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15 Maiv dungx hnamv baamh gen fai hnamv baamh gen nyei ga'naaiv. Haaix dauh hnamv baamh gen, wuov dauh maiv maaih hnyouv hnamv Zaangc Diex. 15 Do not.

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2 15 Maiv dungx hnamv baamh gen fai hnamv baamh gen nyei ga'naaiv. Haaix dauh hnamv baamh gen, wuov dauh maiv maaih hnyouv hnamv Zaangc Diex. 15 Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 Yo^han 2:15-17 = 1 John 2:15-17

3 16 Weic zuqc yietc zungv yiem baamh gen nyei ga'naaiv se baamh mienh hanc nyei, m'zing buatc ziouc mueic jieqv nyei, caux mienh ceng-hlo, zoux maux nyei sic. Naaiv deix yietc zungv se yiem baamh gen cuotv daaih nyei, maiv zeiz yiem Zaangc Diex daaih. 16 For all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life--is not of the Father but is of the world.

4 17 Baamh gen caux yiem baamh gen yuoqc mienh nyei ga'naaiv jiex jienv mingh aqv. Mv baac haaix dauh ei jienv Tin-Hungh nyei eix zoux, wuov dauh ziouc duqv yietc liuz ziangh jienv. 17 And the world is passing away, and the lust of it; but he who does the will of God abides forever.

5 I Nyungc Sic. Two Problems: Tin-Hungh Nyei Mienh Hnangv Baamh Gen There is Worldliness Among God’s People Maiv Doix-Dekc Caux Nyei Jauv. Not Dealt With 1. Maiv zunh doz taux zuiz. Not preached on sin 2. Maiv zunh zien – Tin-Hungh nyei waac Not Preached on – Truth word of God.


7 1.Weic zuqc haaix dauh hnamv baamh gen, wuov dauh maiv maaih hnyouv hnamv Zaangc Diex. Because, if anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 2. Weic zuqc yietc zungv yiem baamh gen nyei ga'naaiv se baamh mienh hanc nyei, m'zing buatc ziouc mueic jieqv nyei, caux mienh ceng-hlo, zoux maux nyei sic. Naaiv deix yietc zungv se yiem baamh gen cuotv daaih nyei, maiv zeiz yiem Zaangc Diex daaih. Because, for all that is in the world--the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life--is not of the Father but is of the world.

8 I. Baamh Gen Se Haaix Nyungc? What is Worldliness ? Caux jienv zoux zuiz – hnangv zuiz-mienh. Participation in sin – sphere of iniquity Caux jienv zoux zuiz – hnangv zuiz-mienh. Participation in sin – sphere of iniquity Bun ganh nyei maengc gan jienv siouc-kouv nyei jauv mingh. Given to a life of following passions. Bun ganh nyei maengc gan jienv siouc-kouv nyei jauv mingh. Given to a life of following passions. Ziangh hnangv baamh gen mienh nor – Maiv laengz bun nqoi. Living like the world – not separate Ziangh hnangv baamh gen mienh nor – Maiv laengz bun nqoi. Living like the world – not separate Zunv hnyouv ziangh minc zinh nyei maengc/maiv zeiz lingh wuonh/ se zuiz nyei maengc. Living a life devoted to the temporal – not spiritual / a secular life Zunv hnyouv ziangh minc zinh nyei maengc/maiv zeiz lingh wuonh/ se zuiz nyei maengc. Living a life devoted to the temporal – not spiritual / a secular life

9 Maaih ziex nyungc hnangv baamh gen Many Manifestations of Worldliness Drinking, Cursing, Smoking, Gambling, Fornication, Immodesty, Watching filth, Lying, Stealing, Materialism, etc.

10 II. Lingh Wuonh Goiv Yienc The Spirit It Has & Generates Softness Towards: Word & Preaching 1 John 2:15-17 Softness on Moral Questions Softness on Preaching Isa. 30:5 Jer. 5:31; 6:14

11 Ye^le^mi 5:31: Se douc waac mienh douc jaav waac, sai mienh yaac ziux ninh mbuo ganh paaiv nyei waac gunv. Yie nyei baeqc fingx a'hneiv hnangv naaic, mv baac taux setv mueiz nyei ziangh hoc meih mbuo hnangv haaix nor zoux? Jeremiah 5:31: the prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests rule at their direction; my people love to have it so, but what will you do when the end comes?

12 Ye^le^mi 6:13: "Yiem zoux faix jiex nyei taux zoux hlo jiex nyei mienh, dauh dauh mauv oix duqv maiv baengh fim nyei leic zinh. Yiem douc waac mienh taux sai mienh, dauh dauh kungx zoux jaav sic hnangv. Jeremiah 6:13: "For from the least to the greatest of them, everyone is greedy for unjust gain; and from prophet to priest, everyone deals falsely.

13 Ye^le^mi 6:15 : “ Ninh mbuo zoux gamh nziev nyei sic, ninh mbuo hiuv duqv nyaiv fai? Maiv zeiz. Ninh mbuo yietc deix yaac maiv nyaiv. Ninh mbuo maiv hiuv duqv hnangv haaix nor zuqc baaic hmien. Weic naaiv ninh mbuo oix zuqc king njiec yiem king njiec nyei mienh mbu'ndongx. Yie dingc ninh mbuo nyei zuiz nyei ziangh hoc ninh mbuo ziouc zuqc mietc aqv.“ Naaiv se ZIOUV gorngv nyei waac. Jeremiah 6:15: Were they ashamed when they committed abomination? No, they were not at all ashamed; they did not know how to blush. Therefore they shall fall among those who fall; at the time that I punish them, they shall be overthrown, "says the LORD.

14 III. The Seriousness of Worldliness Bun nqoi mbuo caux Tin-Hungh. Separates from God Bun nqoi mbuo caux Tin-Hungh. Separates from God (Jas. 1:15; Rom. 5:12; Isa. 59:1-2) Ndortv mengh dauh. Lose your reputationNdortv mengh dauh. Lose your reputation (Prov. 22:1; Prov. 6:27, 33) Ndortv zoux kuv sic nyei jauv. Lose your influence Ndortv zoux kuv sic nyei jauv. Lose your influence (Rom. 2:24; 1 Tim. 4:12) Dangv meih nyei buoqc zangc nyei jauv. Hinders your worship Dangv meih nyei buoqc zangc nyei jauv. Hinders your worship (1 Pet. 3:7; John 9:31) Zoux bun mbuo baamz zuiz. Desensitizes us Zoux bun mbuo baamz zuiz. Desensitizes us to sin to sin (Psa. 1:1-3) Gan baamh gen nyei jauv se benx hiuaang hienv haic nyei sic.

15 Zoux bun mbuo nyei hnyouv ngaengc. Heart becomes hardened Zoux bun mbuo nyei hnyouv ngaengc. Heart becomes hardened (Heb. 6; 10; 1 John 5:18) Yuoqc mienh zoux zuiz. Breeds other sins Yuoqc mienh zoux zuiz. Breeds other sins (2 Sam. 11) Maiv haih caux mienh jiu tong. Disfellowship Maiv haih caux mienh jiu tong. Disfellowship (1 Cor. 5:1-13; 2 Thess. 3:6-15) Torngv jienv mbuo maiv haih tiux caux maiv haih hlo. Hinders our race and growth Torngv jienv mbuo maiv haih tiux caux maiv haih hlo. Hinders our race and growth (Heb. 12:1-ff) Bun mbuo naaiv seix nyei maengc zuqc kouv. Bun mbuo naaiv seix nyei maengc zuqc kouv. Suffer in this life Suffer in this life (Exo. 20:5; 34:7) Zoux bun ndortv deic-nyuoqc. Eternal damnation Zoux bun ndortv deic-nyuoqc. Eternal damnation (Rom. 6:23; Rev. 21:8)

16 IV. Giduc Mienh Nyei Maengc Caux Baamh Gen Nyei Se Maiv Fih Hnangv. The Christian Life Contrasted to Worldliness Cing-Nzengc (Holy) (1 Pet. 1:15-16; 4:1-3) Cing-Nzengc (Holy) (1 Pet. 1:15-16; 4:1-3) Cing-Nzengc (Pure) (1 John 3:3) Cing-Nzengc (Pure) (1 John 3:3) Ei jienv zien leiz zoux (Obeying the truth) (1 Peter 1:22) Ei jienv zien leiz zoux (Obeying the truth) (1 Peter 1:22) Gamh nziex Tin-Hungh (Fears God) (1 Tim. 2:9) Gamh nziex Tin-Hungh (Fears God) (1 Tim. 2:9) Maiv baamz jienv zuiz mingh(Not continue to sin) (Rom. 6; 1 John 3:6) Maiv baamz jienv zuiz mingh(Not continue to sin) (Rom. 6; 1 John 3:6) Taaih Tin-Hungh nyei waac (Respect for word) (Psa. 119:11) Taaih Tin-Hungh nyei waac (Respect for word) (Psa. 119:11) Caux baamh gen bun nqoi. Separate from world (2 Cor. 6:14-17) Caux baamh gen bun nqoi. Separate from world (2 Cor. 6:14-17)

17 Setv Mueiz Waac Conclusion Hnangv naaic, “Baamh mienh zoux sic maiv horpc Tin- Hungh, maiv dungx zuotc ninh mbuo nyei nyungc zoux. Mv baac oix zuqc bun Tin-Hungh goiv nzengc meih mbuo nyei hnyouv caux hnamv nyei jauv, duqv siang-nyungc zeiv. Hnangv naaic meih mbuo haih hiuv duqv Tin-Hungh nyei za'eix, haaix nyungc se longx nyei, Tin-Hungh a'hneiv nyei, dunh yunh nyei za'eix.” (Lomaa 12:2). Therefore, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” (Romans 12:2).

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