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DOCUMENT #:GSC15-CL-03 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:CCSA AGENDA ITEM:Closing Plenary 2.2 CONTACT(S):Zhiqin Wang GRSC-8 Summary Report Zhiqin Wang, GRSC-8 Chair,

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Presentation on theme: "DOCUMENT #:GSC15-CL-03 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:CCSA AGENDA ITEM:Closing Plenary 2.2 CONTACT(S):Zhiqin Wang GRSC-8 Summary Report Zhiqin Wang, GRSC-8 Chair,"— Presentation transcript:

1 DOCUMENT #:GSC15-CL-03 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:CCSA AGENDA ITEM:Closing Plenary 2.2 CONTACT(S):Zhiqin Wang GRSC-8 Summary Report Zhiqin Wang, GRSC-8 Chair, CCSA Global Standards Collaboration (GSC) GSC-15

2 General Overview  41 attendees  16 input documents  Noted meeting report from GRSC-7 (ITU)  3 High Interest Subject (HIS) panel sessions Wireless access including RLANs & ad-hoc Networking Mobile Multimedia Broadcast & Multicast Reconfigurable Radio Systems (RRS)  3 Task Force Reports IMT Task Force Radio Microphone Task Force Re-launch of Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) Task Force  WRC12 status Reports

3 HIS: Wireless access including RLANs & ad-hoc Networking (ISACC)  Contributions: 02r2(ARIB), 03 (CCSA), 04 (TIA), 16 (ISACC)  Summary Studies of technical specifications of the Wide Area Ubiquitous Network (WAUN) system towards development of the ARIB standard The need for a WAUN frequency allocation being discussed Update provided on evolution of SCDMA from narrowband to broadband to multimedia trunking system & the standardization timeline McWill (Multi-Carrier Wireless Information Local Loop) included in ITU-R Recommendation on BWA technologies Further development of standards, research and cooperation Specifications developed to support cdma2000 ® -based Femtocells Regulatory issues for Femtocells such as lawfully authorized electronic surveillance being studied in 2010 Ongoing coordination with Broadband Forum for publication of Femtocell Management Objects and with Femto Forum to address industry considerations

4  Resolution  Name of HIS changed from “Wireless Access including RLANs & ad-hoc Networking” to “Broadband Wireless Access, RLANs and ad-hoc Networking”  Revised for updated information.

5 HIS: Mobile Multimedia Broadcast & Multicast (TIA)  Contributions: 05 (ETSI), 06r2 (TIA), plen-04(ARIB, for info)  Summary  Digital radio rollouts dependent on government support. European rollout with digital receiver profiles provide first step of unifying the market  Mobile TV based on DVB and FLO are not a major success today, but expectations are high. Several alternate technologies and devices are competing for the attention of subscribers.  ARIB continues standardization efforts in this area.  Resolution Reaffirmed

6 HIS: Reconfigurable Radio Systems (TIA)  Contributions: 07 (CCSA), 08 (ETSI), 09 (TIA)  Summary Expanded activity in China and Europe Limited progress elsewhere  Resolution Revised for updated information.

7 Task Force Reports: IMT Task Force  Contribution: 10 (ARIB)  Summary According IMT-Advanced process, The IMT Task Force encourages activities of exchanging information and views for the finalization of 2 ITU-R Recommendation/Reports which are:  Detailed radio interface specifications for IMT-Advanced [IMT.RSPEC] and,  Analysis and assessment of global broadband wireless services and marketplace for IMT [IMT.UPDATE]. The IMT Task Force requests its PSOs to review their national/regional activities and to report on their progress to the Task Force and at the next GSC meeting.  Resolution Propose following updates for Resolution GSC-14/01: To update “Recognizing part” as appropriate To add issues on [IMT.RSPEC] and [IMT.UPDATE] in “Resolves part”

8 Task Force Reports: Radio Microphone Task Force  Contribution: 14 (ETSI +14a1 for info), 15 (ETSI +15a1 for info)  Summary In Europe, reallocation of 790-862 MHz band to Mobile Fixed Communication Network will impact the use of radio microphones. A Specialist Task Force STF386 was set up within ETSI to investigate Cognitive-PMSE. PMSE stands for “Program Making and Special Events”. Relevant standard documents have or will be published in recent years. Further to the work of ETSI-CENELEC JWG DD, consideration of appropriate immunity standards will take place. ETSI are in the process of revising its standard EN 300 422 according to recent development of Assistive Listing Devices (ALD).  Resolution Reaffirmed

9 Task Force Reports: Re-launch Task Force  Contribution: 11 (ETSI +11a1 for info), 13r1  Summary Raised problems of current EAS technology from several aspects including frequency and potential interference with existing safety & distress systems, cost reduction, systems standards. Proposed to re-launch the EAS Task Force in GSC to:  gather information and evaluate the possibilities of moving towards standard systems and frequencies around the world.  further investigate the issue of potential interference between EAS tagging systems and existing safety & distress systems through a measurement campaign.  Resolution Propose to approve a new resolution on Radio Aspects of EAS and Create a GRSC Task Force on EAS.

10 ITU preparation for WRC-12  Contribution: 12 (ITU)  Summary Timetable in preparation for WRC-12:  3 Dec 2010: publication of draft CPM report  31 Jan 2011: Deadline for contributions to CPM 11-2  14-25 Feb 2011: CPM 11-2  April 2011: publication of CPM Report  Q1 2012: WRC-12 Chapters of CPM report and corresponding WRC-12 Agenda items. The agenda items of particular interest have been highlighted. Increasing activities of regional group meetings and information meetings for WRC-12.

11 Resolutions Actions proposed by GRSC-8  GSC15/15: Reconfigurable Radio Systems (Revised)  GSC 15/21: Broadband Services in Rural and Remote Areas (Revised) Rename the Resolution and corresponding HIS to “Broadband Wireless Access, RLANs and ad-hoc Networking”  GSC 15/33: (GRSC) Radio Aspects of Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) Systems (New) Create a new GRSC Task Force on EAS, convened by Jacques Hulshof (NEDAP, NL) from ETSI

12 Final Status of GRSC Resolutions  GSC 15/13, Global UWB Standardization including UWB Radar and Sensor/Imaging Applications (Reaffirmed)  GSC 15/15, Software Defined Radio (SDR) (Revised)  GSC 15/17, Mobile Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast (Reaffirmed)  GSC 15/19, Facilitating Liaison in Relation to Measurement Methodologies, associated Measurement Uncertainty and Calibration (Reaffirmed)  GSC 15/20, Radio Microphones and Cordless Audio Standardization (Reaffirmed)  GSC 15/21, Broadband Services in Rural and Remote Areas (Revised)  GSC 15/33: (GRSC) Radio Aspects of Electronic Article Surveillance (EAS) Systems (New)

13 Closing remarks  Thanks to the GRSC-8 Vice-Chairs Mr. Colin Langtry (ITU) Ms. Cindy Cook (ISACC)  Thanks to HIS panel session lead PSO speakers

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