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Institutional REDD+ MRV framework Workshop for developing a roadmap for an Ethiopian national REDD+ MRV framework.

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Presentation on theme: "Institutional REDD+ MRV framework Workshop for developing a roadmap for an Ethiopian national REDD+ MRV framework."— Presentation transcript:

1 Institutional REDD+ MRV framework Workshop for developing a roadmap for an Ethiopian national REDD+ MRV framework

2 Institutional framework  A strong institutional set up and the establishment and maintenance of partnership and cooperation on all levels as enabling framework  Coordination and integration of national datasets through a high-level national technical committee accompanied and development of a national data management system and infrastructure  Sustain internal and national communication mechanisms  A framework for involving all relevant national stakeholders involved in MRV and REDD implementation and mechanisms to ensure transparent and open exchange and management of data streams  Need for engagement with local and international community  Clarity on roles and responsibilities

3 Institutional framework REDD+ MRV: components  MRV coordination / links to REDD+ policy/implementation  National data management infrastructure  NFM/MRV monitoring – remote sensing  NFM/MRV monitoring – forest inventories  NFM/MRV analysis and estimation  REDD+ international reporting (IPCC)  NFM/MRV local-national interaction  NFM/MRV training – capacity building  NFM/MRV research – continuous improvements  Define roles and responsibilities!

4 REDD+ MRV coordination component A high-level national coordination and cooperation REDD+ MRV unit could: ● Link forest carbon MRV system to the national policy for REDD+ ● Specify and oversee roles, responsibilities and co- benefits, and other monitoring efforts ● Coordinate national datasets, national data infrastructure ● Engage local level and integrate local data streams (quality control, consistency) ● Coordinate MRV components ● National REDD+ reporting

5 Relevant organisations for MRV (... R-PP) OrganisationFull nameTaskMRV expertise REPAs Regional environmental protection agencies Sub-national or regional level monitoring reporting, verification of sustainable forest management and compliance with and enforcement of policies, strategies and regulations capacity need assessment has to be conducted BoARD Bureaux of Agriculture and Rural Development Sustainable forest managementLand Administration Unit MoME Ministry of Mines and Energy Sustainable energy supply Involved in the first phase of WBISPP project, specifically in the energy component. MoWR Ministry of Water Resources River basin management Expertise on land cover (forests) within river basins MoAMinistry of Agriculture Formulation, compliance support, monitoring, reporting, verification of sustainable forest management and related national policies, strategies and regulations. REDD coordinator MRV unit with medium level (as defined in this document) GIS and Remote Sensing experience FEPA Environmental Protection Authority National data integration for IPCC estimation and reporting National GHG inventory, National communcation, international reporting EMA Ethiopian Mapping Agency Main mapping centre using GIS and Remote Sensing in Ethiopia Main topographic mapping centre Medium level (as defined in this document) GIS and Remote Sensing expertise EWCAEthiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority Management of national parks & wildlife sanctuaries No GIS and Remote Sensing Expertise

6 Relevant organisations for MRV (R-PP) OrganisationFull nameTaskMRV expertise CSACentral Statistics AuthorityNational statistics centre Remote Sensing experience on census unit area mapping FRC - EARI Forestry Research Centre - Ethiopian Agricultural Research Institute Main expertise centre on forest research Forest inventories IBC Institute of Biodiversity Conservation Main expertise centre on biodiversity Inventories and conservation of plant, animal and microbial biodiversity MUMekelle University Dryland agriculture and biodiversity Woody biomass inventories WGCF Wondo Genet College of Forestry Forestry researchExpertise in forest inventory HoAREC Horn of Africa Regional Environment Center Promote agroforestry Rehabilitation of degraded areas Land cover mapping ISD, Farm- Africa/ SOS Sahel Ethiopia Institute of Sustainable Development, Farm-Africa/ SOS Sahel Ethiopia Bale Mountains Eco Region Sustainable Management Project (ERSMP) Includes land cover mapping, forest inventories and carbon accounting studies FZSFrankfurt Zoological Society Bale Mountains National Park (BMNP) project Includes land cover mapping, forest inventories and carbon accounting studies CSO at each Woreda Varies Unlikely to have any, will have to be trained NGO supporting each Woreda, if found Varies Unlikely to have any, will have to be trained

7 Involving the local level 1.REDD+ is a national process (policy and performance) but needs to work on the local level 2.In many countries, national level REDD+ implementation & monitoring benefits from direct engagement of local actors and community 3.For Ethiopia: ●Participatory forest monitoring framework ●Several local REDD+ related studies (data, experiences, capacities) ●Need for demonstration activities 4.Develop local >< national integration as win-win situation

8 Community-based monitoring Local experts / communities can provide important data streams: ● Signalling forest change and human activity ● Forest inventory measurements ● Revisit time and long-term monitoring ● As independent data sources

9 Issues of Community-based monitoring  Importance varies depending on national priorities  Data issues: ● Spatially constraint (local!) ● Data quality ● Data credibility ● Data consistency ● Requires validation and quality control  Need to develop synergy among national and community based monitoring

10 National- level MRV International reporting Local & community- based monitoring National priorities and strategies for local REDD+ implementation National datasets and streams for local use Capacity development and revenue stream (for MRV) MRV guidance & standards National data infrastructure and quality control of local measurements Monitoring of leakage National priorities and strategies for local REDD+ implementation National datasets and streams for local use Capacity development and revenue stream (for MRV) MRV guidance & standards National data infrastructure and quality control of local measurements Monitoring of leakage REDD+ participation and safeguards Local data collection as input to national monitoring (forest inventory, regular and near- real time tracking of forest change events) Performance reporting (long- term) for local implementation activities Independent data sources for validation purposes REDD+ participation and safeguards Local data collection as input to national monitoring (forest inventory, regular and near- real time tracking of forest change events) Performance reporting (long- term) for local implementation activities Independent data sources for validation purposes

11 Higher education and research institutes  NFM/MRV is in hand of mandated governmental institutions  Organizations, universities and research centers  Conduct/support research on key issues to fill data and knowledge gaps  Main driver for continuous improvement in NFM/MRV  Long-term role in capacity building and training  Framework for participation, scientific advice and (inter)national partnering (e.g. through technical and scientific advisory group)

12 Session 10: Breakout groups Institutions and stakeholders 1.National institutional framework for REDD+ MRV 2.Strategies for community and local participation 3.Involvement of higher education and research institutes

13 1. Institutional framework MRV Objective: develop institutional framework for MRV and steps to achieve this. With specific focus on:  Clarify roles and responsibilities for different REDD+ MRV components  REDD+ MRV coordination and cooperation mechanism  National data management system and infrastructure  Involvement of relevant stakeholders in MRV and REDD implementation, with consideration of multi-sector (drivers!) partnerships and engagement with local and international community

14 2. Strategies for community participation Objective: explore how, when and where to involve local experts/expertise in NFM/MRV activities: discuss the role, opportunities mechanisms of local actors in REDD and MRV and defined capacity development needs and next steps

15 3. Involvement of higher education and research institutes Objective: discuss how to involve and support research org. on key issues, and how to build long-term partnerships/research priorities with research/training organizations: ● Define role of higher education and research institutions in REDD+ monitoring, capacity building and continuous improvements ● Thematic foci and areas of engagements ● Identify relevant organizations and research partners ● Outline priorities and next steps to take

16 Session 10: Breakout groups Institutions and stakeholders 1.National institutional framework for REDD+ MRV 2.Strategies for community and local participation 3.Involvement of higher education and research institutes

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