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ECE 5900:Joint Villanova/UNI course: Developing Technologies for Rural Nicaraguans P. Singh, E. Dougherty and J. Klingler Villanova University, Villanova,

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Presentation on theme: "ECE 5900:Joint Villanova/UNI course: Developing Technologies for Rural Nicaraguans P. Singh, E. Dougherty and J. Klingler Villanova University, Villanova,"— Presentation transcript:

1 ECE 5900:Joint Villanova/UNI course: Developing Technologies for Rural Nicaraguans P. Singh, E. Dougherty and J. Klingler Villanova University, Villanova, PA USA and Maria Virginia Moncada Universidad Nacional de Ingenieria, Managua, Nicaragua 1 2014 ASEE International Forum, June 14, 2014

2 Course Schedule DateTopic Jan. 14Introduction/Course Overview/ Nicaragua: Geography, Culture, History and Socio-economic Analysis 21Energy, Environment and Telecommunications Sectors in Nicaragua 28Introduction to Entrepreneurship Feb. 4Current sustainable development programs in Nicaragua 11Current sustainable development programs in Nicaragua (cont’d) 18The design process 25Customer needs/identification/interviewing process March 4SPRING BREAK in Nicaragua 11Project proposal development 18Project proposal development (cont’d) 25Project proposal development (cont’d) April 1Project proposal development (cont’d) 8Project proposal development (cont’d) 15Draft Oral Presentation due 22Final Oral Presentation 29Final Written Proposal due 2

3 3 Geography Pritpal Singh, Maria Moncada Main Activities Topic 1: Nicaragua: Geography, Culture, History and Socio-economic Analysis

4 4 Pritpal Singh, Maria Moncada Electricity production 1992-2010 (Source:INE) Topic 2: Energy, Environment and Telecommunications Sectors in Nicaragua

5 Idea vs. Opportunity What are these women doing? Do you have any ideas that might help them? Is there a problem? Topic 3: Introduction to Entrepreneurship

6 ProyectoBombeo Solar para riego por goteo. LugarDepartamento de Chontales. Tipo de proyectoSolar Fotovoltaico. DescripciónInstalación de 28 sistemas de riego por goteo con bomba accionada por energía solar. El área es aproximadamente de 1 acre y se obtienen producción de maíz, calala, papaya, tomate y otras hortalizas. Topic 4: Current sustainable development programs in Nicaragua

7 Pritpal Singh, Maria Moncada7 General Method User Centered UNDERSTAND SYNTHESIZE IDEATE PROTOTYPE TEST OBSERVE Topic 5: The design process


9 9 Joint VU/UNI Final Projects Selected Tele-health project (1VU, 2UNI) Solar Charge Controller (1VU, 1UNI) Remote Internet Access for School (4VU, 2UNI) Baby Incubator (3VU, 1UNI)

10 Next Semester ECE 4970/1Senior Design Project Course EGEN 4500Sustainable Business Models for Base of the Pyramid Customers 10

11 Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support for this course development provided by a grant from the National Collegiate Inventors and Innovators Alliance (NCIIA). 11

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