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Writing to EXPLAIN in Maths Interpreting Data, not just reading it.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing to EXPLAIN in Maths Interpreting Data, not just reading it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing to EXPLAIN in Maths Interpreting Data, not just reading it.

2 Predict the answer to this question: What weighs more: a male or female mouse?

3 Female Mean: 17.5701 Median: 18 Mode: 24 Range: 24 Male Mean: 17.6277 Median: 17.5 Mode: 15 Range: 20

4 Looking at the data: Mean is very similar- male very slightly heavier. Median also very similar – female slightly heavier. Mode significantly different – females 9 more/greater than males Range – greater for females than males Mean is very similar- male very slightly heavier. Median also very similar – female slightly heavier. Mode significantly different – females 9 more/greater than males Range – greater for females than males

5 So, what weighs more? The same? Mean very similar- 17.57 and 17.62 Female mice weigh more? Median one higher Male mice weigh more? Mode much lower Male mice weigh more? Range lower Are there any reasons for these different sets of results that need to be taken into consideration? Why might average female weights fall into two groups while male mice tend to have one clear average weight? The same? Mean very similar- 17.57 and 17.62 Female mice weigh more? Median one higher Male mice weigh more? Mode much lower Male mice weigh more? Range lower Are there any reasons for these different sets of results that need to be taken into consideration? Why might average female weights fall into two groups while male mice tend to have one clear average weight?

6 Which answer is better – and WHY? I have noticed that, although the mean and median of the male of female mice are similar, the females’ data is more bimodal (spread out) with lots of mice with either larger weights or very small weights The reason may be that a female’s weight alters significantly when it is pregnant. Thus, the two distinct weight averages within the female group suggests that a selection of the sample were pregnant mice. In contrast, the male mice, have a much narrower mode, suggesting that their weight is much more consistent. This is because they do not experience the significant weight gain and loss associated with pregnancy. I have noticed that the mean and median of the males and females is almost the same. I have also noticed that the male mice have a large increase in the middle of the graph whereas the female mice have increased at the beginning and the end. There is a range of light and heavy female mice but mostly the males have average weight. The females could be pregnant.

7 Which answer is better – and WHY? I have noticed that, although the mean and median of the male of female mice are similar, the females’ data is more bimodal (spread out) with lots of mice with either larger weights or very small weights The reason may be that a female’s weight alters significantly when it is pregnant. Thus, the two distinct weight averages within the female group suggests that a selection of the sample were pregnant mice. In contrast, the male mice, have a much narrower mode, suggesting that their weight is much more consistent. This is because they do not experience the significant weight gain and loss associated with pregnancy. I have noticed that the mean and median of the males and females is almost the same. I have also noticed that the male mice have a large increase in the middle of the graph whereas the female mice have increased at the beginning and the end. There is a range of light and heavy female mice but mostly the males have average weight. The females could be pregnant. Some comparison here but no REASONS offered to EXPLAIN it. Pregnancy is mentioned but not linked to the data at all. I have noticed that the mean and median of the males and females is almost the same. I have also noticed that the male mice have a large increase in the middle of the graph whereas the female mice have increased at the beginning and the end. There is a range of light and heavy female mice but mostly the males have average weight. The females could be pregnant. Some comparison here but no REASONS offered to EXPLAIN it. Pregnancy is mentioned but not linked to the data at all.

8 Vocabulary for interpreting* data *giving reasons One reason might be… Therefore, this might suggest… This may be because… Another reason might be… Thus, the data shows… Because of this it is likely that… This could be why… One reason might be… Therefore, this might suggest… This may be because… Another reason might be… Thus, the data shows… Because of this it is likely that… This could be why…

9 Everything must go: 50% off all winter coats. Sale ends February 1 st. Can you interpret* this sign in a shop window? *Remember, interpret simply means find reasons for. Can you interpret* this sign in a shop window? *Remember, interpret simply means find reasons for.

10 Everything must go: 50% off all winter coats. Sale ends February 1 st. One reason for the sale might be that the shop is preparing for the spring season. They may be offering 50% off because they do not want last season’s coats taking up valuable shop floor space. This could be why they word the advert with a sense of urgency: “Everything MUST go.” It is also because there is a time limit on this sale. There is a sale in the shop. They are hoping to sell everything in the sale. They are offering 50% off winter coats. That is half price. The sale will end on February 1 st.

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