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Le transport An introduction to vocabulary original idea by L. Coombes.

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Presentation on theme: "Le transport An introduction to vocabulary original idea by L. Coombes."— Presentation transcript:

1 le transport An introduction to vocabulary original idea by L. Coombes

2 Voici un train.

3 Voici un bus

4 Voici un ferry

5 Voici un avion

6 Voici un auto

7 Voici un helicoptère

8 Voici un vèlo

9 Voici un camion

10 How soon can you spot what it is? Voici....

11 Whats missing?

12 Whats missing now?

13 Whats missing this time?

14 And this time?

15 Bon effort!

16 Which words have the on sound? Which words end with an o sound?

17 French trains Whats the same or different?

18 French buses. What do you notice?

19 Anyone been on a ferry? What was it like?

20 Some airlines which fly to France Anyone been on a plane?

21 Recognise these cars? Do you know what they have in common?

22 The French use helicopters a lot for mountain rescues.

23 Lorries in France or England? Which clues give it away?

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