information between its members, as well as between Micro&Nano and other Organizations and Scientific Societies in similar fields in Greece and abroad  Organization of National and International Conferences and Workshops, as well as Educational and Training Activities  Edition of a bulletin and a scientific review  Participation in funded projects for the coordination of research activities, dissemination of research results and education and training activities Means to achieve the objectives of “MICRO & NANO” IMEL / NCSR Demokritos  Undertake different actions as follows:

5 5  IMEL/NCSR Demokritos  MRG/IESL/FORTH-Crete  Surface Science Laboratory, University of Patras  Nanomaterials Laboratory, Institute of Physical Chemistry, NCSR Demokritos  Praxis-Help-Forward, Forthnet Participating Institutions IMEL / NCSR Demokritos

6 6 IMEL / NCSR ”Demokritos” One of the 8 Institutes of the National Center for Scientific Research (NCSR) “Demokritos” It started its activities in 1985 Today established as the National Center of Excellence in Micro and Nanotechnologies Important infrastructure. Full capability in silicon processing and in micro and nanofabrication, characterization and testing, as well as in design, modeling and simulation of materials, structures devices circuits and systems. A highly competitive institution at European level with important expertise and know-how in micro and nanotechnologies Unique role at National level in promoting high technology development, transfer of technology and know-how to the industry and development of human potential in micro and nanotechnologies IMEL/NCSR Demokritos, Director : Dr A. G. Nassiopoulou, e-mail: Web site: Main objectives  Long-term research. Development of fundamental knowledge.  Development of novel technologies, processes and high added- value technology products.  Development of human potential through educational and training activities.  Services in advanced technologies and transfer of technology to the industry.

7 7 MRG/IESL/FORTH The Microelectronics Research Group (MRG) started its activities in 1986 with the establishment of a laboratory for the growth of III-V compound semiconductors (arsenides) by Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE). Since then it has expanded to MBE growth of wide-bandgap semiconductors (SiC and III-nitrides), to materials characterization, as well as to the design, processing and characterization of semiconductor devices and integrated circuits. It has thus become a complete, diverse, advanced compound semiconductor micro/nanoelectronics group Main goals of the MRG's research are: Development of innovative semiconductor nanostructure/heterostructure materials, devices and circuits for high frequency, high power electronics and optoelectronics Accumulation of know-how and training of scientific personnel to support industrial activities in Europe and Greece Recent and current research efforts of MRG are within the following four areas: GaAs micro(opto-)electronics (MBE, III-V/Si integration, tunable laser diodes sensors, RF MEMS, MMICs) GaN and related materials and devices (MBE, HFETs, InAlGaN QW heterostructures – lasers, CHEMFETs) SiC microelectronics (MBE, p-i-n, Zener and IMPATT diodes) Semiconductor nanostructures (MBE, physics of quantum dots) microelectronics services activity To exploit its accumulated expertise, the group has launched a microelectronics services activity providing epitaxial wafers, processing and measurements. The latter two are ISO 9001 certified Director of IESL: Prof. C. Photakis, Contact person for MRG: Dr G. Konstantinidis, WEB:

8 8 SURFACE SCIENCE LABORATORY One of the Research Laboratories of the Department of Chemical Engineering (DChe), University of Patras (UP), officially established in 2002. It started its activities in 1991 as a research group at DChe/UP, partly funded and in close collaboration, since then, with FORTH - ICE/HT. Important infrastructure. Versatile combination (unique in Greece) of several surface sensitive techniques ( XPS, UPS, AES, ISS, LEED, TPD and WF measurement) clustered around an ultra-high-vacuum (UHV) chamber for thorough surface and interface characterization of any solid material, especially in the form of thin films, either clean or interacting with various gases over a wide range of temperatures ( - 100 to 800 centigrade). Extensive collaboration network with European academic and research Institutions, including access to Large Scale European Facilities (Synchrotron Radiation Sources) for conducting advanced, highly resolved spectroscopic characterization of nanoscale materials. Surface Science Laboratory, Director : Prof. S. Ladas Dept. of Chemical Engineering, U. of Patras, 26504 Rion, Patras, GREECE, Tel +302610997631, FAX +302610993255 Website : Main objectives  Conducting high quality fundamental and applied research.  Development of human potential through educational and training activities (undergraduate/graduate students and post-doctorates).  Surface analysis services to academic/research institutions and the industry. S S L

9 9 IPC / NCSR ”Demokritos” One of the 8 Institutes of the National Center for Scientific Research (NCSR) “Demokritos” Started its activities, as Division of Chemistry, when Demokritos was established Center of Excellence in Advanced Functional Materials Important infrastructure in structural characterisation and environmental analysis. 355 publications in established journals, for the period 2000-2004, with over 8000 citations for the same period. 6.1 Meu funding from the EU, GSRT and industry, for the period 2000-2004. Objectives  High level basic and applied research in cutting-edge areas of Chemistry and Chemical Technology: Molecular & Supramolecular Materials – Nanochemistry and Technologies Friendly to the Environment – Energy – Environmental Chemistry and Technology – Chemical Biology.  Education at the postgraduate and post doctoral level.  Specialized technical services to the public and private sector - Transfer of knowledge. IPC/NCSR Demokritos, Director : Dr C. Paleos Terma Patriarchou Grigoriou, Aghia Paraskevi, 15310 Athens, GREECE, Tel +032106533653, FAX 302106511766

10 10 PRAXI/ HELP-FORWARD Profile  The major technology transfer infrastructure in Greece established in 1991 by the Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH), the Federation of Greek Industries (FGI) and the Federation of Industries of Northern Greece (FING). Most of its operations are currently executed by FORTH  15 members of staff, 5 offices in Athens, Thessaloniki, Larissa, Heraklion and Patras.  Member of the Innovation Relay Centre (IRC) Network, the largest technology transfer network of the world with 71 Centres throughout Europe.  Elected “Best IRC 2002” by the 220 organisations operating IRCs in Europe  Since 1998 appointed as National Contact Point for the European Framework Programmes for Research & Technological Development providing information and assistance to participants in research proposals.  Participates in pan-european initiatives for promoting research and high-tech entrepreneurship in selected fields such as micro & nanotechnology, biotechnology, environmental technologies, information technologies  Operates the Liaison Office (LO) of FORTH and provides services for the operation of LOs of other major Greek Institutions.  Initiated and maintains regional partnerships and networks in Southeastern Europe and the New Independent States

11 11 M.Sc and PhD degrees in Microelectronics, Department of Informatics, University of Athens, IMEL/NCSR Demokritos M.Sc. and PhD degrees in "Nanoscience and Nanotechnology", University of Thessaloniki, in collaboration with IMEL/NCSR Demokritos. IMEL provides support in specialized courses (Silicon processing and characterization, Nanoelectronic Devices) and in laboratory training. M.Sc. and PhD degrees in "Microsystems and Nanoelectronic Devices" M.Sc. and PhD degrees in "Microsystems and Nanoelectronic Devices" National Technical University of Athens, in collaboration with IMEL provides support in laboratory training and in specialized courses. Post-graduate educational programs in Micro & Nano IMEL / NCSR Demokritos M.Sc. and PhD degrees in “Optoelectronics" M.Sc. and PhD degrees in “Optoelectronics" Univerity of Crete

12 12 Post Graduate Diploma on ‘Microsystems and Nanodevices’ Organized by Schools of Applied Sciences, Electrical and Mechanical Eng. and the cooperation of IMEL/NCSR ‘Demokritos’ Post Graduate Diploma on ‘Microsystems and Nanodevices’ Organized by Schools of Applied Sciences, Electrical and Mechanical Eng. and the cooperation of IMEL/NCSR ‘Demokritos’ NTUA

13 13 Main Goal is to prepare the students with the necessary theoretical knowledge and technological experience for the rapidly expanding and multi-disciplinary activities of Microsystems and Nanodevices Structure Two semesters of courses + one semester for diploma thesis Diploma thesis can be performed in Greece or abroad within an R&D environment Students 25-30 students per year are accepted from a pool of 50-60 applicants. We attract students from Physical Sciences, Electrical, Chemical and Mechanical Engineering Main Goal is to prepare the students with the necessary theoretical knowledge and technological experience for the rapidly expanding and multi-disciplinary activities of Microsystems and Nanodevices Structure Two semesters of courses + one semester for diploma thesis Diploma thesis can be performed in Greece or abroad within an R&D environment Students 25-30 students per year are accepted from a pool of 50-60 applicants. We attract students from Physical Sciences, Electrical, Chemical and Mechanical Engineering

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