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$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500.

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9 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

10 100 - 1 How high or low a wave is.

11 100 – 1 Answer Amplitude

12 200-1 Distance it takes for a wave to repeat itself.

13 200-1 Answer Wavelength

14 300-1 Time it takes for a wave to repeat itself.

15 300-1 Answer Period

16 400-1 Time rate of distance a wave travels.

17 400-1 Answer Velocity or Speed

18 500-1 Stuff through which a wave travels.

19 500-1 Answer Medium

20 100-2 One single “wave” is known as this

21 100-2 Answer Pulse

22 200-2 The medium of this wave vibrates perpendicular to the wave direction.

23 200-2 Answer Transverse

24 300-2 This type of wave exhibits a ‘combination’ of both transverse and longitudinal waves. Water waves are this type.

25 300-2 Answer Combination Wave

26 400-2 True or False: Waves transfer energy without transferring matter.

27 400-2 Answer True

28 500-2 What are two different units of frequency?

29 500-2 Answer Hertz or 1/S or S -1

30 100-3 A wave comes in, and bounces off a medium change. What is the incoming wave referred to?

31 100-3 Answer Incident Wave

32 200-3 A wave bounces off a change in medium. This is the name of the wave after it bounces.

33 200-3 Answer Reflection

34 300-3 An incoming wave bounces off a change in medium. This is the name given to the part of the wave that travels THROUGH into the new medium.

35 300-3 Answer Transmitted Wave

36 400-3 When a wave encounters a less dense medium, is the reflection upright or inverted?

37 400-3 Answer Upright

38 500-3 When a wave encounters a more dense medium, is the transmitted wave upright or inverted?

39 500-3 Answer Upright

40 100-4 When two waves encounter one another, this principle is demonstrated.

41 100-4 Answer Principle of Superposition

42 200-4 This occurs when two or more waves move through a medium at the same time.

43 200-4 Answer Interference

44 300-4 A wave that appears to be standing still is called this.

45 300-4 Answer A standing wave.

46 400-4 This part of a standing wave actually stands still.

47 400-4 Answer Node

48 500-4 When two waves encounter one another and their amplitudes cancel each other. It’s known as this.

49 500-4 Answer Destructive Interference

50 100-5 If a man can clap 721 times in a minute, this is the frequency of the clapping.

51 100-5 Answer 12 claps per second or 12 Hz

52 200-5 If a man claps 721 times in one minute, this is the period of his clapping.

53 200-5 Answer 0.0832 seconds

54 300-5 The speed of sound is 343 m/s, this is the wavelength of a 686 Hz frequency.

55 300-5 Answer 0.5 m

56 400-5 Sonar sends a wave through water at a the bottom of a lake. The lake is 100 m deep. The sound reflects off the bottom and arrives back at the transmitter 2 seconds later. What is the speed of the wave

57 400-5 Answer 100 m/s

58 500-5 Water waves in a lake travel 10 m in 1 sec, with a period of oscillation of 2 sec. This is the wavelength.

59 500-5 Answer 20 m

60 100-6

61 100-6 Answer

62 200 – 6

63 200-6 Answer

64 300-6

65 300-6 Answer

66 400-6

67 400-6 Answer

68 500-6

69 500-6 Answer

70 ?

71 Final Jeopardy Answer


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