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By: Tabitha Rosario And Linda Scavella.  In the end of WWI the Ottoman Empire broke up. British who controlled India started showing signs of falling.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Tabitha Rosario And Linda Scavella.  In the end of WWI the Ottoman Empire broke up. British who controlled India started showing signs of falling."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Tabitha Rosario And Linda Scavella

2  In the end of WWI the Ottoman Empire broke up. British who controlled India started showing signs of falling apart. Nationalist activity then stirred up due to the weakening of these empires. Nationalism had been growing since the mid-1800s, the upper class who attended British schools learned European views of Nationalism, so they then began to apply these political ideas to their own country.

3  Indians enrolled in the British Army. In return Britain would reform the government that would eventually lead to self-government.  1918 - Indian troops came home to learn Britain didn’t fulfill it’s promise. They were still treated as second-class citizens. Out of hatred radical nationalist carried out acts of violence.  1919 - British passed the Rowlett Act, which allowed the British government in India to jail anti-British protesters without trial for as long as two years.

4  While protesting the Rowlett Acts, about 10,000 Hindus and Muslims gathered together and went down to Amritsar (City in Punjab), of 1919 in Spring.  About 400 Indians died and about 1,200 were wounded.  This massacre sparked an explosion of anger across India. They wanted independence from Britain THIS POLITICAL CARTOON SHOW THE AMISTAR MASSACRE IN INDIA.

5  Gandhi was born on October 2 nd, 1869 in Porbandar, India.  On January 20 th,1948, Gandhi died due to the fact that, he was trying to start peace in Delhi, were he association by two proactive Muslims, who thought he was Hindu.

6  Gandhi emerged as the leader of the independence movement.  He then blended ideas from all the major religions:  Christianity; Judaism; Buddhism; and Islam.  Then Gandhi did injustice evolved from his deeply religious approach to political activity.  Gandhi also ordered for India to follow a policy of non-cooperation; India National Congress(INC) with the British Government because of the non-cooperation they had. But then the British failed to punish the Officers responsible for the Amritsar Massacre.

7  Gandhi wanted Indians to refuse to buy British goods, attend Government School, pay British taxes, and vote in their elections.  Gandhi boycotted British clothing in which was an source of wealth for the British.  Gandhi then started to make his own clothing.  The Result of the Boycott, was the sales of the Britain clothing in India dropped Increasable.

8  Gandhi weapons of civil disobedience took the economic toll on the Britain.  The British struggled running factories, trains, operating and overcrowded jails from bursting.  Gandhi pleaded for nonviolence protest, but the protest often led to many riots.

9  The salt march was when India began to make their own salt by collecting sea water and letting it evaporate; it was ten and peaceful protest.

10  Jinnah was born on December 25,1876.  He then died on September 11 th,1948.  Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the leader of the Muslim League in 1940.  He was also once a member of the Congress Party.  This league that Jinnah ran only spoke for the Muslims.  The Muslims League would never ever accept India’s Independence.

11  Jinnah said that:  “ The Only thing the Muslim has in common with Hindu is his Slavery to the British.”  This saying means that, the only thing the Muslims had in common with Hindu is slavery because of the British.

12  The Muslim League was an organization founded in 1906 in India and Pakistan to protect the Muslim Interest.  This League was founded by Muhammad Ali Jinnah.  The league was concerned that mainly the Hindu Congress Party would look out primarily for themselves interest; and not for the other interest.

13  When the British Government changed over from the Consecutive Party Winston Churchill to the Labour Party Clement Altee.  The British then transferred their power; they were fighting over who should receive the power.  Then riots broke out Calcutta, East of Bengal, Bihar, due to the Muslims and Hindus.  Because of these riots, about 5,000 people were dead, and more than 15,000 hurt in August of 1946, 4 days after the riot broke out.  Gandhi then tired to reduce the violence between the Muslims and Hindus.

14  The partition was the break up of India, into 2 nations-mostly Hindus Indians and Muslim Pakistan.  Then on July 16 th,1977, the British House of Commons passed an act; to grant the 2 nations of independence in 1 month.  In the summer of 1947, about 10million people moved to India’s Subcontinent.  Then the Muslims killed the Sikhs who were moving into India; then the Hindus killed the Sikhs were headed to Pakistan.

15  In conclusion, you can see that because of Mondnahas K. Gandhi, he helped India in many ways. Because of his peaceful ways, he is known as the, “Great Soul,” in India. India honors and respects him and his ways so much that, his own birthday is an national holiday in India. Gandhi is a great hero, to many of us, even to present day.


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