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Section 1 American Nationalism. The Era of Good Feelings  Era of Good Feelings= used to describe Monroe’s presidency  Referred to American nationalism.

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1 Section 1 American Nationalism

2 The Era of Good Feelings  Era of Good Feelings= used to describe Monroe’s presidency  Referred to American nationalism following the War of 1812  Harmony in nat’l politics reached an all time high  b/c Republican party had all the power  Federalist was non-existent  Due to how they handled the Hartford Convention


4 Economic Nationalism  American leader prepared an ambitious program to bring the nation together  Consisted of: 1.Creating a new national bank 2.Protecting American manufacturers from foreign competition 3.Improving transportation

5 Second Bank  1 st Bank=failed  Allowed for state charted banks and private banks to expand their lending of bank notes=money  No presence of the national bank= ↑ in prices of goods during War of 1812  B/C of these problems Republicans introduced a bill in 1816 to create the Second Bank of the U.S.  John C. Calhoun introduced->Henry Clay and Daniel Webster helped it pass  Gave the 2 nd Bank of the U.S. power to issue national currency and control state banks

6 Republican Leaders in Congress John CalhounHenry Clay

7 Tariffs and Transportation  War of 1812-> made U.S. more dependent upon themselves  After the war, British goods flooded U.S. markets  Were at such low prices endangered American companies  Congress responded with Tariff Act of 1816  Created protective tariffs=wanted to tax imports to drive up the prices  New England shippers and Southern farmers opposed the tariffs  WHY?

8 Tariffs and Transportation  Republicans wanted to improve the nation’s transportation system  1816-> John C. Calhoun sponsored a federal improvement plan  President Madison vetoed= stated Constitution didn’t allow for money to be spent on improving transportation  Road and canal construction began anyway  Funded by private businesses and local gov’ts

9 President Madison

10 Judicial Nationalism  Chief Justice of U.S. John Marshall helped unify the nation  Marshall ruled in 3 cases that established the dominance of the national gov’t over the states’ gov’t  Martin v. Hunter’s Lessee  McCulloch v. Maryland  Gibbons v. Ogden  Read about these court cases on pg. 242 and 243.  Copy Chart at bottom of pg. 242.

11 Chief Justice John Marshall

12 Nationalist Diplomacy  Under President Monroe, the U.S. felt proud and confident-> led to expansion of U.S. borders  Jackson Invades Florida  Florida presented two major problems: 1.Runaway slaves fled there (upset Southerners) 2.Creek Indians retreated there (called themselves Seminoles)  Attacked Americans in Georgia  John C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, sent Andrew Jackson to take action against Seminoles  Captured Spanish settlements of St. Marks and Pensacola  Removed Spanish governor of Florida from power

13 Jackson Invades Florida


15 Nationalist Diplomacy  Spain wanted Jackson punished->President Monroe agreed  Secretary of State John Quincy Adams defended Jackson  Blamed Spain for not keeping order in Florida  Spain gave all of Florida to the U.S.->Adams-Onis Treaty (1819)  Finalized western border of Louisiana Purchase  Monroe Doctrine  By 1824, Spain colonies had declared their independence  Only Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Santo Domingo remained

16 Nationalist Diplomacy  Quadruple Alliance=Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, and Russia (France joined later)->created to save monarchies of Europe  Wanted to help Spain gain control of its colonies (minus G.B.) in 1822  G.B. and the U.S. wanted the Latin American countries maintain their independence  Russia was also a concern->controlled Alaska and part of Oregon Territory  President Monroe issued the Monroe Doctrine-> issued in 1823  Stated that American continents were not to colonized by European nations  Wanted to keep Europeans out of Latin America  Kept U.S. from getting involved in European power struggles

17 Monroe Doctrine


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