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Key Club Positions & Duties Presented by: CNH| Updated by: Policy, Int’l Business & Elections Committee 2012-2013 Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club District August.

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Presentation on theme: "Key Club Positions & Duties Presented by: CNH| Updated by: Policy, Int’l Business & Elections Committee 2012-2013 Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club District August."— Presentation transcript:

1 Key Club Positions & Duties Presented by: CNH| Updated by: Policy, Int’l Business & Elections Committee 2012-2013 Cali-Nev-Ha Key Club District August 2012 CNH | K E Y C L U B

2 Training Topic: Key Club Positions & Duties The Key Club Structure and Elected Offices Available Club Division District International President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Editor Lieutenant Governor Governor, Secretary. Treasurer, Editor President Vice President Trustees *The Key Club structure is an inverted triangle because all officers are elected to serve the members who make up this organization. Members are always at the top. CNH| CNH Key Club District | Key Club International

3 Offices at the Club Level CNH| Training Topic: Key Club Positions & Duties CNH Key Club District | Key Club International

4 President Duties Serve as the club’s chief executive officer Preside over club meetings and activities Assist fellow officers and communicate with members Represent the club at Division Council Meetings, training conferences, and Kiwanis meetings Provide service projects for the members Set feasible goals for the year Recruit members into Key Club Conduct elections for the next year and train the president-elect Vice President Duties Preside over meetings in the absence of the president Be familiar with the roles of the all officers—be ready to help them Assist the president in all ways possible Attend Division Council Meetings, all club and board meetings Have extensive knowledge about Key Club to educate the members Take initiative to lead, serve, and represent Train the next vice president for the next term *There may be more than one vice president in a club, with each having a specific area of focus. CNH| Training Topic: Key Club Positions & Duties CNH Key Club District | Key Club International

5 Secretary Duties Keep organized records and paperwork for the club Record member attendance at meetings Maintain accurate meeting minutes for club and board meetings Work with the treasurer to compile and update the club roster Submit a Monthly Report Form (MRF) to the Lt. Governor, Faculty Advisor, Region advisor, and Kiwanis advisor each month on time Record the service hours performed by the members Training the secretary-elect on the roles of a secretary Treasurer Duties Maintain accurate financial records of deposits and expenses for the club Collect and send dues to the International Office Update club information on the Membership Center with the secretary Communicate with school administration for deposits and writing checks Prepare a club budget for board approval Keep track of all receipts for reimbursements and payments Have a faculty advisor oversee all handling of monies Organize fundraisers for the club and charities Train and pass on financial records to the next treasurer Editor Duties Be familiar with Key Club Graphic Standards Create a monthly newsletter to provide the club with information Take pictures at club events and meetings Submit articles and visuals for the district newsletter Publicize the club through fliers, posters, and other media Follow appropriate guidelines for promotion on social networks Update and maintain a club website Notify members of upcoming events Train the editor-elect on graphic standards and network etiquette CNH| Training Topic: Key Club Positions & Duties CNH Key Club District | Key Club International

6 Steps to Running for Club Office BEE a paid member of your Key Club. Figure out which position you can commit to and ask current officers about the elections process (varies from club to club). Prepare a speech for the election and be ready to answer questions! Resources CNH Cyberkey: President’s Reflector: Vice-Presidents’ Reflector: Secretaries’ Reflector: http :// Treasurers’ Reflector: Editors’ Reflector: CNH| Training Topic: Key Club Positions & Duties CNH Key Club District | Key Club International

7 Offices at the Division Level CNH| Training Topic: Key Club Positions & Duties CNH Key Club District | Key Club International

8 Lieutenant Governor The Lieutenant Governor (LTG) leads all the clubs in the division and serves as the liaison between the division and the district. S/he is also a district board member. Duties Complete at least 50 hours of community service Send in monthly reports on the 10 th of each month and publications on the 20 th of each month Host at least 8 Division Council Meetings Publish at least 10 newsletters to the district Serve and communicate with the clubs in the division, promoting membership growth Assist clubs with on-time dues payment Make club visitations Hold Officer Training Conference, Region Training Conference, and Conclave during the term Complete assigned district committee work Attend all board meetings and District Conventions Work with the region team and region advisor(s) CNH| Training Topic: Key Club Positions & Duties CNH Key Club District | Key Club International

9 Steps to Running for Lieutenant Governor 1)Declare your intention to run for the office and contact your current Lieutenant Governor. 2)Register for and attend Candidate Training Conference (CTC) at the nearest location to learn more about the roles of a LTG and the election process. 3)Complete the online registration form on the CNH Cyberkey. 4)Complete the “Lt. Governor’s Service Agreement” with the needed signatures. Send it to Mr. Bruce Hennings and Region Advisor at least a week before conclave. Failure to do so will result in the inability to run for Lt. Governor. 5)Ask for endorsement from your home club. 6)Create a literature (2 one-sided pages or 1 two-sided page) for campaigning. It should describe your qualifications and platform. Other forms of campaigning will result in disqualification. 7)Prepare for a speech and be ready to answer questions at your region/division conclave. Dress to impress! Resources For more information, visit: -> officers -> running for office CNH| Training Topic: Key Club Positions & Duties CNH Key Club District | Key Club International

10 Offices at the District Level CNH| Training Topic: Key Club Positions & Duties CNH Key Club District | Key Club International

11 Governor Duties Create agendas for district board meetings Publish at least 10 monthly newsletters to District Board and at least 4 newsletters for presidents Train and assist the district board members Appoint committee chairs and assist the committees Attend District Board meetings, District Convention, Governor/Administrator Training Conference, Kiwanis and Circle K conventions Work and communicate with the District Administrator at least 3 times a month Encourage club/membership growth and dues payments The governor oversees the operation of the entire CNH district. Secretary The secretary maintains the CNH district’s records. Duties Publish at least 10 monthly newsletters to District Board and at least 3 newsletters for secretaries Present a secretary’s workshop at District Convention Send out district board meetings minutes to District Board and Kiwanis International Office within 15 days of the meeting Compile a club officer directory Present a secretary’s report at district board meetings Attend secretary’s forum at International Convention, District Convention, and board meetings CNH| Training Topic: Key Club Positions & Duties CNH Key Club District | Key Club International

12 TreasurerEditor Duties Present accurate financial and dues report to the District Board Publish at least 10 monthly newsletters to District Board and at least 3 newsletters for treasurers Notify delinquent clubs of their status Send a district convention report within 30 days of District Convention to Kiwanis International Office Attend District Board meetings, District Convention, treasurer’s forum at International Convention Give a treasurer’s report at board meetings Duties Publish at least 5 articles of correspondence to District Board Publish at least 3 newsletters to clubs, with at least one covering District and International Conventions Be well-versed in the Key Club Graphic Standards Send out district board meetings minutes to District Board and Kiwanis International Office within 15 days of the meeting Assign officers to write for publications Present an editor's report at district board meetings Attend editor’s forum at International Convention, District Convention, and board meetings The treasurer keeps track of the finances of the CNH District.The editor shares news and promotes CNH district events. CNH| Training Topic: Key Club Positions & Duties CNH Key Club District | Key Club International

13 Steps to Running for District Office 1)Register for District Office Candidate Training Conference and complete the CTC Registration Form. Attend CTC at the District Office. 2)Complete the online registration form on the CNH Cyberkey. 3)Complete the “District Officer Service Agreement” with the needed signatures. Send it to Mr. Bruce Hennings through email, fax, or mail. 4)Ask for endorsement from your division. 5)Complete the CNH Candidate Basic Profile Online Questionnaire. Create a one page literature as campaigning material. 6)Prepare a speech and be ready for questions at Caucus sessions and the House of Delegates at District Convention. Resources For more information, visit: -> officers -> running for office -> lead -> become a leader -> lead at the district or divisional level CNH| Training Topic: Key Club Positions & Duties CNH Key Club District | Key Club International

14 Offices at the International Level CNH| Training Topic: Key Club Positions & Duties CNH Key Club District | Key Club International

15 President Duties Serve as chief executive of Key Club International and oversees activities Preside over International Convention and meetings of the Board of Trustees Represent Key Club International Vice President Duties Preside over meetings and perform the president’s duties in the absence of the president Chair at least one international committee Complete duties assigned by the Board of Trustees or the President Trustees (11) Help define Key Club International policies Be the liaison between district leaders and International Board of Trustees for at least 2 districts Serve in an International Committee CNH| Training Topic: Key Club Positions & Duties CNH Key Club District | Key Club International

16 Steps to Running for International Office 1)Register for District Office Candidate Training Conference and complete the CTC Registration Form. Attend CTC at the District Office. 2)Complete the online registration form on the CNH Cyberkey. 3)Complete the “International Endorsement Service Agreement” with the needed signatures. Send it to Mr. Bruce Hennings through email, fax, or mail. 4)Prepare for district endorsement at District Convention. If the district endorses you, you can proceed on to International Convention. 5)Find a campaign manager who can provide opinions and support. 6)Prepare a speech and be ready for questions at the Nomination Conference (if applicable) and House of Delegates at International Convention. Resources For more information, visit: -> officers -> running for office -> lead -> leadership structure -> international level CNH| Training Topic: Key Club Positions & Duties CNH Key Club District | Key Club International

17 Questions? CNH| Training Topic: Key Club Positions & Duties CNH Key Club District | Key Club International

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