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Supernova and Neutron Stars

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1 Supernova and Neutron Stars
For heavy white dwarves with a companion star acquire mass, if becomes > 1.4 M(Sun) SUPERNOVA (Ia). p + e  n + neutrino Usually leaves neutron star For high mass stars fusion continues beyond C,O to Iron if Mass(core) > 1.4 M(Sun) core collapses in SUPERNOVA (II) leaves either Neutron Star or Black Hole Most SN are this type PHYS 162

2 White Dwarves Mass vs Radius
S. Chandrashekar worked out in 1930 on boat from India to England prior to grad school. Later became professor at Chicago. Nobel prize 1983 Earth radius PHYS 162

3 Supernovas and Core Collapse
massive stars have fusion to heavier nuclei (Neon, Silicon, Sulpher, etc) end up with core of Iron nuclei plus 26 unbound “free” electrons for every Fe electrons are “degenerate” as so close together  provide most of the pressure resisting gravity enormous stress. electrons “give way” leaves “hole” size of Earth in center of star PHYS 162

4 Supergiant  Iron Core PHYS 162

5 During Supernova breaks up many nuclei Fe  26p + 31n O  8p + 8n
core collapse gives 200 billion degrees  very high energy photons breaks up many nuclei Fe  26p + 31n O  8p + 8n new nuclei form  photons, n, and p strike shell around core  see in SN debris p + e  n + neutrino (and nuclei decaying) 1. Burst of neutrinos times more energy than from light (photons) 2. Leftover neutron star PHYS 162

6 Core Collapse core collapses into mostly neutrons – very hot
outer layers rush into “hole” smashing into shock wave from core Many nuclear reactions  form heavy elements Core=30 km wide Hole=13000 km wide Type II expends energy increasing size PHYS 162

7 Supernova Explosions 1 billion times brighter then the Sun for a few months PHYS 162

8 Supernova 1987a (in movie) Large Magellanic Cloud Type II 180,000 LY away PHYS 162

9 Detection of neutrinos from SN1987A in Japan and Ohio
SN produced neutrinos 1015 n/cm2 at Earth 1018 neutrinos from SN passed through any person’s body Traveled 175,000 light years to Earth Passed through Earth 24 were detected in detectors made from 100 tons of water located in underground mines in Ohio, Russia and Japan PHYS 162

10 Nuclear Synthesis up to Iron - fusion in Red Giants
All elements heavier than Helium are made inside stars up to Iron - fusion in Red Giants heavier than Iron (and some lighter) - Supernova explosions Stars lose matter at end of life-cycle becoming Red Giants (can detect) Supernova debris (can detect) and this matter forms new stars (and planets and us) PHYS 162

11 Supernova Debris SN1987a PHYS 162

12 Supernova Debris Crab Nebula M1
Supernova 1054 (observed by Chinese and Arabs). Has neutron star Cassiopeia A maybe observed in 1680 PHYS 162

13 NEUTRON STARS In supernova explosion core collapses e- + p  n + n
neutrons remain giving neutron “star” about 1% protons/electrons very hot (200 billion degrees) and very small (10-30 km - DeKalb County) so very, very dense. 1 cm3  100 million tons PHS 162

14 Properties determined by “degenerate” electrons and neutrons.
White Dwarf Neutron Star Mass (relative to Sun) 1.0 (always < 1.4) 1.5 (always < 3) Radius 5000 km 10 km Density 106 g/cm3 1014 g/cm3 Properties determined by “degenerate” electrons and neutrons. neutron/electron mass ratio = 2000, neutron star much smaller and denser Senior level physics classes do the quantum mechanics which predict radius versus mass PHS 162

15 Angular Momentum + Neutron Stars
Angular momentum = MASS x VELOCITY x RADIUS decreasing RADIUS increases VELOCITY Angular momentum is conserved: spinning chair ice skater formation of neutron star in collapse of larger spinning star

16 NEUTRON STARS II spin rapidly  from >100 Hz to less than 1 Hz
EM radiation from protons/electrons + spin  large magnetic fields observe as repeating flashes of light PULSARS and seen in debris of known supernova explosions discovered in 1967 by grad student Jocelyn Bell. Her advisor Anthony Hewitt won Nobel prize. Found in Crab Nebula where Chinese had recorded a supernova in First called LGM for “little green men” PHS 162

17 Crab Nebula radio infrared period = 30 Hz or sec and can be “seen” in visible and X-ray visible X-ray PHS 162

18 Rotating Neutron Star PHS 162

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