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 China & The Civil War Aim: How did Communism develop in China?

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1  China & The Civil War Aim: How did Communism develop in China?

2 Republic of China  - The “Three Principles of the People”  Sun Yat-San Sun Yixain

3 Sun Yat-San’s Ideology  “Three Principles of the People”  Sun combined nationalism, democracy, and socialism to try to restore economic and moral strength to China.  Considered the Father of Modern China.

4 China faces major challenges  Following the Opium Wars, China was being carved up into Spheres of Influences by western powers.  These western powers took advantage of China.  A Nationalist group called Boxers grew and attacked westerners across China.  Know as the Boxer Rebellion.

5 Partner Work  Directions: 1. Get with a partner. 2. Actively Read and Analyze the Boxer Rebellion Reading. 3. Answer the questions that follow the reading.

6 End of Boxer Rebellion  The Boxer Rebellion signaled the end of Chinese foreign rule.  In 1911, Sun Yixan organized a Chinese constitution to help bring order to China.  But Sun Yat San would die in 1925 before China would know order.

7 Civil War in China  Chaing Kai-shek (Nationalist Party) vs. Mao Zedong (Communist Party)  Mao his 100,000 Communist followers fled to the country- side to escape Chaing and the nationalist party. Know as the Long March. - -Chaing Kai-shek- - Mao Zedong

8 Who’s on who’s side?  Chaing Kai-Shek -The rich and land owners.  Mao Zedong -recruited the large number of Chinese peasants.  Questions: -Why was this a smart thing to do for Mao? What can he do for them? -How do you think wealthy population will feel about this?

9 Communist Success  1. Mao won the support of peasants by promising them land.  2. Mao won the support of women by rejecting inequalities.  3. Mao’s army was stronger than the Nationalist party.

10 Communism under Mao Zedong  Mao wins and the Communist set up the Peoples Republic of China (PRC) in 1949.  Goal-> Transform China into a modern industrial nation.  Under Communism, literacy increased and eliminated social classes.  Mao also created a one-party dictatorship that denied people of their basic rights.  Question: Where else have we seen the name of a country change? What was the end result of that rulers polices?

11 Summary Chart Mao ZedongChang Kai-shek Political Party Who favored Mao’s policesWho favored Chang Kai-shek’s

12 Summary  1. Who won the Civil War and why?  2. How did communism develop in China?

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