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Astronomy 1020 Stellar Astronomy Spring_2015 Day-35.

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1 Astronomy 1020 Stellar Astronomy Spring_2015 Day-35

2 Because the helium ash gets in the way, the star gets brighter To continue to burn hydrogen with all that helium in the way, the core of the star gets a little hotter, the surface gets a little bigger and the star gets a little brighter.

3 Course Announcements Dark night Alternative exercise is posted. Reports are due Wed. Apr. 22 Final exam (and Exam-4) is (are) scheduled on Wednesday, May 6, 10:30-12:30pm LABS: This Week: Hubble Red Shift “On your own”: Galaxy Zoo Classification Due: Wed. 29 th at class time (NO late labs accepted)

4  The maximum mass for a white dwarf is 1.4 M , called the Chandrasekhar limit.  If material dumped on the white dwarf pushes it over this limit, it will collapse and explode.

5 What does it mean to be Degenerate? Electron energy levels crowded together almost continuous All low energy levels are full according to the Pauli Exclusion Principle Only place for additional electrons to go is in high energy levels which means they must move very fast…close to the speed of light Adding more mass decreases the volume Temperature is same everywhere

6 If you add mass to a degenerate object it shrinks

7  This is called a Type Ia supernova.  The explosion is briefly as luminous as 10 billion Suns.  Nothing of that star is left behind; the other star evolves on its own.  This process requires a binary system.

8 Concept Quiz—Stages Which of the following is the correct order for the stages of evolution of the Sun? A.main sequence, white dwarf, planetary nebula, red giant B.main sequence, red giant, white dwarf, planetary nebula C.main sequence, red giant, planetary nebula, white dwarf D.main sequence, planetary nebula, red giant, white dwarf

9 Massive stars have more hydrogen to start with but they burn it at a prodigious rate The overall reaction is still There are 3 gamma ray photons instead of two as in the proton- proton cycle and it consumes hydrogen much faster

10 As the star burns its hydrogen, it accumulates a helium ash Because energy flow in the core of the star is by radiation, the helium ash isn’t being stirred out.

11 Eventually a dead helium core starts to form at the center of the star The central helium core is not fusing. It’s just being squeezed by gravity and added to by the hydrogen fusing above it

12  A star’s escape velocity decreases once it spreads out:  Sun:  Sun as red giant: MATH TOOLS 16.2

13  What happens to planets when stars evolve?  Planet migration may allow planets to survive by moving outward, but some may move inward instead.  Planets have been found orbiting red giants and AGB stars.  As the Sun evolves, Earth’s present location will no longer be in the habitable zone.  Earth may move outward, inward, or stay where it is. CONNECTIONS 16.1


15 Star Formation & Lifetimes Lecture Tutorial pg. 119 Work with a partner! Read the instructions and questions carefully. Discuss the concepts and your answers with one another. Take time to understand it now!!!! Come to a consensus answer you both agree on and write complete thoughts into your LT. If you get stuck or are not sure of your answer, ask another group.

16  Type Ia Supernovae over time have become very useful.  This could only happen after more scientists with greater technology analyzed their properties and realized connections. PROCESS OF SCIENCE

17  High-mass stars live different, faster lives.  On the main sequence, energy is generated from the carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) cycle, with carbon as a catalyst: 12C + 4  1H + 2  e  = 12C + 4He + gamma rays + neutrinos.

18  High-mass stars have convection to mix H in the core.  Increases the mass available for fusion.  Once H is exhausted from the core, the star leaves the main sequence and expands and cools.

19  Move right on the H-R diagram: supergiants.  Ignite He in a nondegenerate core, unlike low- mass stars.  With rising central temperatures, heavier elements (C, Ne, etc.) fuse, generating energy.

20 After the carbon runs out, heavier elements start fusing

21  The more massive the star, the heavier the elements that can fuse.  As temperature rises and core fuel is used up, heavier and heavier elements will fuse, up until iron.  The fusion shells build up like the layers of an onion.

22  As high-mass stars expand and cool, they can pass through the instability strip on the HR diagram.  Here, the combination of temperature and luminosity results in the stars’ pulsation.

23  These pulsating variable stars are extremely important for determining distances.  Specifically, they have a period- luminosity relationship.

24  Cepheid variables: High-mass stars becoming supergiants. Periods from one to 100 days. More luminous stars have longer periods.  RR Lyrae variables: Low-mass stars on the horizontal branch. Less luminous than Cepheid variables.

25  Intermediate-mass stars have masses between 3 and 8 M .  Start off evolving as high-mass stars, but finish as low-mass stars do, as white dwarfs.  Very massive stars may shed some mass due to instabilities and go through a luminous blue variable (LBV) phase. CONNECTIONS 17.1

26 Concept Quiz—Cepheid Variables Why are Cepheid variable stars so important? A.We can know their luminosities. B.They produce pulsars. C.They are about to explode as supernovae. D.They generate most heavy elements.

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