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Presentation on theme: " Current and future, business and consumer applications of LBS technology Andrew Grill, Mobile Advertising Evangelist British."— Presentation transcript:

1 Current and future, business and consumer applications of LBS technology Andrew Grill, Mobile Advertising Evangelist British Computer Society, September 2008

2 What we’ll cover The location challenge Why the Starbucks example will never happen Current LBS applications Future LBS applications Location’s place in the mobile advertising value chain

3 Let’s kill off the “Starbucks Example” Assume the following campaign 50,000 opt-in users 2 week campaign (Mon-Fri) = 10 days 8 hour window (8am – 4pm) Check location every 5 minutes by operator cell-ID Assume 10p per poll What would this cost?

4 The cost breakdown… 50,000 users 10 days 8 hours 12 polls/hr 10p per poll £ 4.8m ALMOST 5 MILLION Pounds!

5 Current LBS applications Navigation & Mapping Where am I? Buddy Finder (eg Buddyping) Local search

6 Google Mobile Maps

7 Google Mobile Maps

8 Google Maps – now with sponsored links

9 Nokia Maps 2.0

10 Fire Eagle from Yahoo!

11 Microsoft LIVE (UK)

12 Blogloc – post your location on a blog

13 Shozu + Flickr = geotagged photos

14 Locatik

15 WiFi location – Skyhook Wireless

16 Other examples Gypsii Brightkite

17 Brightkite feeds twitter

18 Sniff on Facebook Sniff Sniff on Facebook

19 Mobile LBS Landscape Significant growth in LBS, fuelled by convergence of: –Device capabilities (larger - sharper displays, 3G data rates & GPS) –Quality content (maps, POI, navigation engines) –Attractive data tariffs Current focus around navigation & search Future growth expected in location based advertising & social networking Existing MNO monopoly on mobile location based services under threat from OTT players Within MNO community, growing consideration of X-network operation for services such as advertising

20 What does this all mean for proximity based advertising? Technical developments in place Operator vs operator independent debate wide open Consumers starting to use GPS and operator independent location services Mobile advertising ramping up (Google vs operators) Flat rate data plans driving usage Location can become inventory

21 The Mobile Advertising Value Chain Advertisers need… Measurability Ability to track consumer engagement by counting clicks vs. displays Targeting Aggregated and specific customer information (e.g. age, gender, segment, location) Relevance Ads must be conveyed to the precise target in the right context … Location Information on the consumer location to increase relevance of ads Advertisers / Brands Advertisers / Brands Marketing Agencies & Media Buyers Enablers Content Providers Aggregator s Device Makers Wireless Operators Subscribers Traditional Promotional Channels

22 Zone detection for location based advertising Fixed GeoZones Locations with high footfall and/or high value consumers Airports, railway stations, city centres, shopping malls, sports stadiums Provisioned by the operator and changed infrequently Brand Defined Zones Zones related to specific brand locations Store locations; restaurants; special promotions Respond rapidly to brand campaigns User Defined Zones Places/contexts that are important to an individual user My home, my office, my pub Provisioned by the user Further contextual advertising opportunities Concept of “zone detection” Highly scalable Zone detection performed at handset level Notify on user entry/exit No need to poll user’s location Accommodates network changes

23 Intelligent user profiling – can benefit from location Location is only part of the story Who can profile best? User initiated or captured by device Gender Phone type Postcode Segmentation Age Gender Spending pattern Credit worthiness Location


25 Andrew Grill +44 788 198 6694

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