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CNStats © 2008 State of the art solution for recording and analyzing site attendance statistics Why Choosing CNStats ?

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Presentation on theme: "CNStats © 2008 State of the art solution for recording and analyzing site attendance statistics Why Choosing CNStats ?"— Presentation transcript:

1 CNStats © 2008 State of the art solution for recording and analyzing site attendance statistics Why Choosing CNStats ?

2 CNStats © 2008 State of the art solution for recording and analyzing site attendance statistics What is CNStats ? For a manager, CNStats is: –an effective tool for site development –control over promotion expenses –your own real-time source of information on your site life For a user, CNStats is: –internal site statistics –system that collects and analyses your site attendance statistics –pageviews counter For an administrator, CNStats is: –scrip that is easy to install (php-program) –secure and reliable program – all the recorded statistics is stored on the server and nothing leaks to the third party accurate, reliable, easy-to-use, secure, comprehensible, functional retrieving independent (your own!) statistics results for comparing and analyzing real-time analysis of advertising campaigns and choosing the most beneficial advertising sites

3 CNStats © 2008 State of the art solution for recording and analyzing site attendance statistics CNStats Benefits Absolute Accuracy –CNStats Work Principle – the code is inserted from your own server into your web page which guarantees accurate counting of all visitors. Safety –All data about site attendance is commercial secret and it is stored on your server. Commercial Purpose –CNStats assists you with tracking the ROI of your online advertising campaigns real-time, with choosing beneficial advertising sites, in other words, with optimizing your costs ! –CNStats reduces your marketing costs and provides accurate, real- time overview – what your expenses are, how many target visitors you have. This is how you get the idea of your advertisements efficiency. All Necessary Stats Reports (More than 50!) –And more than that! You can apply the filtering system to your stats, so that you can get the cut of any data you are interested in.

4 CNStats © 2008 State of the art solution for recording and analyzing site attendance statistics Note! Trust, but Verify Advertising Campaigns Audition –Once you organize the advertising campaign, you have to trust the result numbers provided by the advertising services. This is not always the right thing to do. The advertising services count stats on their side while CNStats will record it on your side! Thus, you get the real-time overview of your advertising campaign. External Counters Audition –In fact, popular counters such as SpyLOG, Liveinternet,, Rambler, Google Analytics and others are inaccurate in counting visitors. This inaccuracy is caused by the way the counting is performed (which is common for all external counters). It is also often affected by the unreliable services themselves. Therefore, to promote your site, you should not use only information provided by the external counters. CNStats will make the statistics accurate and reliable. –Do not forget about confidentiality. When using external counters, you will not be able to get control over your site attendance stats. CNStats stores all data on your server which corresponds to your security policy.

5 CNStats © 2008 State of the art solution for recording and analyzing site attendance statistics CNStats Report Example Website sells software. Our goal is to track visitors (clients) – where they come from, how much time they think before buying software, what way they choose to pay. Once the product is purchased – the goal is achieved. In this example, the goal is payment via «PayPal», «non cash transfer» and etc. In fact, you can choose any goal – filling in the form, sending message, specific page loading… whatever site visitor can do that you are interested in. See CNStats report «Goal Achievements List»

6 CNStats © 2008 State of the art solution for recording and analyzing site attendance statistics CNStats Availability Easy to buy – reasonable price, various payment methods, delivery within one working day. Easy to install – minimal system requirements. Nice to use – convenient and user-friendly interface. Our support team will provide prompt and sufficient information at your first request, will solve any “statistics” issues you might have, will assist you with installing and using CNStats.

7 CNStats © 2008 State of the art solution for recording and analyzing site attendance statistics Usage Costs CNStats STD «owned» license – $99. The license type "owned" allows you to use one copy (one installation) of CNStats STD within unlimited period of time. The license includes one-year subscription on the updates and technical support. After one-year period is over, you can extend the subscription. The costs of CNStats are compensated during the first advertising campaign!!!

8 CNStats © 2008 State of the art solution for recording and analyzing site attendance statistics To Be Continued… This is not the end! In fact, this is just the beginning. Install CNStats, and you will discover that statistics can be comprehensible and valuable for your business.

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