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Standards and Innovation NSAI Standards Development Elizabeth O’Ferrall Seminar – Universal Design in Legislation, Policy and Practice 3 rd June 2010 This.

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Presentation on theme: "Standards and Innovation NSAI Standards Development Elizabeth O’Ferrall Seminar – Universal Design in Legislation, Policy and Practice 3 rd June 2010 This."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standards and Innovation NSAI Standards Development Elizabeth O’Ferrall Seminar – Universal Design in Legislation, Policy and Practice 3 rd June 2010 This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you.

2 Innovation and standard development European Commission paper – “Towards an increased contribution from standardisation to innovation in Europe”. Stronger role for standardisation in support of innovation is important for Europe to address economic, environment & social challenges. Can be a tool to disseminate new knowledge innovation and technology This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you.

3 Role of Standards – disseminating technology This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you.

4 Role of Standards – disseminating technology This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you.

5 Role of Standards – disseminating technology This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you.

6 Role of Standards – disseminating technology This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you.

7 Standards and the interaction with R&D This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you.

8 Established role of standards is to structure economy and protect consumers ISO/ IEC CEN/ CENELEC NSAI Committees Irish Economy GlobalEuropeanNational This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you.

9 Standard development network This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you.

10 Benefits to participation in the standards process Gives the participant a competitive edge How Awareness of latest innovations Awareness of latest draft regulations Networking within industry specific forum Facilitates the building of participants own knowledge base, i.e. participants may learn a great deal about the area in which they are engaged This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you.

11 NSAI and Universal Design Establishment of Accessibility for all Consultative Committee 2006 (AASCC) This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you.

12 NSAI and Universal Design Scope of the AASCC To advise NSAI in regard to the need for National standards in the area of Universal Design and Accessibility for all people, including persons of any size, age, ability, or disability This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you.

13 NSAI and Universal Design 6 Active Working Groups WG1-Built Environment WG2-Wheelchairs & Universal Transport WG3-Assistive Technology- Products WG4-ICT WG6-Universal Design in Service Provision WG7-Inclusion of Universal Design in Standards Development This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you.

14 NSAI and Universal Design This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you. Involvement in STAND4ALL Project – Feb 2010 An EU-funded project, in which both consumers/end users and committee members in standardization are trained to take into account the needs of older people and people with disabilities in standardization.

15 NSAI and Universal Design This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you. Mandates in Relation to Standards Mandate 283 - Mandate to the European Standards Bodies for a guidance document in the field of safety and usability of products by people with special needs (e.g. elderly and disabled).

16 NSAI and Universal Design This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you. Mandates in Relation to Standards Mandate 273 - Mandate to the European Standards Bodies for standardization in the field of information and communications technologies (ICT) for disabled and elderly people.

17 NSAI and Universal Design This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you. Mandates in Relation to Standards Mandate 376 - Standardisation mandate to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI in support of European accessibility requirements for public procurement of products and services in the ICT domain.

18 NSAI and Universal Design This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you. Mandates in Relation to Standards Mandate 420 - Standardisation mandate to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI in support of European accessibility requirements for public procurement in the built environment

19 NSAI and Universal Design This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you. Draft Mandate Mandate xxx - Standardisation mandate to CEN, CENELEC and ETSI to include design for all in relevant Standardisation initiatives

20 NSAI and Universal Design This is the size of the picture window overlay, for the scrolling text, please ensure all Power Point information is above this blue box. Thank you. Further Information on Standardisation Accessibility for All Standards Consultative Committee Work Contact: Elizabeth O’Ferrall, Tel 01 8073855 (

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