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Matter Mysteries If your so smart then … ?. Matter Mysteries If your so smart then … ? How can shaving cream expand tenfold but get lighter at the same.

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Presentation on theme: "Matter Mysteries If your so smart then … ?. Matter Mysteries If your so smart then … ? How can shaving cream expand tenfold but get lighter at the same."— Presentation transcript:

1 Matter Mysteries If your so smart then … ?

2 Matter Mysteries If your so smart then … ? How can shaving cream expand tenfold but get lighter at the same time?

3 Matter Mysteries If your so smart then … ? How can shaving cream expand tenfold but get lighter at the same time? How can you add a pile of salt to water and not change the water’s volume much?

4 Matter Mysteries If your so smart then … ? How can shaving cream expand tenfold but get lighter at the same time? How can you add a pile of salt to water and not change the water’s volume much? Mix two fluids – one blue and one clear – and get yellowish brown sludge?

5 Matter Mysteries Ow! Matter is made of ATOMS – little unbreakable pieces bouncing around and separated by empty space.

6 Shaving Cream: Space around atoms increased. Saltwater: Salt “atoms” fit into spaces between water “atoms”. Precipitate: Atoms combine in new ways to make new substance. Matter Mysteries Oh.

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