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TUESDAY DECEMBER 3, 2013 CO: SWD applying of word choice by constructing a 6-word memoir. LO: SW write sentences using commas correctly.  6 minutes--Bell.

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Presentation on theme: "TUESDAY DECEMBER 3, 2013 CO: SWD applying of word choice by constructing a 6-word memoir. LO: SW write sentences using commas correctly.  6 minutes--Bell."— Presentation transcript:

1 TUESDAY DECEMBER 3, 2013 CO: SWD applying of word choice by constructing a 6-word memoir. LO: SW write sentences using commas correctly.  6 minutes--Bell Work: Write the sentences on your bell work paper. Then, add COMMAS where they are needed. 1. He left the scene of the accident and tried to forget that it had happened. 2. Oil which is lighter than water rises to the surface. 3. Madame de Stael was an attractive gracious lady. 4. Nice is a word with many meanings and some of them are contradictory.

2 ANSWERS 1. He left the scene of the accident and tried to forget that it had happened. 2. Oil, which is lighter than water, rises to the surface. 3. Madame de Stael was an attractive, gracious lady. 4. Nice is a word with many meanings, and some of them are contradictory.

3 TUESDAY DECEMBER 3, 2013 CO: SWD applying of word choice by constructing a 6-word memoir. LO: SW write sentences using commas correctly.  [5 minutes] Housekeeping--Updates  Plans for new unit.  Grades are submitted today. If you have an E, expect a phone call home.  You need a composition book or notebook by Friday.  [10 minutes] 6-Word Memoirs  Identity theme  View video  After reading/seeing some six-word memoirs, what surprises you about this form?  What’s the difference between a story and a memoir? Why do we tell stories?

4 TUESDAY DECEMBER 3, 2013 CO: SWD applying of word choice by constructing a 6-word memoir. LO: SW write sentences using commas correctly.  [ 20 minutes] 6-Word Memoirs---how to share you identity  Video tips on how to write your OWN  Choose a focus word and then find synonyms for it  Word choice:  Connotation: the emotional or personal associations the word carries, beyond its literal definition.  Register: the level of formality or informality associated with the word.  Sound and rhythm: the way words sound and scan contribute to their appropriateness.  Write your FINAL VERSION on a sentence strip. You need your first name, last name, and class period on the front side of the paper.

5 TUESDAY DECEMBER 3, 2013 CO: SWD analyzing of transcendentalist text by showing connections to other forms. LO: SW share reflections on Transcendentalism using sentence stems.  [5 minutes] Bell Work  What does transcend mean?  After writing your response, pair share with your neighbor.  One person needs to be prepared to share out with the class.

6 TUESDAY DECEMBER 3, 2013 CO: SWD analyzing of transcendentalist text by showing connections to other forms. LO: SW share reflections on Transcendentalism using sentence stems.  [ 8 minutes] Pair Share--Transcendentalism  Turn to your elbow partner and share the information on your circle map.  Decide the MOST important piece of information that we should know about Transcendentalism.  One partner stands up when they are ready to share this sentence: The most important thing we learned about Transcendentalism is______________________________.

7 TUESDAY DECEMBER 3, 2013 CO: SWD analyzing of transcendentalist text by showing connections to other forms. LO: SW share reflections on Transcendentalism using sentence stems.  [ 5 minutes] Discussion of Quick Write—Transcendentalism How are you affected by nature? Do you find comfort in it? Do you reflect the moods of nature? What is the role of nature in your life? What is meant by an individual's spiritual side? How to you define it? Is there a connection between the individual's spirit and nature? If so, what is that connection? What does it mean to know something intuitively? For example, has a parent or a sibling ever known something was wrong with you without having talked with or seen you? What do we mean when we say "I just know it"? How do you demonstrate that you are an individual? Do you think independently of others or do you follow the crowd?

8 TUESDAY DECEMBER 3, 2013 CO: SWD analyzing of transcendentalist text by showing connections to other forms. LO: SW share reflections on Transcendentalism using sentence stems.  [ 12 minutes] Reading---Emerson’s “Nature”  What different moods does Emerson note in the excerpt?  How is nature connected to these moods?  What effect does nature have on Emerson? What does he mean when he says "I become a transparent eyeball"?  In what ways does Emerson connect nature, humankind, and God?  In what way does Nature serve as a teacher?  How is nature portrayed as noble? As a source of comfort?  How are human beings represented as part of nature?  What can human beings learn from nature? How does this learning affect the individual's spirituality?

9 TUESDAY DECEMBER 3, 2013 CO: SWD analyzing of transcendentalist text by showing connections to other forms. LO: SW share reflections on Transcendentalism using sentence stems.  [ 8 minutes] Reading---Calvin and Hobbes  You and your elbow partner read 3-4 comic strips.  Find connections between the comics, Emeron’s “Nature,” and the article on Transcendentalism.  Write a list on a post-it together.

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