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Relationship between Body Weight and Blood Pressure in a group of selected youth Project One SATURDAY SCIENCE ACADEMY.

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Presentation on theme: "Relationship between Body Weight and Blood Pressure in a group of selected youth Project One SATURDAY SCIENCE ACADEMY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relationship between Body Weight and Blood Pressure in a group of selected youth Project One SATURDAY SCIENCE ACADEMY

2 Group Members Camille Coleman Martina Igberaese Lindsay Mays Telicha Purnell Jenisha Turner Devereau Williams Steven Williams

3 Hypothesis We believe that heavier individuals would have high Systolic BP.

4 Objective The main purpose of these exercises is to learn the process of scientific investigations by generating quick data. This study investigated if heavier subjects have high blood pressure.

5 Methods The BP of MAMP summer bridge participants were collected three times with 10 min interval.

6 Methods (Continued) Body weights of the participants were also recorded.

7 Methods (Continued) Collected data were organized and descriptive statistics was performed on the data (Histogram, line graph etc.,). A linear regression of body weight over systolic BP was performed.

8 Descriptive Statistics of Weights

9 Descriptive Statistics of Weights (Continued)

10 Box plot in Weights (lbs)

11 Relationship between Weight and BP(Systolic) Since the number of observations was low, line fit does not show well.

12 Conclusion Generally, heavier individulas had a slightly higher Systolic BP. Since the number of subjects are relatively low, no conclusive evidence were found between BP and body weight.

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