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Welcome to CMPE003 Personal Computers: Hardware and Software Dr. Chane Fullmer Fall 2002 UC Santa Cruz.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to CMPE003 Personal Computers: Hardware and Software Dr. Chane Fullmer Fall 2002 UC Santa Cruz."— Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome to CMPE003 Personal Computers: Hardware and Software Dr. Chane Fullmer Fall 2002 UC Santa Cruz

3 First Assignment Details on the class web page: Due Friday September 27, 2002 Must be received by 11:59 PM

4 1 st Homework Due September 27, 2002 NOTE: This homework must be completed successfully to continue in this class If this homework is not received by the due date, you will be dropped from the class No adds will be allowed after this due date (assuming there is any room) Did you turn it in before 6AM today ! If so.. Do it again…

5 Computers: Tools for an Information Age Chapter 1 Part b

6 Chapter Objectives Identify the basic components of a computer system: input, processing, output, and storage (IPOS) List some common input, output, and storage media Distinguish raw data from information Describe the significance of computer networks Explain the significance of the Internet Explain the various classifications of computers Describe the three fundamental characteristics of computers Speed, reliability & storage Describe at least four areas of society in which computers are used

7 Computer System People Software Hardware

8 People Computer programmer – person who writes programs Users or End-users – make use of the computer’s capabilities

9 Software Programs Set of instructions that directs the hardware to do a required task and produce the desired results

10 Hardware – Basic Components of a Computer

11 Computer A machine that can be programmed to accept data (input), process it into useful information (output), and store it away (in secondary storage device) for safekeeping or later reuse Processing is directed by software but performed by the hardware

12 Function of Computer System Data handling IInput PProcess OOutput SStorage

13 Input devices Accept data or commands and convert them to electronic form (raw data) Getting data into the computer Typing on a keyboard Pointing with a mouse Scanning with a wand reader or bar-code reader Terminal Microphone Camera

14 Output devices Monitor or screen Text Numbers Symbols Art Photographs Video Printer Black and white Color Convert from electronic form to some other form May display the processed results Usable information Speakers Music

15 The Processor Central Processing Unit (CPU) Converts raw data to useful information Interprets and executes instructions Communicates with input, output and storage devices

16 Two Types of Storage Primary storage or memory -- temporary storage Secondary storage -- long-term storage

17 Memory / Primary Storage Temporary storage Holds input to be processed Holds results of processing Contains the programs to control the computer and manipulate input into output Volatile When you loose/turn-off power, it’s gone

18 Secondary Storage Long-term storage Non-volatile Caveat -- “Bit rot” Data can be lost or changed over time

19 Secondary Storage Examples Magnetic disks – read and written by magnetic disk drive Hard disk Diskette Optical disks – read and written by optical disk drives CD-ROM DVD-ROM Magnetic tape – read and written by magnetic tape drives Primarily used for back-up

20 Computer Systems Computer CPU Memory Peripheral equipment Connected to the computer by a cable Input, output, storage

21 Network Definition A system that uses communication equipment to connect computers and their resources. Types Local area network (LAN) – connects computers in close proximity Metropolitan are network (MAN) – connect computers between buildings in the same geographic area Wide are network (WAN) – connects computers over great distances

22 Home Connectivity Connect home PC to other computers (Usually via an ISP) Use modem to convert signals between electronic (computer) and analog (voice) formats Dial-up modem ADSL modem Cable modem

23 Internet Collection of networks No ownership No central source for services available No comprehensive index of what information is available Individuals Businesses Organizations Libraries Research labs Government Connects Everyone!

24 Getting Connected User’s computer must connect to a server Server must communicate using TCP/IP The user can purchase access to a server from an ISP (Internet Service Provider)

25 Internet – What Can You Do? WWW – World Wide Web FTP – File Transfer Protocol E-mail UseNet – news groups IRC – Internet Relay Chat Bulletin Boards

26 World Wide Web Browser – program that allows the user to move around and explore the Internet Use the mouse to point and click on text and graphics Terminology: Web site Home page Web page

27 Classifications of Computers Use the computer that fits your needs Based upon Size Speed Cost Portability Number of simultaneous users supported Available software Typical use

28 Personal Computers Other names PC Microcomputer Home computer Categories Low-end functional Fully powered Workstations Net computer or net box (Web TV) Desktop Models Separate CPU tower, monitor and keyboard

29 Portable Computers Notebooks Lightweight Fits in a briefcase Battery operated Laptops Larger Heavier More expensive than desktop models

30 Handheld Computers Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) Scheduling Addresses Handwritten input May offer wireless e-mail and fax Pocket PC More power than PDA Runs basic productivity software

31 Other Types of Computers Mainframes High speed More expensive Used to process large amounts of data quickly Transaction processing Support multiple users Does server tasks Supercomputers Fastest speed Most expensive

32 Have a Nice Day!

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