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10/13/2011 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2010 1 Standard Form. Vocabulary: standard form x -intercept.

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Presentation on theme: "10/13/2011 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2010 1 Standard Form. Vocabulary: standard form x -intercept."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/13/2011 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2010 1 Standard Form. Vocabulary: standard form x -intercept

2 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2010 2 Learning Target Graph Lines Target 3a I can graph a linear function written in standard form, and horizontal and vertical lines. Linear Equations Target 3b I can convert an equation from slope- intercept to standard form, and from standard form to slope intercept form.

3 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2010 3 LaunchLaunch Make a table of values for

4 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2010 4 ExploreExplore

5 5 Read this problem. The choir held 2 concerts to raise money to go to the regional competition. The choir needs to raise $1450 for transportation, meals and hotels. They charged for tickets on the night of the concert $7, but $5 for tickets bought in advance. How many tickets to they need to sell to raise enough money to go to the regional competition?

6 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2010 6 Identify the two variables in this problem. Which variable is dependent? Choir Competition

7 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2010 7 In this situation there is not an independent and dependent relationship. There are two unknowns in this problem. Let x = number of tickets sold in advance. Let y = number of tickets sold on the night of the concert. Write an equation that you can use to solve the problem. Choir Competition

8 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 8 Look at the equations you wrote. Are any in slope-intercept form ? This equation _________________________ is written in standard form. Choir Competition

9 The equations 4 x – 3 y = 12 and 2 x + 5 y = 10 are both written in standard form. As a team, create your own description of equations written in standard form.

10 Take a guess… yes no I) II) III) IV) Write your own description of standard form.

11 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2010 11 Back to our problem. The choir held 2 concerts to raise money to go to the regional competition. The choir needs to raise $1450 for transportation, meals and hotels. They charged for tickets on the night of the concert $7, but $5 for tickets bought in advance. How many tickets to they need to sell to raise enough money to go to the regional competition? Choir Competition

12 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2011 12 One equation you might have used to solve this problem is 5 x + 7 y = 1450 Find an algebraic solution. Find a graphical solution. Choir Competition

13 Find a shortcut for graphing equations in standard form. I. 4 x + 5 y = 40 II. 3 x – 4 y = 12 III. 2 x + 7 y = 28 IV. -3 x – 5 y = 15 Graph 3 of them.

14 Placemat ©Evergreen Public Schools 2010 14 What steps do you take to graph an equation written in standard form? Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 Name 4

15 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2010 15 Learning Target Did you hit the targets? Graph Lines Target 3a I can graph a linear function written in standard form, and horizontal and vertical lines. Linear Equations Target 3b I can convert an equation from slope-intercept to standard form, and from standard form to slope intercept form.

16 ©Evergreen Public Schools 2010 16 Practice Graphing Lines in Standard Form

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