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Elevator Project. Team Members TJ Baxter Thomas Powell Kevin Ra Will Lasley.

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Presentation on theme: "Elevator Project. Team Members TJ Baxter Thomas Powell Kevin Ra Will Lasley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Elevator Project

2 Team Members TJ Baxter Thomas Powell Kevin Ra Will Lasley

3 The Eatable Elevator Energy begins with clementine shot from the rubber band Dominoes trigger Mouse trap Trap releases Oranges and clementines Bucket catches fruit pulling up the weight

4 Stored Energy Clementine released from the rubber Spring potential energy turned into kinetic energy Mouse trap Spring potential energy changed to twisting kinetic energy Dominoes Gravitational potential energy changed to kinetic energy Fruit on the ramp Gravitational potential energy converted to kinetic energy

5 Conclusion The actual building of the motor took about 4 hours More time was spent problem solving Problem along the way Too much friction from extra pully and board Would have done differently: More specific plans Asked more questions  1 kg was heavier than expected

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