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Is a big Renewable Natural resource business. It has important products, jobs and environmental concerns.

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Presentation on theme: "Is a big Renewable Natural resource business. It has important products, jobs and environmental concerns."— Presentation transcript:

1 Is a big Renewable Natural resource business. It has important products, jobs and environmental concerns

2 #2 #1 #3

3 63% Coniferous 22% Deciduous, 15% Mixed Deciduous forest

4 The Government “PLAN” is……. Sustained Yield Forest Management …… removing trees in such a way so that the forest is able to fully renew itself.

5 Has protesters that speak for the TREES

6 Can often be a battle between COMPANY and Environment Advocates

7 1) The Provincial Government tells companies what they must do to be Sustainable. 2) The PLAN is to keep environment healthy and make sure the forest grows back. 3) Companies are often much better than the ONCELERS in the LORAX story.

8 Forests are owned by Provincial governments. The Ministry of Natural resources is in-charge. Private companies apply for forestry contracts to the Ministry. THE MINISTRY OF NATURAL RESOURCES must ensure SUSTAINABILITY, PROFIT and a HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT

9 CHARLIE FARQUESON (comedian) asks the question youtube link to Ministry of Natural resources video WHOSE LOOKIN AFTER MY FOREST AND HOWSE IT GOIN’

10  1) BOREAL - is the largest REGION Pulp and Paper  Produces mostly Pulp and Paper from Coniferous trees (sometimes called softwood)

11  North of Boreal Forest  Poorest quality soft wood and lowest productivity

12  Biggest Trees, Highest Productivity and highest volume of wood per hectare.  Has soil erosion problems and unique species issues.  Many coniferous trees (normally called softwood) are harder and can be used for EXPENSIVE furniture.

13  B.C. Interior Mountains. 2 nd most productive  Big Producer of Softwood Lumber (#1 export)  Dealing with major problem: Pine Bark Beetle

14  Located in Southern Ontario and the Maritimes  Major product of Hardwood for furniture, Maple Sugar and hardwood flooring

15 …1 out of 16 jobs in Canada is related to forestry 350,000 are directly employed (around 6% of the workforce) … another 500,000 people work in businesses using or supplying to direct employees … Its worth a lot of money Revenue from Forest Products = 70 BILLION DOLLARS Value of Exports = 40 BILLION DOLLARS Economics

16 Canada by the Numbers  TOTAL Forest Area of Canada = 1 Billion hectares (1,000 million)  Commerical Forest = 310 million hectares  Forest Fires Area = 3 million hectares /year  Harvest Area = 2 million hectares /year in any one year  Area Planted = 0.5 million hectares in any one year HOW MUCH FOREST? What proportion do we cut?

17 3 different methods to remove and re-grow the forest

18 Logging Methods

19  Removes all of the trees  Good for flat areas that naturally have fires  Remove Trees, Burn slash, spread the ash, plant seedlings that can grow a new forest  Re-plant seedlings from selected stock that grow fast and large.

20  Cut medium sized trees only  Leave CANOPY (Shelter) intact to supply natural seed and provide shelter from elements

21  Cut Old, Mature, diseased or desirable trees  Seed can come from mid size trees that are left

22 Link

23 1)Lumber and 2)Pulp and Paper

24  Quebec and Ontario are the top 2 provinces. Paper, cardboard, newsprint and raw wood pulp are the main products.  Canada is largest exporter of Pulp and Paper in the world. Softwood trees are processed.

25 Link

26  Includes wood for furniture, floors and building.  This is can be softwood or hardwood.  British Columbia is the largest Lumber province.

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28 1) Acid Rain comes from industry and makes soil acidic. Trees grow poorly or die. This is a big problem in Ontario and Quebec

29 2) Pests include, Spruce Budworm, Pine Bark Beetle, Tent Caterpillar, and Gypsy Moth. Much money and effort is spent to stop tree losses. Some foresters argue that they remove less trees than what they have saved from pests.

30 3) Fire destroys close to 3 million hectares per year. 50% of these are caused by people.

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