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Chapter 24.  SSWH14 The student will analyze the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions.  b. Identify the causes and results of the revolutions in England.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 24.  SSWH14 The student will analyze the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions.  b. Identify the causes and results of the revolutions in England."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 24

2  SSWH14 The student will analyze the Age of Revolutions and Rebellions.  b. Identify the causes and results of the revolutions in England (1689), United States (1776), France (1789), Haiti (1791), and Latin America (1808-1825).

3  SSWH15 The student will be able to describe the impact of industrialization, the rise of nationalism, and the major characteristics of worldwide imperialism.  b. Compare and contrast the rise of the nation state in Germany under Otto von Bismarck and Japan under Emperor Meiji.

4  How did the rise of nationalism have global impact?  What were some consequences of the Enlightenment writings?  How did the actions of various rulers bring about change?

5  Inspired by the Enlightenment, people of Latin America rebel against European rule (Spain). Rebels in Europe responded to nationalistic calls for independence.  Nationalist groups create unrest.  Romanticism and realism become new forms of art and expression.

6  Latin America Class dictated place in society  Peninsulares – born in Spain could hold office  Creoles – born in Latin America Could not hold office only military officers

7  Saint Domingue – 1791 Enslaved africans revolt against French masters  Toussaint Louverture takes control of Island  Napoleon sent 30,000 French soldiers Louverture captured – sent to prison in Alps  1804 – 1 st black colony to free itself from European control

8 Creoles best educated – merchant Educated in Europe – brought back Enlightenment ideas  Napoleon removes Spanish King and replaced with brother, Joseph Had no loyalty from Creoles If King removed – power was to shift to people consent of the governed (Locke)

9  Simon Bolivar  1811 – Venezuelans declare independence from Spain  1821 – Simon Bolivar finally wins  Jose San Martin Argentinean lead army on march through Andes Freed Chile  1821 – Bolivar and San Martin join forces Defeated the Spanish at Battle of Ayacucho – Peru Columbia, Peru, Chile, Ecuador, Argentina join to create Gran Columbia (Bolivar’s Dream)



12  Padre Miguel Hidalgo  1810 – ‘grio de Delores’ – call for rebellion United 80,000 Indian and Metizos Alarmed Spanish army and creoles  1811 – defeated by Spanish Jose Maria Morelos leads another rebellion  1815 – Defeated by Creole officer – Iturbide  1820 – Creoles fear loss of privileges from Spanish run colony  1821 – Creoles unite to defeat Spain to claim Mexico’s Independence  Iturbide becomes emperor - overthrown  Central American countries win Independence



15  1807 Napoleon’s army invades Spain and Portugal To close port of Lisbon to British shipping Portuguese King John escapes to largest colony – Brazil ran the empire from Portugal for 6 years  1822 Creole Brazilians declare independence from Portugal Signed petition asking Don Pedro to rule

16  SSWH15 The student will be able to describe the impact of industrialization, the rise of nationalism, and the major characteristics of worldwide imperialism.  b. Compare and contrast the rise of the nation state in Germany under Otto von Bismarck and Japan under Emperor Meiji.


18  Conservative Property owners and nobility  Preferred traditional monarchies  Liberal Middle class business leaders and merchants  Give more power to parliament  Only educated and landowners vote  Radical Extend democracy to everyone  Practice liberty, equality, fraternity like French Revolution

19  Greatest loyalty should be to a nation of shared culture, beliefs and history Independent government – nation state Defends its territory and way of life Tied to Enlightenment and democratic ideas of government – consent of the governed Can be good and bad  Chart page 688 – List positive and negative results of NATIONALISM

20  Nationalists: Liberal and radicals Led struggle for constitutional government Teachers, lawyers, business people  Liberals: some wanted to gather German states into single nation state Some (Austrians) wanted to split and establish self - rule

21  Greece  ruled by Ottoman Turks  1821 demanded independence from Ottomans Greeks were admired for its history Cause for Greek independence popular among Europe and America British, France and Russian fleet defeat Ottomans

22  1830’s  Belgium declared independence from Netherlands  Italy declared independence from Austria  Poland declared independence from Russia  1848  Czechs declared independence from Austria

23  Paris rebelled against monarchy of Charles Paris mob overturned monarchy – establish a republic – again Radicals encourage violence in cities  1848  Louis Napoleon (nephew) won presidential election Later named Emperor Built railroads – encouraged industry – public works


25 Nicholas I tried to take Ottoman territory Crimean War:  Britain, France, Ottomans defeat Russia  Alexander II Modernization and social change Freed serfs (1861) ½ land sold to peasants ½ land given to nobles Created a massive debt - assassinated  Alexander III Drove industrial expansion and nationalism

26  Types of Nationalist Movements: page 692 TypeCharacteristicsExamples Unification Separation State-building


28  Austrian Empire  Slovenes, Hungarians, Germans, Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Croats,  Austria-Hungary split  Russian Empire  Ukrainians, Lithuanians, Romanians, Estonians, Finns, Jews, Georgians, Armenians, Turks  Russification – forced Russian culture Actually strengthened ethnic nationalism!  Ottoman Empire  Greeks, Slavs, Arabs, Bulgarians, Armenians  pressured to grant equal citizenship to all  Angered Turks massacre Armenians

29 Discontent over foreign rulers Nationalism destroyed empires and built nations  Cavour: Prime minister of Sardinia largest most powerful Italian state Liberal constitution Napoleon assists Cavour in liberating northern provinces from Austria Guiseppe Garibaldi united Southern Italy with North ‘the Red One’ – red shirts 1866 Venetia joins Italian states  1870 All of Italy comes of Italian control (except Vatican City)

30  Prussia control of loose German Federation Strongest army – liberal constitution  1861 Liberal parliament refused to grant Wilhelm money for reforms Chooses conservative Junker, Otto von Bismarck as prime minister  Bismarck’s ‘realpolitik’: politics of reality  Describes tough power politics – no room for idealism


32  Declared he  “would rule without consent of parliament and without a legal budget” Direct violation of constitution  ‘the great issues of today will be decided by…blood and iron…” Prussia Austria alliance waged war against Denmark Increased nationalistic tendency Won respect from Germans to have Prussia rule a unified Germany

33  Bismarck stirs ups border conflicts with Austria Provoked Austria into declaring war in 1866 Prussian wreaked devastating victory! Took control of Northern Germany  Franco Prussian War – 1870 Bismarck said they could be persuaded if they faced a threat from the outside…war with France would ‘rally the south’ Manufactured ‘incident’: provoke France into declaring war Prussian forces overwhelm France – captured Napoleon III



36  1950-1980 47 African countries overthrow colonial rulers  1990’s Bosnia, Herzegovina, Croatia, Slovenia and Macedonia broke away from Yugoslavia  Europe has 47 countries with 50 different languages  Latin America is mostly Portuguese and Spanish as well as native Indian languages

37  The Balkans: Greece, Albania, Bulgaria, Romania, Yugoslavia  Congress of Vienna broke down  Revolutions of 1830-48:  Powers that decreased: Austria and Russia  Powers that increased: Britain and Germany






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