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Published byBrent Daniel Modified over 9 years ago
SEM02-16 1 What is ETSI ?
SEM02-16 2 ETSI ? We are the… European Telecommunications Standards Institute
SEM02-16 3 ETSI A European standards organization Active in all areas of ICT Setting globally-applicable standards for telecommunications radiocommunications broadcasting related topics Independent, not-for-profit organization, created in 1988 ISO 9001:2000 certified Offering direct participation 660 Member companies and organisations We have more than 17 000 publications - freely available!
SEM02-16 4 ETSI’s Mission The mission of ETSI is to develop globally applicable deliverables meeting the needs of the Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) community, whilst supporting EU and EFTA regulation and initiatives. In order to achieve its mission, ETSI favours international collaboration.
SEM02-16 5 ETSI’s vision ETSI is the preferred organisation for the ICT industry and other stakeholders, to develop standards and specifications for the global market, and to support regional initiatives as appropriate
SEM02-16 6 ETSI is not … a REGULATORY body, but… we provide technical specifications to support regulation a CERTIFICATION body, but… we provide specifications and other tools to assist certification a FREQUENCY ALLOCATION body, but… we collect, co-ordinate and contribute frequency requirements for the ICT community part of the European Commission, nor part of CEPT, but… we work closely with these and many other organisations
SEM02-16 7 ETSI GSP Global Standards Producer ESO European Standards Organization SPO Service Providing Organization ESO:European Standards Organization: standardization for European needs GSP:Global Standards Producer: standardization for the global level SPO: Service Providing Organization: services such as interoperability testing, forum management etc.
SEM02-16 8 ETSI’s three primary roles ESO European Standards (EN) Harmonised Standards (HS) GSP Technical Specifications (TS) Technical Reports (TR) ETSI Standards (ES) ETSI Guides (EG) European Standards Organization Global Standards Producer SPO Service Providing Organization Interoperability service Forum hosting and secretariat services
SEM02-16 9 ETSI's work includes… Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) Fax, modems, etc Telecoms networks ADSL etc Cable distribution systems Exchange equipment Protocols Power line telecommunications Safety Speech recognition Testing SMS for fixed networks … Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) Fax, modems, etc Telecoms networks ADSL etc Cable distribution systems Exchange equipment Protocols Power line telecommunications Safety Speech recognition Testing SMS for fixed networks ……
SEM02-16 10 And ETSI's work includes… Mobile GSM, UMTS, Railway communications… private/professional land mobile radio systems Cordless (DECT) In the past, analogue cordless & paging Spectrum matters & electromagnetic compatibility Wireless Local Area Networks TETRA & other public safety systems Broadcast Satellite communications Short range devices Aeronautical and marine radio Wireless medical devices Ultra wideband (UWB) Mobile GSM, UMTS, Railway communications… private/professional land mobile radio systems Cordless (DECT) In the past, analogue cordless & paging Spectrum matters & electromagnetic compatibility Wireless Local Area Networks TETRA & other public safety systems Broadcast Satellite communications Short range devices Aeronautical and marine radio Wireless medical devices Ultra wideband (UWB)
SEM02-16 11 ETSI We are the home of the GSM™ family of standards… And a founding partner in
SEM02-16 12 ETSI – a European Standards Organization ETSI was conceived in the late 1980s to respond to particular needs in Europe and in support of European Commission ambitions ETSI continues to produce standards for European industry… …and we produce standards and other material to support European Union and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) regulation and legislation… …for which we are officially recognised at EU/EFTA and governmental levels… …as well as contributing ICT radio frequency requirements to the European co-ordination process ETSI was conceived in the late 1980s to respond to particular needs in Europe and in support of European Commission ambitions ETSI continues to produce standards for European industry… …and we produce standards and other material to support European Union and European Free Trade Association (EFTA) regulation and legislation… …for which we are officially recognised at EU/EFTA and governmental levels… …as well as contributing ICT radio frequency requirements to the European co-ordination process
SEM02-16 13 ETSI – a global standards body ! ETSI was established as a European body and retains European responsibilities. But… …many of ETSI’s Members are global players… …so ETSI seeks to have its standards adopted worldwide Over 100 of ETSI’s Members (about 20% of the total) have no established operations in Europe Many of the other 80% are headquartered outside Europe
SEM02-16 14 ETSI – a global standards body ! Remember GSM ? Developed (by ETSI) for Europe Now a worldwide success story! More than 1.7 billion users in over 200 countries One million new users EVERY DAY! ETSI’s Lawful Interception handover standard Being deployed in Europe… But also in USA and Australia, where the laws are being developed to comply with the ETSI Standard DECT – Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications Originally Digital European Cordless Telecommunications Over 200 million terminals in more than 110 countries DVB system specifications Based on DVB Project proposals Services available on every continent TETRA Currently 788 contracts in 77 countries Radio microphones and cordless audio equipment Global agreement on common standards Just some examples…
SEM02-16 15 ETSI – a Service Provider In addition to standards-making, ETSI provides a range of supporting services, notably… Creation of test specifications and methodologies Interoperability testing (Plugtests™) Forum hosting (Forapolis) In addition to standards-making, ETSI provides a range of supporting services, notably… Creation of test specifications and methodologies Interoperability testing (Plugtests™) Forum hosting (Forapolis)
SEM02-16 16 Four types of Member Full member Established in geographical area of Europe (as defined by CEPT) Committed to ETSI Statutes and Rules of Procedure Associate member Committed to ETSI’s work, but without a presence in the CEPT geographical area of Europe Observer Entitled to be full member, but not wishing to participate in ETSI’s technical work Counsellor Representative of European Commission or EFTA Secretariat
SEM02-16 17 Five Categories of Member Administrations, Administrative Bodies and National Standards Organizations Network Operators Manufacturers Users Service Providers, Research Bodies, Consultancy Companies/Partnerships, and others
SEM02-16 18 Contacts All members are expected to appoint a formal Contact Person for Collective Letters, membership and other formal matters, etc All Full and Associate Members are expected to appoint a Voting Contact for approval of ETSI deliverables
SEM02-16 19 ETSI Membership 511 Full Members from 37 European countries (but many headquartered outside Europe) 38 Observers 108 Associate Members from 21 non-European countries -------------------- 657 TOTAL from 59 countries 511 108 38 Full Members Associate Members Observers (May 2006)
SEM02-16 20 Growth of Full Members in ETSI 126 187 249 289 316 330 365 387 418 457 512 567 607 653 672 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 19881989199019911992199319941995 19961997 19981999200020012002 Year Number of Full Members 2003 537 520 2004 (May 2006) 498 2005 2006 511
SEM02-16 21 Growth of Associate Members Number of Associate Members 4 6 89 11 21 31 43 72 104 153 174 191 0 50 100 150 200 250 199019911992199319941995199619971998 1999 2000 0102 Year 030304 126 (May 2006) 05 102 06 108
SEM02-16 22 ETSI Membership by Country (Full & Associate) (May 2006) Albania1 Algeria1 Andorra1 Australia2 Austria11 Belgium26 Bosnia Herzegovina2 Bulgaria4 Brazil1 Canada7 China9 Croatia4 Cyprus2 Czech Republic4 Denmark18 Egypt1 Estonia1 Finland16 France73 Georgia1 Germany83 Great Britain116 Greece5 Hungary4 Iceland1 India3 Iran1 Ireland11 Israel7 Italy28 Japan2 Korea1 Latvia2 Lichtenstein1 Lithuania1 Luxembourg6 Malaysia1 Malta2 Netherlands27 Norway9 Poland5 Portugal2 Romania4 Russia7 Singapore3 Slovakia2 Slovenia3 South Africa4 Spain16 Sweden23 Switzerland18 Taiwan10 Tunisia1 Turkey6 Ukraine1 United Arab Emirates2 United States52 Uzbekistan1 Yemen1 657
SEM02-16 23 Effect of weighted vote
SEM02-16 “Technical Organisation” The ETSI Secretariat gives support to all the different bodies in the Organization The ETSI structure Working Groups General Assembly ETSI Board Special Committees Technical Committees ETSI Partnership Projects
SEM02-16 25 ETSI’s Technical Committees Access & Terminals Broadband Radio Access Networks Broadcast Joint Technical Committee with European Broadcasting Union and CENELEC Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication (DECT) Environmental Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility & Radio Spectrum Electronic Signatures & Infrastructures Human Factors Information & Communication Systems Joint Technical Committee with ECMA Lawful Interception Mobile Standards Group Continued…
SEM02-16 26 ETSI’s Technical Committees Continued… Methods for Testing & Specification Powerline Telecommunications Railway Telecommunications Safety Satellite Earth Stations & Systems Smart Card Platform Speech Processing, Transmission & Quality Telecoms & Internet converged Services & Protocols for Advanced Networks Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA) Transmission & Multiplexing
SEM02-16 27 ETSI’s “Special” Committees Technical Emergency Communications Security Algorithms User Group Administrative Finance Committee Joint ETSI/ECMA Marketing & Promotion Operational Co-ordination
SEM02-16 28 ETSI Partnership Projects 3 rd Generation Partnership Project -specifying a W-CDMA system based on an evolution of the GSM core network, a member of the ITU’s IMT-2000 family Organizational Partners: ARIB (Japan), CCSA (China), ETSI, TTA (Korea), TTC (Japan), ATIS (USA) Market Representation Partners: GSA, GSM Association, UMTS Forum, IPv6 Forum, 3G Americas, TD-SCDMA Forum, TDIA http://www.
SEM02-16 29 ETSI Partnership Projects Mobile Broadband for Emergency and Safety Applications Formerly: Public Safety Partnership Project initiated by ETSI Project TETRA (under the name of DAWS) and by TIA and the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials (APCO) under APCO's Project 34. Organizational Partners: ETSI, TIA (USA) Observers: ISACC (Canada), TTA (Korea) http://www.
SEM02-16 30 ETSI Secretariat Mission: To serve ETSI Members and help them maximize the return on their standardization investments, by anticipating their needs and responding rapidly and efficiently to their requests Around 100 staff, based in Sophia Antipolis Providing technical, project, administrative and logistical support to the ETSI community
SEM02-16 31 ETSI Secretariat Supports all activities of the Institute Around 100 staff Includes: ‘Mobile Competence Centre’ ‘Fixed Competence Centre’ ‘Radio Competence Centre’ ‘Protocols and Testing Competence Centre’ Plugtests™ service Forapolis service Additional technical experts on a full time basis in Specialist Task Forces (STF) based at ETSI headquarters at any time, about 30 STFs, 100 experts
SEM02-16 32 The ETSI standards process Work Item introduced Approval of draft by technical committee Publication IMMEDIATE If Technical Specification or Technical Report DraftingApproval 6 – 12 MONTHS If European Standard NSO Enquiry and Vote 90 DAYS If ETSI Standard or ETSI Guide ETSI Member vote Drafting in technical committee, working group or Specialist Task Force
SEM02-16 33 ETSI Technical Specifications (TSs) ETSI Technical Reports (TRs) Approved by the TC or Project concerned Traditional or web-based voting ETSI Standards (ESs) ETSI Guides (EGs) Approved by the full ETSI Membership Web-based voting tool European Standards (ENs, telecommunications series ) Approved by National Delegations, through the National Standards Organizations (NSOs) Web-based voting tool ETSI Deliverables Fast to publish Fast + approved by all members Wide, formal acceptance
SEM02-16 34 Annual PRODUCTION (Values for 2006 and 2007 are predicted values) All Technical Bodies and all deliverables types
SEM02-16 35 All ETSI deliverables Publications from beginning of ETSI up to end March 2006 1676229850 Document typePublishedAdopted awaiting publication In process of adoption (after TB approval) EN4039 (1) 732 ES381016 EG17602 TS10428 (2) 273 TR1692 (3) 18 SR46 (1)including amendments, ETS, I-ETS and TBR. (2)including GTS. (3)including TCR-TR, TC-TR and ETR.
SEM02-16 36 ETSI in the World
SEM02-16 38 ETSI’s Partnerships EC and EFTA ITU, IEC and ISO European standards organizations Standards bodies in other regions CEPT R&D bodies and programmes National Standards Organizations Fora and Consortia Other bodies inside and outside Europe
SEM02-16 39 Fora / Consortia Fora / Consortia ETSI’s relations with ITU, IEC & ISO and Standards Bodies ITU-T ITU-R JTC1 GTSC GRSC DECT Forum DVB Project Group EBU GSM Association IEEE IMTC IPv6 Forum TETRA Forum UMTS Forum & 50+ others International bodies Interregional Co-operation CENELEC CEN
SEM02-16 40 Global Standards Collaboration Interregional collaboration on selected standardization subjects between ISACC (Canada) ATIS (USA) TIA (USA) ITU (International) TTC (Japan) TTA (Korea) ACIF (Australia) ARIB (Japan) (Chin a)
SEM02-16 41 Co-operation with EC and EFTA EC: Green Paper on Telecommunications (1987) Counsellors of ETSI Contribution to the ETSI Work Programme ETSI official recognition by the EC in Summer 1992 Framework Contracts "Mandated" (contracted) work in support of European regulation and legislation
SEM02-16 42 Written agreements Numerous agreements with global and regional standards bodies, fora, research projects, etc., etc. See the ETSI web site for the latest list and summaries of current agreements
SEM02-16 43 Key Strategies for ETSI – 2006 Global Standard Producer Fulfil industry needs for specifications ETSI first choice for new work External relations Strengthen links with research institutes & universities Promote ETSI (use EC programmes) Open Standards & interoperability Increase visibility of ETSI in ICT Service Proving Organization Strengthen links between ETSI TBs and Strategic Topics Promote Forapolis Develop PTCC and Plugtests™, partnering with other standards org’s and fora on test specifications and testing Increase responsiveness and efficiency of customer support European Standards Org’n Keep role as ESO Keep ETSI strategy in line with EC initiatives & support European ICT agenda Pursue new EC opportunities ETSI Strategie s See ETSI/GA46(05)13
SEM02-16 44 Electronic working Most ETSI & 3GPP meetings now totally paperless Document distribution by e-mail and web sites All meeting rooms equipped with LANs increasingly wireless LAN Most administrative tasks now performed using web applications, including: meeting organization meeting registration document numbering and 'distribution' approval of deliverables (standards and reports) membership information delegates' contact details and account management free download of published deliverables IPR declarations and database on-line shopping ETSI Documentation Service on DVD; updates via web site
SEM02-16 45 Electronic meetings
SEM02-16 46 Getting information ETSI website ETSI portal 3GPP website MESA website Other hosted sites E-mail exploder lists For all of ETSI’s activities Official Contact for each ETSI Member Receives all formal correspondence Plus the complete ETSI library on DVD 4 times a year Helpdesk +33 (0)4 92 94 49 00 :
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