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The Neanderthals Probably derived from Heidelbergensis in Northern Europe 300,000-200,000 ybp Territory: from Siberia to Iberia to the Levant.

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Presentation on theme: "The Neanderthals Probably derived from Heidelbergensis in Northern Europe 300,000-200,000 ybp Territory: from Siberia to Iberia to the Levant."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Neanderthals Probably derived from Heidelbergensis in Northern Europe 300,000-200,000 ybp Territory: from Siberia to Iberia to the Levant

2 Neanderthal Physics Cold adapted: short, stocky, thick boned 5’6’’; 176, females somewhat smaller, 20% heavier per pound relative to humans

3 Neanderthal Physics Faces: larger nose; higher browridge; longer, lower cranium; larger teeth and jaws

4 Neanderthal brains Slightly larger than human (1425cc vs. 1350) Enlarged erectus brain Relative parietal expansion in humans

5 Neanderthal hunting Varied diets, but large big game meat consumers Cooperative hunting (100,000-50,000 ybp) Mauran, Le Borde, Combe Grenal, and La Cotte (below) No projectile weapons; thrusting spears, close-in ambush hunting; little evidence of long-range hunting expeditions or intercept strategies Rodeo rider injuries, tough life

6 Neanderthal tools Mousterian; Levollois points/flakes; more specialized than Heidelbergensis tool kit Mostly stone; rarely bone or antler Little evidence of innovation; procedural strategies Hafting points onto spears Local, little evidence of “exotic” raw material or trade

7 Neanderthal symbolism? Frequent use of pigments. For what purpose? Processing of hides, hunting camo; adhesives; selectivity for color suggest more than just practical Beads; Chatelperronian controversy (borrowed from Cro- Magnons?) Recent finds in Spain earlier than Hss At Cueva de los Aviones (3 peforated shells), Cueva Antón (1 shell); 50,000 ybp Tata engravings 70,000 ybp

8 Neanderthal social life Homogenous population est. 70,000 in Europe at 40,000 ybp Smaller less organized campsite Smaller hearths, possible no communal use of fire Smaller social groups; no trade; local face-to-face interactions Possibly little gender specialization; longer gestation period >12months? Burials inconclusive regarding ritual; afterlife beliefs, etc.

9 Neanderthal language Some language but how much?

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