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1 ETSI and Lawful Interception Robin Gape Chair TC Sec WG LI.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ETSI and Lawful Interception Robin Gape Chair TC Sec WG LI."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ETSI and Lawful Interception Robin Gape Chair TC Sec WG LI

2 2 About ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute A “standards factory” –market driven Broad industry participation European and Global player

3 3 PSTN Achievements Technical Handover Interface –ES 201 671 v1 1999 –ES 201 671 v2 2001 Plus supporting documents –LEA Requirements (ETR 331) –Network Elements (ES 201 158)

4 4 A Major Success Started with 17th January 1995 Resolution “Filled out” LEA requirements 1996 Network elements 1998 Handover Interface 1999 Revised Handover Interface 2001

5 5 Structure of Handover Administration Intercept related information Content of communication Specifies the boundary only

6 6 AP = Access provider HI = Handover interface IIF = internal intercepting function INI = internal network interface LEMF = Law enforcement monitoring facility MF = Mediation function NWO = Network operator SvP = Service provider

7 7 Adoption of ES 201 671 Manufacturers European Countries World-wide

8 8 Mobile GSM Requirements –TS 101 507 GSM Internals –TS 101 509 (03.33) Also TETRA –EN 301 040

9 9 Data Achievements GPRS Handover Interface –TR 101 876 –ES 201 671 v2 2001 GPRS Internals –Annex B of TS 101 509 Report “Issues on IP Interception” –TR 101 944

10 10 IP Report Describes data Structures problems Common understanding Way point to solutions

11 11 Data Handover

12 12 Why standardise? Market availability Low cost Speed to market Low hassle Efficiency Simplicity

13 13 Players in ETSI Operators Manufacturers –network –LEMF Regulators & Ministries Law Enforcement Agencies

14 14 What is ETSI doing for data? UMTS TIPHON –multimedia –includes voice Other systems Market driven

15 15 Where is the market going? Full steam ahead Where the demand is –more and more data Detail not clear Growth will continue

16 16 The Future Support ETSI Adopt ETSI standards –simple –cheap, for everyone Ferocious pace of change –very hard to stop

17 17 More info Web site – Publications – WG LI –

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