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KVN Single-dish Test Observations of the KVN Yonsei telescope at 22/43 GHz - Performance of KVN Yonsei telescope at 22/43GHz Sang-Sung Lee March 18, 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "KVN Single-dish Test Observations of the KVN Yonsei telescope at 22/43 GHz - Performance of KVN Yonsei telescope at 22/43GHz Sang-Sung Lee March 18, 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 KVN Single-dish Test Observations of the KVN Yonsei telescope at 22/43 GHz - Performance of KVN Yonsei telescope at 22/43GHz Sang-Sung Lee March 18, 2009 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop

2 KVN Collaboration  Do-Young Byun – Field System management  Do-Heung Je – Receiver System management  Seog-Tae Han – Quasi Optics management  Tomoharu Kurayama – DAS management  Se-Jin Oh – DAS and Clock System management  Kee-Tae Kim, Bong Won Sohn – Observation plan  Advisors: Hyunsoo Chung, Se-Hyung Cho, Duk-Gyoo Roh, Chang Hoon Lee, Bong Gyu Kim

3 KVN Outline  Introduction  Test observations of KVN  Goals of single-dish test observations  Observations and results  System setup  First light and Simultaneous observations  Pointing model at 22GHz  Beam alignment measurements  Aperture Efficiencies  Discussion  Outlook

4 KVN Introduction  Test observations of KVN in 2007-2009  100-GHz Acceptance observations (K. T. Kim’s talk)  Single-dish test observations at 22/43GHz (This talk)  VLBI test observations btw KVN-VERA (B. W. Sohn’s talk)  Goals of single-dish test observations  Performance test of KVN telescopes at 22, 43, 86 and 129GHz Pointing model Aperture efficiencies  Feasibility test of multi-frequency simultaneous observations Beam alignment measurements (S. T. Han’s talk) Instrumental phase stability measurements (D. H. Je’s poster)

5 KVN Receiver Cabin System setup Observation Building 43 GHz FE 22 GHz FE Down Converter Receiver systemDASClockField system GUI Control PC 1 pps Distributor 100 MHz Distributor 10 MHz Distributor 10 MHz Distributor 1 pps Distributor 5 MHz 10 MHz 100 MHz 1 pps 1.4 GHz Clock System H-maser GPS Digital O/E WDM Optical MUX Digital E/O Sampler WDM Optical DMUX Digital Spectro- meter Mark5B DIR-1000 Digital Filters Down Converter Sampler

6 KVN First lights of KVN Yonsei telescope 22GHz First light from H 2 O masers in W49N at 22GHz on Aug. 30 2008 Digital spectrometer with wideband mode BW = 512MHz

7 KVN First lights of KVN Yonsei telescope 43GHz First light from SiO masers in Orion KL at 43GHz on Aug. 31 2008 Digital spectrometer with narrow band mode 1 BW = 256MHz

8 KVN Simultaneous observations at 22/43 GHz of KVN Yonsei telescope Simultaneous observations at 22/43GHz for thermal emission (Venus) on Oct. 6 2008 Two power-streams at 22 and 43 GHz while OTF scanning Venus

9 KVN Simultaneous observations at 22/43 GHz of KVN Yonsei telescope Simultaneous observations at 22/43GHz for maser emission (Orion KL) on Oct. 8 2008

10 KVN Pointing model at 22 GHz Six maser sources : W49N, OrionKL, VY CMa, WB755, W3OH, Cep A Observations on Sep. 10-17 2008 RMS error of the pointing model : 4” in AZ, 5” in EL

11 KVN 22/43GHz beam alignment measurements  Goals: 7" of beam offsets btw 22/43GHz  10% of FWHM (70") at 129GHz  Beam alignment measurements @ K/Q bands Jupiter  Beam offset from 1 st measurement (Jupiter): (∆AZ, ΔEL)=(1.6", 22")(∆AZ, ΔEL)=(1.6", 22") @ 30° in EL Orion KLNo dependency on EL (found by observing Orion KL with FIVE Points) Adjusting Rx-direction by 2 degrees on the Rx plate Jupiter  Beam offset from 2 nd measurement (Jupiter): (ΔAZ, ΔEL)=(1.6", -2.9")(ΔAZ, ΔEL)=(1.6", -2.9") @ 30° in EL Within pointing accuracy of 5" and our goal of 7 " Orion KL  Beam offsets from 3 rd measurement (Orion KL): at various ELs of 14 ° ~ 47 ° with the optimized sub-reflector model (, )=(4.2", -0.6")(, )=(4.2", -0.6")

12 KVN Beam offsets from 3rd measurement (Orion KL): H2O masers (at 22 GHz) and SiO maser (at 43GHz) at various ELs of 14 ° ~ 47 ° and various AZs of 90 ° ~ 210 ° with the optimized sub-reflector model (, )=(4.2", -0.6")

13 KVN Aperture efficiencies Frequencies Planets Aperture eff. (%) EL (°) HPBW (“) T B (K) 22GHzJupiter6430LPF2140134+-4* Venus6830LPF2140505+-25** 43GHzJupiter64.430LPF270150*** Venus68.832LPF270450+-32*** * : Page et al. 2003 ApJS 148, 39 ** : Butler et al. 2001 Icarus 154, 226 *** : Greve et al. 1994 A&A 286, 654 Sub-reflector was optimized in position. Aperture efficiencies are values of single measurements.

14 KVN Discussion and Outlook  Discussion  Why is the beam offsets btw K/Q dependant in AZ of observations? Position difference of H2O and SiO masers in Orion KL? –(05 35 14.1 -05 22 37.5), (05 35 14.5 -05 22 30.5) System deformation in AZ but not in EL? Uncertainty of position of Orion KL?

15 KVN Discussion and Outlook  Outlook  Receivers at 22/43GHz taken down after the observations.  100-GHz acceptance tests done for KVN YS.  Receivers at 22/43GHz set up again on Feb. 2009  need to confirm the results from the previous observations  Beam alignment test for planet revisited (S. T. Han’s talk)  Beam alignment test for Orion KL to be revisited  Double check of pointing model to be done  Polarization characteristic should be measured  Gain curve measurements  After confirming all the characteristics, we will start single-dish observations of KVN Yonsei.

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