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A dopting Green Business for Sustainability: ENGAGING CORPORATE LAGOS By: Akanimo Odon (PhD)

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Presentation on theme: "A dopting Green Business for Sustainability: ENGAGING CORPORATE LAGOS By: Akanimo Odon (PhD)"— Presentation transcript:

1 A dopting Green Business for Sustainability: ENGAGING CORPORATE LAGOS By: Akanimo Odon (PhD)

2 Contents  An Overview  Benefits of Going Green  The Business Model  Climate Change Capacity Building Initiative (3CBI)

3 Envirofly Overseas Partners

4 …on to new frontiers In an era where global concerns about environmental issues is at a peak, Nigeria has a role to play and Lagos can lead that agenda. Sustainability is a new direction for firms to effectively and profitably show-case their environmental consciousness.

5 Why Lagos? Why Now? Lagos has held this summit 6 times before….premise Lagos is a Coastal City and one of the most susceptible States to the impacts of climate change – rising sea levels Lagos has the largest industry base in Sub-Saharan Africa Lagos is the most populated State in Sub-Saharan Africa But Most Importantly …………………………


7 The Missing Link ?

8 …on to new frontiers To go green, companies need to implement green initiatives and then promote and publicize them. There is a case for a strategic alignment between Lagos State Government and Corporate Lagos.

9 The Missing Link Lagos State Government + Corporate Lagos A Partnership that Works

10 Going Green??? Over was saved by Levi Strauss by eliminating bottled water at corporate meetings. $500,000 $40,000 15,000,000 per year was saved by Bank of America for reducing the weight of their ATM receipts from 20 pounds to 15 pounds worth of bottles a year was saved by Unilever by re- configuring the plastic bottles of their billion dollar worth Suave shampoo brand.

11 Going Green???.... has been saved by Norm Thompson Prints by printing its catalogs on 10 percent postconsumer recycled paper, and increased that figure to an average of 30 percent postconsumer recycled paper before 2008. 4,400 tons of wood per year 11.7 million gallons of water per year 990 tons of solid waste per year

12 Going Green??? General Mills recycled 86% of its solid waste by burning its oats hull for fuel. Unilever triple concentrated detergent saved 1.3 million gallons of fuel, 10 million pounds of plastic resin and 80 million square feet of cardboard since 2005 – sustainable packaging… Delta Airlines collected 60 tonnes of recyclables in three months by instructing flight attendants to sort. Budweiser saves 21 million pounds of metal per year by trimming an eight of an inch off the diameter of its beer cans


14 Benefits Of Going Green A new methodology for managing business practices, interfacing with the public, executing energy policy, and interacting with other businesses in an increasingly interconnected global economy.

15 Benefits of Going Green International Reputation and Profile – with international contemporaries Competitive Advantage – over local competition Cost Savings and Effectiveness – across business operations

16 Benefits of Going Green Revenue generation – from waste and carbon credits Access to International Environmental Funds – for greener community projects. Access to strategic partnerships – to drive aspects of business.

17 Benefits of Going Green Better Quality of life – for employers and customers Good will and appreciation – from stake holders.

18 Sharp increase in Green Brand Awareness across the Nigeria. Short-Medium Run Guaranteed positive impact on Triple bottom line Medium Run Loyalty and market leadership Long Run Brand Benefits With a good deployment of this process, Corporate Lagos can be guaranteed of a great output.

19 The Green Bug……. just like Health and Safety in the Oil and Gas Industry Local Content in the Oil and Gas Industry ATMs in Banking Industry Image and Branding will catch the green bug in a chain reaction without restrictions to any industry......


21 The Business Model Audit/Assessment Stage Advice/Consultation Stage Deployment Stage Greenifying Process for Companies 2 – 4 weeksContinuous 3 – 5 weeks

22 Green Programme Facets Awareness/Training Resource Management Process Management Waste Management

23 Resource Management Water efficiency Light/power management Raw materials management Fuel use Resource Management Water efficiency Light/power management Raw materials management Fuel use Awareness/ Training/Events Company wide training Awareness campaigns Company policy documents Organising green seminars/workshops/conferences Awareness/ Training/Events Company wide training Awareness campaigns Company policy documents Organising green seminars/workshops/conferences Waste Management Waste reduction strategies Zero Waste Initiatives Waste Disposal and Re-use models Waste Management Waste reduction strategies Zero Waste Initiatives Waste Disposal and Re-use models Process Management Green Procurement Green Financing Green Logistics Green Supply Chain Management Process Management Green Procurement Green Financing Green Logistics Green Supply Chain Management Collaborative Stakeholder Relationships Value Adding Alignment with NCD Directives Nigerian Content Embedded in C&P & HR processes Target High Growth Potential Sub-Contractors Core Strategies for Greenifying a Company

24 Platforms & Propositions Awareness/Training

25 Platforms & Propositions Resource Management

26 Platforms & Propositions Process Management

27 Platforms & Propositions Waste Management

28 Green Washing Greenwashing (a compound word modelled on "whitewash"), or "green sheen", is a form of spin in which green PR or green marketing is deceptively used to promote the perception that a company's policies or products are environmentally friendly.compound wordwhitewashspingreen PRgreen marketing deceptively productsenvironmentally friendly In any other aspects of business, this might pass but because environmental issues are global in nature, being accused of green washing can negatively affect a companies’ business negatively from a reputation perspective. It is therefore fundamental that information generated from green consulting is accurate enough prior to green PR.

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