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Models and Non Standard Model with Neutrinos Pilar Hernández University of Valencia/IFIC.

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Presentation on theme: "Models and Non Standard Model with Neutrinos Pilar Hernández University of Valencia/IFIC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Models and Non Standard Model with Neutrinos Pilar Hernández University of Valencia/IFIC

2 SM + massive s Fogli et al 2012 (after T2K, Double-CHOOZ, Daya Bay, RENO) 3 mixing:

3 Standard 3  scenario The flavour observables: Masses Angles CP-phases m 1 2 < m 2 2, m 3 2          

4 Good prospects for CP volation Coloma, Donini, Fernandez-Martinez,PH arXiv:1203.5651

5 New dofs puzzle Neutrinos are massive -> there must be new dofs in the SM

6 New dofs puzzle Neutrinos are massive -> there must be new dofs in the SM Weinberg

7 ? SM

8 The good SM Explanation for the neutrino-charged lepton hierarchy

9 The  flavour puzzle I Why are neutrino masses so light ?

10 The good SM Explanation for the neutrino-charged lepton hierarchy Explain the pattern of mixing

11 CKM PMNS Gonzalez-Garcia, Maltoni PDG 2007 V CKM = Differences are striking! The  flavour puzzle II

12 The good SM Explanation for the neutrino-charged lepton hierarchy Explain the pattern of mixing Explain other open problems: DM, matter- antimatter, oscillation anomalies, cosmology anomalies…

13 Massive Neutrinos & fundamental questions in Particle Physics and Cosmology Growth of structure DM ? DE ? Baryons ? Structure of the vacuum ? Flavour Puzzle: twice as many pieces ?

14 Outlier I: LSND anomaly - LSND vs KARMEN Appearance signal with very different Not yet disproved at an acceptable level of confidence…

15 Pinning down the New physics scale TeVGeVMeVkeVeV Leptogenesis Hierarchy problem or SUSY ? SUSY GUTs meV

16 Pinning down the New physics scale TeVGeVMeVkeVeV CMB, LSS Leptogenesis LFV processes, Precision tests, LHC Hierarchy problem or SUSY ? SUSY GUTs meV Neutrino osc. Nucleosynthesis  0 Baryogenesis

17 The good SM Explanation for the neutrino-charged lepton hierarchy Explain the pattern of mixing Explain other open problems: DM, matter- antimatter, oscillation anomalies, cosmology anomalies… Do so, in a predictable and testable way !

18 No signal of SUSY/solution-of-hierarchy- problem at the LHC (yet)…

19 Occam’s razor

20 Pinning down the New physics scale TeVGeVMeVkeVeV Warm DM ? Hierarchy ? GUT ? meV LSND, reactor anomalies? Extra radiation ? Matter/antimatter asymmetry ? 1) Decoupling physics 2) LHC reach 3) LSND reach Ruchayskiy’s talk

21 Effective Theories of Neutrino Masses (model-independent) If  >> v low-energy effects should be well described by an effective field theory : O i d built from SM fields satisfying the gauge symmetries Only one with d=5: Weinberg’s operator or neutrino masses ! Weinberg; Buchmuller, Wyler;… Generically d=6 operators: rich phenomenology

22 d=6 phenomenology Long list of flavoured-operators rare lepton decays:  -> e g Z, W decays rho parameter W mass, … violations of universality, unitarity,… But…

23 l  -> l   If just neutrino masses: If also d=6 operators @one loop MEG

24 Could d=6 be stronger ? Yes if two independent scales in d=5, d=6 from a symmetry principle: lepton number Cirigliano et al 05, Kersten,Smirnov 07 ; Abada et al 07  d=5 ~  LN >>  d=6 ~  LFV ~ TeV  Origin of lepton/quark flavour violation linked to the  EW  Lepton number breaking scale higher and responsible for the gap between and remaining fermions

25 Are d=6 flavour structures related to neutrino masses ? (c d=5 )   (c d=6 )   m  All flavour violating effects determined by neutrino masses and mixings Minimal Flavour Violation Chivukula, Georgi; Buras et al.;D’Ambrosio et al; Cirigliano et al; Davidson et al, Gavela, et al Unfortunately not the case for most popular models of neutrino mass (ex. Type I seesaw)

26 ? BSM and Neutrino Masses (Up->Down approach)

27 New physics scale Type I see-saw: interchange a heavy singlet fermion Minkowski; Gell-Mann, Ramond Slansky; Yanagida, Glashow…

28 New physics scale Type II see-saw: interchange a heavy triplet scalar Konetschny, Kummer; Cheng, Li; Lazarides, Shafi, Wetterich …

29 New physics scale Type III see-saw: interchange a heavy triplet fermion Foot et al; Ma; Bajc, Senjanovic…

30 New physics scale Also from loops ! Zee-Babu Systematic exploration of 1-loop generated Weinberg interaction Bonnet et al 2012

31 Effective see-saw theories Also d=6 operators Type I Type III Type II Gavela, Broncano, Jenkins; Abada, et al Non-unitarity in mixing !

32 Type I Seesaw Most general (renormalizable) Lagrangian compatible with SM gauge symmetries: Y: 3 x n R M N : n R x n R msms m

33 YeYe One scale see-saw models

34 Type I or III + (approx) Lepton number m M2N/M2N/ Inverse Seesaw Y unsuppressed: -> LFV effects at LHC, large  -> e , etc -> heavier spectrum M N, Yv v M N /  Direct Seesaw m nRnR L= +1 -1 +1 Wyler, Wolfenstein; Mohapatra, Valle; Branco, Grimus, Lavoura, Malinsky, Romao,… Kersten,Smirnov 07; Abada et al 07; Gavela,et al 09

35 Minimal Flavour type I seesaw model Only two extra Weyl fermions + SM Y, Y’ complex vectors,  ’  numbers Gavela, Hambye, Hernandez, PH 09

36 Neutrino masses & mixings determine Y up to a global normalization (and Majorana phase) Normal hierarchy Inverted hierarchy Minimal type I seesaw model Also Raidal, Strumia, Turzynski 2004; Ibarra et al 2010

37 NH IH Complementarity of CLFV and neutrino oscillations Gavela, Hambye, Hernandez, PH 09

38 Dinh, Ibarra, Molinaro, Petcov 2012 CLFV within reach

39  LFV  TeV: direct searches at LHC ? Generically it is needed Gauge interactions of extra fields for large enough production (ex. type II and type III) Low enough masses for kinematical constraints Keung, Senjanovic;… Type II: Han et al;Garayoa, Schwetz; Kadastik,et al ; Akeroyd, et al; Fileviez et al, del Aguila et al Type III: Franceschini et al; Arhrib et al; Eboli et al…

40 Eboli, Gonzalez-Fraile, Gonzalez-Garcia 2011 Minimal Flavour See-saw III at LHC

41 CMS-PAS-HIG-12-005 Type II seesaw

42 In order to accommodate a new Need at least four (n s ≥1) distinct eigenstates Apparently CP violating effect needed (signal LSND/MB anti- not MB ) n s ≥ 2 Tension appearance (signal) and disappearance (no signal) ? Tension with cosmology ? LSND anomaly

43 Outlier II: reactor anomaly Re-calculation of reactor fluxes: old fluxes underestimated by 3%: Mueller et al, ArXiv: 1101.2663

44 Outlier III: Cosmology Sterile species favoured by LSS and CMB Nucleosynthesis: Hamann et al, ArXiv: 1006.5276 Izotov, Thuan

45 3+2 neutrino mixing model Parametrized in terms of a general unitary 5x5 mixing matrix (9 angles, >6 phases physical) Kopp, Maltoni, Schwetz (KMS) arXiv:1103.4570Giunti, Laveder, (GL) arXiv:1107.1452 Significant improvement over 3 scenario, but tension appearance/disappearance remains

46 Pheno 3+n s mixing models ? Assumes a general mass matrix for 3+n s neutrinos: what is that model ? 3xn s 3x3

47 Assumes a general mass matrix for 3+n s neutrinos: Gauge invariance Effective theory: M LL parametrizes our ignorance about the underlying dynamics (eg. a model with n R > n s, where the heavier states are integrated out) Pheno 3+n s mixing models ?

48 Type I see-saw models Light sterile states! De Gouvea, hep-ph/0501039 De Gouvea, J. Jenkins, Vasudevan hep-ph/0608147

49 Minimal models Most general (renormalizable) Lagrangian compatible with SM gauge symmetries: Donini, PH, Lopez-Pavon, Maltoni 2011; De Gouvea et al 2011; 3+2 minimal much more predictive than 3+2 pheno

50 Inverse Hierarchy Normal Hierarchy Heavy-light mixings are predicted up to a complex angle z 45 and two CP phases ! Heavy-Light Mixings Suppressed in and Suppressed only in

51 3+2 MM vs 3+2 PM vs 3 Donini, PH, Lopez-Pavon, Maltoni, Schwetz ‘12

52 e  Large tau mixings to heavy states Heavy-Light Mixings

53 Constraint on

54 Significant improvement over 3 scenario, but large tension appearance/disappearance in  sector remains (MINOS CC high energy) Tension with cosmology that favours extra lighter states New info from T2K ND ? BUT….

55 We are still lacking an independent confirmation of LSND at the same level of confidence… New experimental programme ahead by SBL: Mauri’s Talk

56 ? A hierarchy ?

57 Conclusions A espectacular experimental progress in neutrino physics has opened a whole new flavour sector in the SM But neutrino masses require new dofs and most probably a new energy scale No hint of the scale… SUSY-GUTs 10 15 GeV 0 TeV Dirac Rich phenomenology: must be explored systematically !

58 ’s have the highest score at bringing surprises… ….ask these people


60 Flavour Symmetries ? A lot of work has been devoted to justify the tri-bimaximal mixing features of U: But data is getting further away from TB… Incorporating deviations very model dependent…

61 Or Anarchy ? Doing just fine… De Gouvea, Murayama 2012

62 Dark portals Only two gauge and Lorentz invariant combinations in SM with d <4 Bosonic Fermionic Any hidden sector singlet under SM gauge group can couple to the dark portals Schabinger, Wells 05 Patt Wilczek 06

63 MiniBOONE-  - Low energy excess…but not expected if LSND right Neutrino run200 MeV ≤ E ≤ 3 GeV

64 MiniBOONE- - Compatible with LSND ! Anti-Neutrino run 475-1250MeV1250-3000MeV Excess20.9 ±13.93.8±5.8 LSND-best fit223.5 –

65 Leptogenesis Most interesting and robust implication with these models Works out in Type I Fukuyita, Yanagida,… Type II Ma,Sarkar, Hambye Type III Hambye, Li, Papucci, Notari, Strumia Recent progress: flavoured leptogenesis -> follow dynamics of L e, L m, L t Relaxing bound on light neutrino mass Abada, et al; Nardi, et al

66 Leptogenesis stew M     GeV m < few eV But neutrino mass matrix does not provide the exact recipe! L violation CP violation

67 Type II with  LFV <<  LN  LN = M    LFV = M  If  =0 -> exact L LFV could be measurable from d=6 operators and fully correlated with neutrino oscillations Spectacular effects at LHC also fully correlated with neutrino oscillations

68  -> e  Chakrabortty, Ghosh, Rodejohann

69 See-saw II: Pair-production of charged triplet scalars pp-> H ++ H -- -> l + l + l - l - Flavour structure one-to-one to m n ! BR(H ++ -> l a + l b + ) ~ |M ab | 2 Han et al;Garayoa, Schwetz; Kadastik,et al ; Akeroyd, et al; Fileviez et al Keung, Senjanovic;…

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