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Innovation in Nutritional Treatment for Dysphagia

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Presentation on theme: "Innovation in Nutritional Treatment for Dysphagia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Innovation in Nutritional Treatment for Dysphagia
Thérèse Dufresne, RD Introduction: Welcome… Objective of session: introduction to an innovation developed and manufac tured in Canada. An advanced technology, unique in the world (according to context) ackowledge the leadership and vision of this Centre for the decision to offer this revolutionary treatment

2 Prophagia : a network of strategic alliances
Synergy : together, we go faster & further Convergence of mission : quality of nutritional care for the Hospital client and LTC Resident Complementarity of compentencies Prophagia is a spin off of St.Anne’s Hospital, the Veterans Hospital in Montreal that created Epikura Prophagia’s mission is to develop technologies dedicated to the treatment of dysphagia Prophagia’s business model is to network with partners who have complementatry competencies in order to achieve its goals faster and better 2

3 Our client Scientific Partner Research Partners Sainte.Anne’s Hospital
McGill University Prophagia was created at Ste.Anne.s Hospital in year 2000 It is a firm which sole mission is to develop innovative technologies dedicated to the nutritional treatment of dysphagia, such as controlled texture foods (solids and liquids), and diagnostic tools. It’s first partner was Ste.Anne’s Hospital, Veterans Affairs Canada where theResearch Program started the early ’90’ies. This Hospital has 460 residents, of which 180 suffer from dysphagia. Ste.Anne’s has been recognized for the excellence of its dysphagia programme The School of Human Nutrition and Depatment of Food Science of McGill University contribute to the clinical studies and to the analysis of texture, called rheology. McGill’s food texture lab is probably the best in Cananda Technology Partner 3

4 Outline Overview of Dysphagia General Overview Prevalence Consequence
Epikura : a Novel Treatment for Dysphagia Background History Results Introduction to Food Rheology Texture Parameters Application to Nutritional Treatment of Dysphagia

5 Dysphagia dys = difficulty phagein = eat
Oral Phase - Preparatory - Transport Pharyngial Phase Oesophagial Phase from: ME Groher, Dysphagia: Diagnosis and Management 5

6 Over 50 nerves and arteries

7 Over 45 muscles

8 Etiology of Dysphagia Neurogenic Inadequate dentition Psychiatric
Dementia Multiple Sclerosis CVA - Strokes Muscular Dystrophy Parkinson’s Disease Alzheimer’s Disease Huntington’s Disease Inadequate dentition Psychiatric Depression Iatrogenic Conditions Medication Induced Injury Chemotherapy Radiotherapy

9 Sainte.Anne’s Dysphagic Population per Diagnostic
April 2005 – March 2006

10 Prevalence of Dysphagia
from: ME Groher, Dysphagia: Diagnosis and Management Acute Care Setting:  30 to 35% Chronic Care:  35 to 75% In Canada: 400,000 dysphagic persons 98,200 institutionalized dysphagic persons

11 Traditional Modified Texture Diet
Unappealing Diluted (↓nutrients, ↓taste) Unrecognizable No quantification nor standardization of texture No demonstrated efficiency to treat dysphagia 11

12 Consequences of dysphagia
Slow eating Choking Fear to eat or drink Reduced food intake Undernutrition, frailness, decreased quality of life, decreased autonomy, increased infections, pneumopathies and cost of care 12

13 A Revolution in the Nutritional Treatment of Dysphagia
The Joy of Eating back on the menu! 40 main entrees Normal looking Minced & Pureed Meats, poultry & fish Pasta 13

14 Epikura’s Fresh Tasting Veggies
10 Vegetables Cooked & Raw Puréed 14

15 Epikura’s Sweetness 9 Cakes 6 Fruits Puréed 15

16 Tasting Break Awareness of 3 phases of swallowing Dysphagic swallow
Food Descriptors - Compaction vs aeration Particle size Cohesiveness Adhesivene Syneresis Taste profile: intensity of flavours

17 Randomized Clinical Study 1999 (n=17)
A Demonstrated Efficacy (Germain et al, JADA, Oct. 2006) Randomized Clinical Study 1999 (n=17) The BMI of the Treated Subjects increases from 22 to 24 in 12 weeks while the BMI of Control Subjects remains low 17

18 For the Joy of eating and a taste af life!
Before: 60 kg After : 82 kg 18

19 A Unique Technology which offers:
Something for every taste, every day Offers the dysphagic clientèle a balanced and varied diet Competitive prices Fresh food, pure ingredient Handy frozen individual portions 19

20 Implementation Support
Expert Team Consulting and training 20

21 Objectives and Indicators
consumption of meals served (or food intake: protein, energy, …) variety of foods consumed weights (BMI) and nutritional status of residents meal appreciation by patients 21

22 Strategy, steps and calendar
Impact analysis Identification of operational needs equipements procedures, recipes, menus, … Communications Operation team Admin and multi team Nursing team 22

23 Now available for the Canadian Health Centres

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