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XMOS Research Review The New Marketing Mix
Rex Briggs, Marketing Evolution
We are a people of tradition, but the past no longer serves us
We are a people of tradition, but the past no longer serves us. Learn from the present and focus on the future.
Have you re-evaluated your marketing mix?
The Media Landscape Has Changed Have you re-evaluated your marketing mix?
Our conceptual models of media and advertising are outdated
The Past is Outdated Our conceptual models of media and advertising are outdated Media and advertising in context XMOS learning Closing thoughts
Our conceptual models of media and advertising are outdated
Old Way Media Magnetism Active Attention Learning Theory New Way Advertising Wallpaper Passive Attention Absorption Theory Brand salience & enhancement
The Past is Outdated In the Beginning, Media Mesmerized Us
There was a time when radio could hold attention
Television then… TV Now…
Television then… TV Now…
Advertising Wallpaper
We have learned more in the past 10 years about how the brain works than we learned in the previous 100 years Learning theory is rarely applicable in today’s media environment Advertising’s effect is more subtle, and impossible for consumers to accurately gauge on their own
Our conceptual models of media and advertising are outdated
Old Way Media Magnetism Active Attention Learning Theory New Way Advertising Wallpaper Passive Attention Absorption Theory Brand salience & enhancement
Orange Juice Case Example
Control group: Branded OJ Taste Test Exposed group: Ad exposure, then Branded OJ Taste Test 5.1 Overall taste rating: 7.6 Overall taste rating: Illustrative data, see JAR 2004 for case example
But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful.
It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new Alan Cohen But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful.
The Key To Understanding The New Landscape:
Implication to marketers: Set aside your assumptions and see what works. Implication to research: Measure the effect through observation - Don’t guess at it. - Don’t ask consumers to guess at an ads influence! The situation is like a beam-balance in which each brand weighs the same. With one brand one each side, the scale is balanced. However, it takes only a feather added to one side of the balance to tip it in favor of the brand on that side. The brands consumers have to choose from are often very similar. Which way will the buying balance tip? When we look for advertising effect we are looking for feathers rather than heavy weights. David Ogilvy, 1963, Confessions of An Advertising Man
Measuring Advertising
Never ask respondents if they took a certain action because of advertising Instead, observe the effect Advertising is a low involvement communication and is not generally perceived as a cause for action (even when it is)
Measuring Advertising Effect
Brand Image: Considering everything you have seen or heard about the All New 2004 Ford F-150 and your own personal opinions, please indicate the degree to which you Agree or Disagree with the following statements. (Top-Two box- 5 Point Scale) “Good looking” +22% Before Campaign After Campaign *significant value are at a 95% confidence level
15 Public Studies to Date XMOS 1.0 Unilever’s Dove
XMOS Branding - 1st wave McDonald’s Colgate Total Kimberly Clark Kleenex AstraZeneca Nexium XMOS Branding - 2nd wave Universal Pictures Home Video ING VeriSign Sensodyne (UK) Carlsberg (Denmark) Charlie’s Angels (Denmark) XMO$ Sales & Branding 12. Ford F-150 13. P&G’s Olay 14. Kraft’s Jell-O 15. Nestlé's Coffee-mate
XMOS Learning Headline finding In-depth learning
Online Advertising Impact
Online achieves direct response Online builds awareness Online communicates brand image Online builds preference Online sells products offline
The Headline Conclusion
Same Budget Better Results
Same Budget, Better Results
Optimizing Online Results in a 14% increase in purchase intent Same Budget, Better Results To make these changes – increasing online’s reach and average frequency, it would mean significantly increasing online’s share of the total advertising budget. From a meager 2%, it’s recommended that online command 15% of the dollars. But the rewards are many: Reallocation in this fashion would produce an 8% increase in overall branding metrics and a 14% increase in purchase intent – a variable that marketers hold in very high esteem. Spending not a penny more – simply by reallocating a small portion of its offline budget online – Unilever has improved its overall impact dramatically. Reallocation in favor of online would indeed improve efficiency by 8% in combined branding metrics and 14% in purchase intent. Specifically, the advertising should use the additional online dollars to increase average frequency and increase the reach of the online campaign. The Dove Nutrium Study did indeed break new ground, both in terms of its approach to studying cross-media effectiveness and also in the results and insight that it yielded. And it became the foundation for an entire series of equally impressive studies that would follow.
Good ads are incredibly important
And… Good ads are incredibly important Take the time to test creative
Summary Of XMOS Results
Brands Dove Chicken Flatbread Total Kleenex Nexium ET Home Video ING Verisign Jell-O Coffee-mate Olay F150 Reco’d % Online 15% 13% 11% 10% 10-15% 19% 4% 5% TBD **** 6%* Brand Awareness -- +8% ** *** Brand Image +34% +7% +10-20% Purchase Intent +14% +20% +1-5% +1491% Sales +4% In Field +5% * Not the optimized level, but considered an interim step ** Brand ran Optimal level so there was no gain from more online spending *** Because of differing objectives, cross media comparison was inconclusive **** Results based on three months of analysis, full analysis is six months, and is still in progress
Why does increasing Online produce better results within the same budget?
Coverage Effectiveness Value Online advertising is typically more cost efficient at producing branding gains Online advertising affects branding metrics Online reaches those who would otherwise not get the advertising message
Lighter TV users are Heavier Online Users
Why does increasing Online produce better results within the same budget?
Coverage Effectiveness Value Online advertising is typically more cost efficient at producing branding gains Online advertising affects branding metrics
Marketing Objectives Build awareness, reinforce key image attributes and boost purchase intent Generate sales Brand differentiation and sales Generate purchase intention and sales
Universal Home Video – E.T. DVD Release
Launch Goals: Communicate the release of E.T. DVD Position brand as one of the most beloved movies of all time, with new footage & enhanced visual effect, a must buy DVD Primary Objective: Generate purchase interest
The Power of Good Creative
The Power of Good Creative
Summary of branding gains
Based upon what you have seen or heard, how much would you say each statement describes the movie E.T. The Extraterrestrial on DVD and video…(Describes completely/Describes somewhat) An unforgettable masterpiece for the whole family Stat sig. TV + Rich Media Overlay TV + Online TV Only Pre-Campaign
However, TV & Online do Drive Purchase Intent
Thinking about E.T. The Extraterrestrial, how likely are you to buy the DVD or Video Definitely will/Probably will buy (net) Findings: TV alone does not affect purchase intent However, the combination of Online advertising and TV does produce a statistically significant impact Moreover, TV and the overlay Online execution makes an even bigger impact TV + Rich Media Overlay Stat sig. Stat sig. TV + Online TV Only Pre-Campaign
TV Built Awareness but Not Purchase Intent
Brand Awareness TV Campaign % Pre-TV Post TV Campaign Purchase Intent
Rich Media 6½x More Cost Effective TV Based on Relative Cost Index against Effectiveness
Rich Media Overlay Online Banners TV DVD Release Awareness 100 1079 192 Brand Image Avg (top box) 339 648 Purchase Intent (def/probably) 315 No lift N.A. Summary However, the CPM was only 2X Online 100 TV 169 Rich Media Overlay 299
Universal: Major Gains with Online
Absolute gains (bar chart) and % lift TV Online Rich Media +31% +1491% +107%
Offline Sales Results XMOS: Other sales studies Ford AstraZeneca
Procter & Gamble Olay Kraft Jell-O Nestle Coffee-mate Other sales studies A dozen CPG/FMCG studies by IRI Ten CPG/FMCG studies by AC Nielsen Pharma marketing mix by DoubleClick
Jell-O Ad Examples
The Addition of Online Builds Brand
Online advertising increases purchase intent by 7 points Purchase Intent Lift: +7% Purchase Intent: The next time you buy dry gelatin mix that comes in a box, what is the probability that you will buy Jell-O gelatin mix? (Top 2 box- 11 point Juster Scale) Offline Offline + Online Control n= 468; Branded n=469; Coupon n= 465 All significant values are at a 95% confidence level
Online Sells Product Offline
Average Weekly Volume per 100 Households Measured in Ounces Incremental Volume +.1 oz Sales Lift: +7.5% Online advertising resulted in a 7.5% sales volume lift Control* Exposed to Online Ad *All volume numbers above are weekly volume per 100 Households
Jell-O Sales ROI Online
ROI: Payback of Each Media Vehicle per Dollar Spent Above average ROI Radio Trade FSI Direct TV Direct Print Online Below average ROI Online frequency=9.8 Online frequency=7.0 Calculated National Theoretical Recommended frequency level
The Coffee-Mate Online Campaign
The Addition of Online Builds Brand
Online advertising increases five out of eight key metrics Brand Image: Considering everything you have seen or heard about Coffee-mate Non-Dairy Liquid Creamer and your own personal opinions, please indicate the degree to which you Agree or Disagree with the following statements: (Top-Two box- 5 Point Scale) Average increase +7% Control n= 468; Branded n=469; Coupon n= 465 Results shown are for branded campaign using an average of all attributes Offline Offline + Online *All significant values are at a 95% confidence level
And Again, Online Builds Sales
Average Weekly Volume per 100 Households Measured in Ounces Incremental Volume +1.3oz Sales Lift: +10% Online advertising resulted in a 10% sales volume lift *Control Panel=606 Exposed Panel=1,127. All volume numbers above are weekly volume per 100 Households **Statistically Significant at the 95% confidence level Control* Exposed to Online Ad
Coffee-mate Sales ROI ROI: Payback of Each Media Vehicle per Dollar Spent Above average ROI Consumer Promotions Trade TV Online Below average ROI Online Recommended Level
The All New Ford F-150
“The Most Important Launch In the History Of Ford” - Bill Ford
One Day Reach = 40%!!! Roadblock
Campaign Launched With Digital Road Block
TV and Online Roadblocks (Purchase Intention)
Both are effective But the roadblock is more cost efficient
Individual Media Effects Led by Online Branding Metrics Summary
TV Maga-zines Road-block Online Ad Recall +3pts +13pts +6pts +15pts Familiarity Not Sig +11pts +10pts Avg Brand Image Attributes +8pts +9pts Purchase Consideration +5pts +4pts Shopping Purchase Intention (unaided) +2pts +12pts
Online is a MAJOR contributor to success
Internet Reach 55% or 2.2 Million Consumers interested in buying F-150 because of Online ads Online’s Impact = Purchase Intention +6.8% Strategically, what was the best option for McDonald’s? The answer was to extend the REACH of the Internet message. Optimally, the online portion of the campaign should reach a total of 60% of the total target audience. This increase would drive overall awareness up 8.3%. In terms of total impact, this means that McDonald’s would generate awareness among 6 million more customers, without spending one additional dime of marketing money! Weighted average of Roadblock and Online (impact of roadblock x reach of roadblock + impact of online in-market + reach of in-market) / sum of reach = weighted impact
Purchase Consideration Impact Efficiency Relative Cost Index (ROMO)
Brand Metric: Purchase Consideration (top 2) Relative Cost Index Sample Cost TV 2153 $21.53 Magazine 354 $3.54 Roadblock 196 $1.96 Online 100 $1.00 Interpretation: If it cost Online $1 (indexed of 100) to increase purchase consideration, then it cost $1.96 for the roadblock, $3.54 for magazine and $21.54 to TV to achieve the same increase.
Online’s contribution to sales
Roadblock Online’s contribution to sales 21% sales lift over control group** That’s 6% of total sales caused by Online advertising In-market ads ** 28% actual lift, 21% represents a more conservative figure to account for heavier media delivery. 21% lift accounts for 6% of total all new F-150 trucks during measurement period.
Ford Sales Analysis 500,000 F-150’s sold annually
Online was 6% of sales, or 30,000 trucks Results in $750,000,000 annual F-150 sales Tracked Buying of Control & Exposed Group @ $25,000 per Truck
What if Ford Ran Increased Online?
Online included Roadblocks & In-Market Plan would then sell +5%, or 25,000 trucks Results in additional $625,000,000 annual sales Optimization and Judgment suggested +6% increase in Online @ $25,000 per Truck
Brand Tracking And ROI Modeling
Sales lift: Nexium 6.0% Jell-O 7.5% Coffee-mate 10.0% Olay 12.5%* Ford F %** Sales Low Hi Branding Hi Low Olay Are these findings a surprise? Branding and Sales increases are not new news Consistent with branding studies and two dozen sales studies Coffee- mate Jell-O *Mid-point data only. Campaign is still in field, Reported % increase in household buy-rate. Actual volume increase were higher. ** 28% actual lift, 21% represents a more conservative figure to account for heavier media delivery
The Power of Good Creative
Room for improvement Of the last 5 XMOS program, creative testing was done prior to the study launch 2 brands found 1/2 the ads were not effective Diluting the effectiveness of the campaign 2 brands discarded ALL ads, starting all over Both developed better ads that scored much better Only 1 brand’s ads required no adjustment
Case in Point: Olay
Online Ads AD4 AD5
Measuring Effectiveness: Creative Testing
Point difference over control Branding Metrics #4 Awareness- Unaided not sig Awareness- Aided +3% Purchase Probability (top 2 box)* Average Branding Attributes Message Association (love the skin your in) +4% * Ad 5 show directionally positive increases in purchase probability
Revised Ads Produced Better Results
Try the “Glance test”
Online Ads
Individual Media Effects
Branding Metrics Point difference over control Online (revised) Awareness- Unaided +11% Awareness- Aided not sig Average Branding Attributes +9% Purchase Probability (top 2 box) +12% Offline n =573 Offline +Online n =547
The Power of Good Creative
Why does increasing Online produce better results within the same budget?
Coverage Effectiveness Value Online advertising is typically more cost efficient at producing branding gains Online advertising affects branding metrics Online reaches those who would otherwise not get the advertising message
The Old Marketing Mix Is NO LONGER OPTIMAL
Billions are lost due to sub-optimal marketing mix
The Key To Improving Marketing ROI
Set aside old, outdated assumptions and measure what produces the best ROI If you hope to make advertising more profitable, you had better measure what’s working, and what’s not
Applying the New Learning:
Beware of Media Planning Inertia
Updating last years mix
with minor tweaks is NOT a solution Instead, use zero based media planning
Applying the New Learning:
What is the quality of your ads? Do you run a live pre-test to optimize them? BEWARE of norms (make sure the comparisons are meaningful) The financial value of strong creative can’t overstated
Have An Online Spend Growth Plan
The Art and Science of Developing a Strategy is SIMPLE
Strategic Insights, Measurement, Planned Learning by Experimentation
SIMPLE - Explained Strategic Insights Measurement
Research provided knowledge about the consumer’s motivations Research provided insight about competitive positioning Defining and segmenting your audience based on motivations and reachability through media Understanding and developing the soul of your brand Measurement Advertising delivery and effectiveness measurement Strategic (XMOS) versus tactical measurement (GRPs) Planned Learning by Experimentation Planned learning is different from ad hoc research. It begins by pin-pointing knowledge gaps, prioritizing learning and taking a longer-view of addressing these issues
Research Roadmap for Integrating Online Media
4 stage approach to using research to understand the impact and value of Online in your media mix. Phase 1: Online campaign branding effectiveness Phase 2: XMOS Branding or Online Sales impact Phase 3: XMOS: Online in Marketing Mix Models Phase 4: XMOS: Ongoing Marketing Mix and Brand Tracking Measurement $1,000k $500k $100k Phase 4 Phase 3 Phase 1 Phase 2 Brand’s Total Online Spend Time
Accountability is not measurement…
It is doing something about the measurement.
What can you do? Recommendations Form a working group
Include key brand, agency and measurement team members Examine your key target audience share of time with each media Make measuring relative effectiveness a priority Ensure that online is properly quantified -- Old RDD tracking studies fail at measuring online Review and update marketing mix annually
Applying the New Learning:
Identify Leaders and Curmudgeons Engage them both Example: Marketing Evolution’s Scenario planning Consider re-vamping the entire marketing metrics and decision process Do you measure the right things? Is everyone trained on marketing measurement? Is there a process for changing based on research learning?
Closing Thoughts
Jump. It is not as wide as you think.’
A bit of advice given to a young Native American at the time of his initiation: ‘As you go the way of life, you will see a great chasm Joseph Campbell Jump. It is not as wide as you think.’
Test, Learn, Evolve Rex Briggs
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